What are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home?
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Working from Home
The quest for a better work-life balance coupled with the shift by many organizations towards flexible work policies has made the reality of working remotely from home increasingly feasible. It is often viewed as the perfect way to remain employed and maintain the benefits that attend being part of the organization. Working from home can be viewed as a double-edged blade in the sense that although it has its advantages that make it progressively more attractive to many people, it has its disadvantages, as well.
One advantage of working from home is flexibility. Those who work remotely from home have been found to have a better work-life balance compared to those who must commute to the office, and this serves to increase job satisfaction (Felstead and Henseke 197). Another advantage is that it affords autonomy because there are no managers to comment on one’s work or micromanage them. This means that a person becomes his or her boss provided the work is completed on time and to the expected standard.
The main disadvantage of working from home is that there is no human interaction, which means that one has to prioritize work at specific intervals. This can be particularly challenging given that the workday is not clearly defined and will sometimes blur into the individual’s home life (Oz 218). For those with children, working from home can be full of distractions, and they might need someone to keep the youngsters away from the workspace when talking to colleagues, supervisors, and clients.
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Irrespective of where one works from, it is imperative to remember that professionalism is paramount and that working sometimes demands one’s full attention. This can be difficult to achieve when working from home, but the flexibility and autonomy its affords also makes it desirable.
Works Cited
Felstead, A, and Golo Henseke. “Assessing the Growth of Remote Working and Its Consequences for Effort, Well-Being, and Work-Life Balance.” New Technology, Work and Employment, vol. 32, no. 3, 2017, pp. 195-212.
Oz, Effy. Management Information Systems. Cengage Learning, 2015.
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