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We Are In The 21st Century, Where Some Teachers Are Still Teaching


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We are in the 21st century, where some teachers are still teaching


We are in the 21st century, where some teachers are still teaching in the same way as we were educated;We stop at FRETE of a board to give a master class because this is the way we are used to and we feel comfortable in doing so, forgetting that:

The knowledge society claims the educational system creative people, with a critical spirit, with the ability to think, to learn to learn and to work as a team, aware of their own abilities and that in addition to having deep knowledge in a given area have a vision have a visionGeneral of the different problems that today’s society. Castiblanco Paiba, and others.


That is why I consider we must break these traditions and look for different ways of teaching by using technologies, thus contributing to the challenges that the Colombian educational system has which is to modify the curricular structures, organized today from thematic and focused on thematic contentpaper and pencil work, towards the search for intellectual development that incorporates computer technologies with a view to strengthening cognitive activities.

So I consider one of the ways to incorporate technology in the class classroom is through video games that are categorized as serious games which, as Gómez (2015) mentions:

“Ulcsak collects different definitions between 1868 and 2009 of serious games. After analyzing them, he concludes that there are no agreements in their definition.

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However, there is a consensus around that serious games must have a learning objective by an interactive “active” medium having some game element."

Through video games that have an objective, specific learning can be generated, allowing usThe use of mathematics is indispensable;Together with this, we develop social skills such as teamwork, creativity, innovation, skills among another.

By using technology in this case video games in the classroom are not simply breaking with that routine that we have generated for years;but we are assuming our responsibility in social change, facing new educational, reality curricular, social and cultural policies to fulfill the challenges that society is generating a newspaper.

Therefore, this proposal is for the creation and use of video games that allows us to generate teaching and learning within the mathematics area through the use of the build software which is a 2D game editor based on HTML5 developed by Scirra Ltd. For Windows, Linux, Android, Macos;Through which we can generate the creation of video games making use of the tools to drag and release this being easy for students, since it is not necessary to know how to program to use the software and create a video game.

Students from fifth to Onceavo Grade must create a series of video games with the aim of developing a specific mathematical object (sum, subtraction, logarithms …);Creating a context, some characters, a story with real -life situations;In addition to this they should look for a strategy for the student to play the game about the mathematical object. 

Students do not have prior knowledge about programming, since the software does not require it simply must take into account characteristics of the serious games that Marcano (2008) cited by Gómez (2015):

  • They are intended for education, training in certain skills, understanding of complex processes, whether social, political, economic or religious;Also to advertise products and services.
  • · They are evidently linked with some aspect of reality.
  • · They constitute a virtual three -dimensional environment in which a “safe” practice is allowed to apprentices in some areas.
  • · There are manifest interests in their contents (political, economic, psychological, religious, etc.).
  • · They are used to learn how systems react in continuous conditions.
  • · Those who participate face certain preselected data, under controlled circumstances.
  • · Physical models, mathematical representations and human operators can be used concertly.
  • · Participants must assume papers that involve different degrees of cooperation or rivalry and resolve conflicts between players or teams making decisions that reflect their understanding of the essential elements of the model.
  • · Sanctions are expected for decisions, punishments or rewards, according to chance, human evaluations or pre -established rules and formulas.
  • · Decisions modify the situation. New situations are experienced and the relationship between decisions and changes.
  • · The serious game has its own time, faster than the real one, in general.


With this creation, the student who is creating the video game is being a creative and innovative being, he must work as a team, he must strengthen his weaknesses, he must have knowledge of the mathematical object, it must be persistent in the evolution of his video game;thus generating a group of entrepreneurial and persistent students, with fastest intellectual and personal growth of the student.


On the other hand, the games created by the fifth to eleventh grade students must be used for the learning of mathematics from first to fourth grade;where the teacher is going to play a role too important being the mediator between technology and the student;allowing students to have contact with technology and learn through it.


  • Castiblanco Paiba, A. C., Moreno Armella, L. AND., Rodríguez García, F., Acosta Gempeler, M. AND., Camargo Uribe, L., & Acosta Gempeler, and. (2002). Incorporation of new technologies.
  • Gómez, MH (2015). Learning analysis based on serious video games in engineering studies practices.

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