What Changes The Perspective Of People, Innovation
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Many times people do not care about the things they have, do not analyze or think where it arose or how that element is created, they simply know their use and use it, they rarely think like people of fifty, eighty orMore than a hundred years ago, not having these devices that are now. When they think about this, they wonder what change?, What caused this "advance"?, How do we get to this innovation?, And the most interesting thing is that all these beginnings of human reasoning about the world and their surroundings began more than one hundred years ago, with scientists, inventors passionate to discover the secrets of the world. This essay will bring an idea of the innovation of science, how this evolution has affected the reality of traveling to Mars, of knowing it, the simple fact of studying it, such as the conspiracy of the channels of Mars, as this topic has beenBeing studied, as the different necessary elements, such as telescope and photography, have been innovated and have allowed to have a clearer vision of Mars, its characteristics and confirm or restore hypotheses raised by scientists who studied this topic through theyears. Also, as the evolution of astronomy has allowed investigating, raising and innovating new ideas that have changed the way of seeing the world and the universe.
Innovation in science is a sample of logic and human imagination, definitely science has evolved and contributed to society as it says, the day, “we observe since Thales of Miletus, disconnected the science of divine,Even Hippocrates and his contribution to medicine.
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"Really the discoveries of science has aroused people’s imagination, he has made them think, investigate, experience and draw conclusions from new theories to better understand the functioning of the universe. But as everything in life has its negative appearance, it is no exception with science, this has opened the minds to think differently, more rationally and more intelligently, but that innovation has been used for quite negative aspectsthat are currently reflected and are affecting both the world, planet Earth and all people, it has even been deduced that futurely and not far distantly the earth can be destroyed.
Science has a lot of relationship with technology, both are advancing and innovating, each depends on the other;And technology has allowed the evolution of elements or instruments, such as the telescope, which since its creation in Holland by Hans Lippershey, a lens manufacturer in 1608, a year later Galileo presented the first telescope model. And now the telescopes have been innovated and have been able to visualize the universe more clearly as the Hubble has currently done. And photography, among others, that have been key to support or change theories raised years before when there was another type of devices, so this development is fundamental in the innovation of science. Without this we could not open our knowledge, use our reasoning or intelligence to modernize the world. But many times our reasoning is not "intelligent" enough to understand the universe, many times and several inventors or astronomers had visions or dreams that complemented that reasoning and led them to have a more logical and more clear idea to conclude their theory. But few people believed these theories since they depended on established rules and were not "free" of using their intelligence, a clear example is Nicolás Copernico, who had a reasoning that the earth was not the center of the universe but the sun and earthAnd other planets orbited around this, however it was not clear about its reasoning until it had a dream where it was revealed that the sun was affirmative was the center of a system, but that there were millions of systems and millions of galaxies in the universe,that this was only a small part of the entire cosmos. Copernicus announced his dream, but people did not believe in that, they believed that Nicola was crazy, for the simple fact of challenging the laws established by the Catholic religion, Copernicus died and still did not believe in their theory until Galileo Galilei withHis innovation of his telescope was able to confirm that Copernicus was fine. Nikola Tesla also had visions that had come true long later, and so it happened with many other inventors, astronomers, scientists, etc. And thanks to this "inspiration" today we have been able to develop laws, we have learned from this knowledge and use it as the basis of innovation.
This innovation has been positive for society, since it has evolved the different branches of science, especially with the base, astronomy, this evolution was caused or mainly generated by the reasoning of the human being when discovering the waves, thanks to this fundamental element could be innovated and revolutionizing the world through this discovery; Thanks to the waves we have been able Mars and alien races were communicating with their tower, but at that time people believed it crazy and currently thanks to the waves and ideas of Tesla we have been able to innovate), we have also been able to create the sound waves, through the radio (invention of Tesla), the electromagnetic waves that operate the alternating current (AC) of Tesla, and there were many more inventions that revolutionized the perspective of people, and these inventions lead to improve the lives of each one, makes it easier, also It is a help, especially, through innovating, creating and using elements of nature, as scientific elements, priests have been developed to several of the serious diseases since the time of Coloni until now. But science also has its implications, and its innovation has also been able to cause consequences in society, its influence has been negative;Science is "worthwhile", but science depends on a lot, they fail to have the budget to be at the same level with which the world is going, as News I mentions I.E Boyacá, “the nations that were powers were the great participants in which the differences between social and economic conditions increased;These nations implemented new technologies for their own benefit without taking into account how they could help implement these advances in the countries that needed it most."Another aspect is that these advances produce too much pollution which causes the planet to overheat, what we call, global warming;Like all these toxic and polluting gases lose them the ozone layer, which leads to intensify ultraviolet radiation on Earth. Also the innovation of science has had purposes to harm the human being such as the development of chemicals and poisons to create bacteriological weapons, as well as the management of minerals to develop energy and nuclear weapons. The majority of science harms the environment and population, but this can also generate a negative impact on the scientist, especially when it is "obsessed" enough for science;Such is the case of Tesla, who of so much inventing, having ideas, visions, dreams, had very strange phobias, as I could not touch the hair of a human being, or that everything he did had to be divisible by 3,Galileo stayed blind to look at the sun through his telescope. Many of the inventors, astronomers, passionate scientists are harmed by this science, which leads them to be "crazy", or greatly affected.
All this indicates that the innovation of science is really necessary for the evolution of humanity, it is necessary to change the point of view that society has on a certain subject, to continue discovering “the mysteries” of the universe, and then use those discoveriesAs a basis for inventions, innovations that change the world, innovations that allow usStephen Hawking said "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to changes", the ability to adapt to innovation.
Science is simple, every time innovals, it is evolved, it grows, progress is made, which makes a radical change and a positive change in our way of thinking and acting, but if it is not used properly we can cause the destruction of thePlanet Earth, as Einstein said it "if you are looking for different results, do not always do the same", if you do not want all the problems, do not cause them again.
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