War Conflict Between Iraq And The United States
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Human rights are marked with respect, equality, equity to generate peace of, not violate the rights of people as abuse, deception, contemptions that generate conflict situations.
The entire world has reacted with indignation from human rights violations committed by US troops in Iraq, making its presence in the Iraqi country around five times in the time of conflict between these countries, taking into account the economic interest of the economic interest that the country through oil. (Mesa & González Bustelo, 2004)
The United States is a world power to exercise a lot of power among the other countries I have the constant need to economically control oil being a natural source and the main reason why the United States intervened in Iraq and the wars generated by the need for that natural wealth.
It is important to recognize that the United States has their own interests regardless of whether conflicts end up in wars without seeking peace and even violating human rights in armed conflicts, on the other hand, Iraq tends a little search for dialogue to avoid wars And it is probably for their religious beliefs. (Hernández Villalobos, 2008)
Iraq-United States conflict analysis from Burton and Galtung’s perspective
From Burton’s aspect about the analysis of the conflict between Iraq-United States they lie in ideological needs, which has the United States and I have the obligation to be violent but also violating human rights for their economic interest.
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(Kelh, 1993)
The United States through their history to initiated wars against Iraq for political and economic interest, they have not conversations with the Iraqis about basic human needs, such as deep causes of social conflict, responds to a current of speculation thinking, conservative attitude and self-defensive with which the whole of the richest countries usually face the socio-economic and political reality of the world and its own social reality.
From the expression of Galtung winner of a Nobel Peace Prize could be analyzed on the conflict between Iraq-United States from what the author of the type of violence, injustice, has criticized how risky the United States is, it is seen Not only with the right to violence, but the links of being violent.
Author Galtung refers to what author Daisaku Ikeda says “instead of looking at peace as the distant ideal, we have to act in a way that each step in his direction represents peace” (Calderón, 2009). At the author’s criteria in the conflict in studies of the countries that have been put above the personal and social benefits, the economic interests of the great powers, as well as the rivalries that operate among the great powers; The interests of people who are involved in this conflict have not apparently taken at any time, without assessing the deaths of thousands of unjustified people following the armed conflict, these countries enter these countries.
Galtung also raises a triangle of the conflict that is supposed to be three elements:
- Conflict or conflict situation. Persecution of objects, values, needs, interest.
- Behavioral aspect, is built on the attitudinal; Ease of adopting destructive behavior.
- Attitudinal, emotional, cognitive aspect.
Burton and Galtung also arrive at the same conclusions with the conflict which says cooperation will make the negative faded with violence in war being to the step to solutions. (Kelh, 1993)
Description of the conflict cycle of both countries
The military invasion in Iraq was action to take control of the oil resources of the Arab nation and to expand its geostrategy position in the Middle East. The Intervention of the United States for 13 years to take control of the oil zones, with the political objective of ensuring the supply of their country regardless of violating human rights causing many deaths.
During the terrorist attacks that the United States has tended such as the Pentagon and that of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, they were used as a pretext of the United States government to launch the intervention whatever the "fight against terrorism", then preceded by President George W. Bush that was a civil war.
The objective of the military operation was to take control of oil throughout the Iraq area, at the beginning of the month of March 2003 on the island of Azores in Portugal where the leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal were, Spain and Portugal, To confirm the invasion and set the date of the start of the air attack on the capital of Iraq (Baghdad).
In invading Iraq, the United States sought to control Iraqi oil to provide the solution for economic problems, thus strengthening its presence in the Middle East; Analysts have pointed out that despite the government of President Barack Obama when ordering the exit of all the troops in Iraq in 2009, the presence of US military forces to strengthen an allied government of geopolitical domain in the Middle East.
According to international analysts that the result was obvious the invasion was for natural resources regardless The nations cause the instability of the entire region and appropriate all mineral and oil resources that exist in all the East.
Then the fall of Sadam Husein in December 2003 and his death in December 30, 2006, the invasion of the Iraqi territory is proacting from 2003 to 2011 caused a civil war and the appearance of the terrorist group called “Islamic State” that expanded By Syria and Iraq.
According to the US Congress report. UU. Presented by Inspector Stuar Bowen in 2012 that seventy one billion dollars spent in the American occupation were spent, which Bowen said: "The money went like water in the area"; In October 2013, a study was carried out by Plos Medicine magazine for which it is argued that the total number of dead during the invasion in Iraq amounted to 460 thousand 800 people. (J. Lee, and others, 2006)
According to Hagopin that 405 thousand dead of the deceased 60 percent are causes of combat and the other 40 percent due to the collapse of basic services such as drinking water, transport, food, infrastructure, noise efforts and energy. (SINC, 2013)
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- Calderón, c. (2009). Johan Galtung confltos theory. Peace and Conflicts Magazine (2), 60-81. Retrieved on May 21, 2020, from https: // www.Redalyc.org/article.OA?ID = 205016389005
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- Kelh, s. (1993). Human needs and social conflict. Madrid, Spain: Divine Word.
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- Sinc. (2013). More than 460.000 people died for causes attributable to the Iraq war. Retrieved on May 21, 2020, from https: // www.Agenciesinc.It is/News/Mas-De-460.000-Personas-Muró-Por-Causas-Actriboubable-A-the-Guerra-de-Tak
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