Water Quality For Bovine Consumption
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In the last decade our waters are being affected worldwide for pollution. This confirmed by truthful sources, such as (United Nations Organization (UN), which states that pollutants constitute the main cause of water quality degradation in the world. Garbage, chemical waste, oil, plastics, organic remains, etc., are some of the main pollutants of this essential resource for life. Industrialization, the exponential growth of cities, excessive use of water in the agricultural sector, has not only influenced the decomposition of lakes and rivers, but has also led to the pollution of underground aquifers.
Landing at the local level, drought in the southern region of the Dominican Republic has caused it to be necessary to store large amounts of the precious liquid in order to subsist. A wide range of diseases which are transmitted by water have been viable due to the mismanagement of water resources. The livestock sector, specifically the bovine, is one of the main affected in the province of Peravia for aquífera pollution. Food consumption in cattle goes hand in hand with water consumption, as meat or milk production is altered as the quantity and sufficient quality of water are not available.
Because beef will limit food consumption which can seriously damage your health. Water quality affects some productive indicators (growth, fattening or lactation) or reproductive (pregnancy, weight of calves at birth, etc.
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), in different magnitudes depending on the levels and type of salts present. In all cases it causes important economic losses to the producer. At present, sensors are part of the Internet of Things (IoT) and telemetry, which among many things, allows remote measurement of physical magnitudes and its subsequent sending of information to the system operator, has long existed.
But the current and future evolution is due to three factors: Internet connection, cloud data storage and artificial intelligence, which allows analyzing and making decisions with that;These solutions are offered by IoT (Internet of Things) to measure, for example, soil and water pollution. However, livestock activity in the province of Peravia is old and rudimentary. The management of water quality control for cattle is currently almost null using purely manual resources and is not being optimized or supported by any technological resource.
If the inadequate management of the liquid the livestock sector could disappear due to the propagated diseases. The implementation of intelligent sensors in the control of the quality of the water of cattle could greatly help to help the livestock sector thus avoiding the diseases that are propagated by the water. How could water quality be controlled for cattle in the province of Peravia with the implementation of smart sensors? What external and internal factors are involved in the quality of the water consumed by cattle?How does water consumption relate to production in bovine livestock?
What systems are currently used to optimize the use of water stored in farms for bovine consumption? What would be the necessary infrastructure for the use of intelligent sensors in livestock? Propose the implementation of intelligent sensors as a measure of water quality control for bovine consumption in the province of Peravia, year 2019. Identify the external and internal factors involved in the quality of water consumed by cattle.Establish the relationship between water consumption and production in bovine livestock. Know what systems are currently used to optimize the use of water stored in farms for bovine consumption.
Analyze the necessary infrastructure for the use of intelligent sensors in livestock. Technology has allowed the human being to be constantly connected to everything around him, thus allowing processes that were previously tasks that required a high level of effort, and everything, from the comfort of his home or office. In livestock there are great technological advances in the process of implementation, in the Dominican Republic according to the official website of the (General Directorate of Livestock), it guides us through a publication of its blog with the title the traceability and animal health “modernization of theBovine Health in the Dominican Republic ".
In our country since 2014, bovine traceability is being used as a tool for the development of the agricultural sector, supporting the farmer identifying stolen animals, contributing to the decrease in economic losses. In this sense, the present research whose purpose is to propose the implementation of intelligent sensors as a measure of water quality control for cattle in the province of Peravia has as its main motivation the need that has been evidenced to monitor resources and liquid depositused in the livestock sector, which although the attempt to create the conditions making manual monitoring has been made.
They do not have technological resources for real -time monitoring. Water pollution, due to the mismanagement of resources, affects both meat and milk producers and consumers. On the other hand, through the use of knowledge and implementation of the IoT or Internet of things, specifically intelligent monitoring and control. Thus, this project contributes to the implementation of tools necessary to help farmers in search of solutions to pollution and management of diseases of water origin.
Allowing personally to create new significant knowledge and applying the technological knowledge acquired during the career in question. Physical-geographical space: The investigation will be carried out in the livestock farms of the municipalities of the province of Peravia which is limited to the north by the province of San José de Ocoa, to the east of the province of San Cristóbal, to the south of the Caribbean Sea and to the westThe province of Azua. TEMPORARY LIMIT: It is intended to take 2 months, starting in July 2019, hoping to finish it in August 2019. The time available to carry out the investigation is subject to working hours within the farms.
Its schedule is: Monday- Sunday: from 8:00 am 6:00 pm. Limit of the Universe, Population and Sample: According to the census carried out by the (National Statistics Office (ONE), in the country there are 115 thousand 578 productive units (farms) of which the 1.7% is represented by the province of Peravia. In the present study it will be taken as sample on 0.1% of the total of the province of Peravia. Theoretical limit: the sample of 0.1% correspond to a total of 19 farms which will be evaluated by means of observation in relation to the water quality control measures: Water acidity level measurement (pH), salinity, temperature, conductivity, andhardness, other elements will be taken into account.
It is beautiful that water is of good quality for cattle because this is an indispensable food. Excess salinity, pH, temperature, conductivity and hardness can be severely harmful to induce in the most extreme cases the death of the animal. In our visit to different farms in the municipality of Peravia we could see that the vast majority of farmers have identified and classified cattle. However, everyone uses mechanical methodology for the supply of bovine cattle without any quality control. Some take the cattle to the rivers, and channels, others with major economic possibilities extract the liquid directly from a well.
In the latter, the resource is taken to a tinaco through pipes, using a submersible pump, then it is deposited in a tank and from there it passes directly towards the drinkers of the cattle without any control and very hard, oriented by themfarmers.Taking into account the visualized inconveniences we can offer 3 possible solutions: propose the installation of a drinking water system directly received from the Valdesia dam. Propose the implementation of intelligent sensors as a measure of water quality control. Propose to create an application of registration and evaluation of the water resources available in Peravia to obtain drinking water.
We chose to propose the implementation of intelligent sensors as a measure of water quality control because it allows you to obtain data on the temperature, pH, conductivity, hardness and salinity of the liquid in real time using low energy consumption sensors helping both the immediate evaluation of qualityof water in order to determine the actions to be taken to efficient the use and consumption of the fluid avoiding diseases such as: bovine leptopyosis. Identify the external and internal factors involved in the quality of water consumed by cattle. Establish the relationship between water consumption and production in bovine livestock.
Know what systems are currently used to optimize the use of water stored in farms for bovine consumption. Analyze the necessary infrastructure for the use of intelligent sensors in livestock.Sell the solution. Identify tangible products, conceptual solution.The technological solution must cover all secondary objectives. Start with the consequence of the problem, analyze the solution, identify possible solutions. Theoretical framework and art state (taking into account the background, verifying if someone did something similar to the implementation of the technology applied to the control of water quality for cattle, Spain).
Fernández Mayer, A. (17 of 3 of 2017). Engormix. Retrieved on July 18, 2019, of water quality for beef.
United Nations Organization (UN). (22 of 10 of 2014). Water quality. Obtained from International Decade for Action ‘Water, Source of Life’.
General Directorate of Livestock. (September 19, 2018). Traceability and animal health "modernization of bovine health in the Dominican Republic".
National Statistics Office (ONE). (April 2016). VIII National Agricultural Census 2015. Retrieved on 27 of 07 of 2019.
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