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what makes a leader by daniel goleman


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What makes a Leader?
Goleman attributes leadership to different skills and abilities. A successful leader has emotional intelligence which is a key requirement for leadership especially those of executive position. The relationship between great leadership and effective performance is linked to emotional intelligence. Goleman (229) shows that other attributes of leadership could fail to work if emotional intelligence failed to be incorporated in within the leadership and management of the organizations. To evaluate various impacts and role of emotional intelligence, Goleman carried out research to determine personal capabilities linked to outstanding performances within an organization. With this objective in place, organizational objectives can be achieved through empathy, self-awareness, self-regulation capabilities.
Self-awareness is one of the major values that determines successful leadership. From this perspective, leadership is viewed as a platform where a person understands his or her values and goals toward an organization (Goleman (229). When a leader is self-aware of his or her roles, self-confidence is created, and this enhances the performance since they develop and understand their capabilities. According to Goleman, (229), leaders should know how to seek help when the need arises and this provides them with an opportunity of tackling diverse challenges with minimal risk.
The other most important attribute of a leader is self –regulation which is a component of emotional intelligence.

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Goleman noted that a self-regulated leader has diverse ways of controlling emotions through inner conversation (230). People with self-regulation abilities are reasonable and create an environment of trust and fairness which is a core value for successful leadership and management. Organizational changes occur regularly within and out of the organizational environment. As a result, self-regulation puts leaders in a position to cope with diverse changes linked to new change program. This value also enhances the integrity which is linked to an organizational strength.
Goleman, (230) further explained motivation as a determinant of successful leadership. It is achieved through a self-driving and passion for work. Most of the time, motivated people are persistent in achieving their goals and have various methods of strategizing their goals to perform better even with low income. Motivation is important is in every aspect of organizational progress. People remain optimistic even when the performance scores are negative. This shows that failure is not the end for motivated leaders. Instead, it is an opportunity to pursue new methods of approaching problems and encouraging employees to do better. A similar aspect is evidenced when leaders or the management build motivated teams and managers around them further improve on leadership commitment to the organization.
Empathy is the act of being sensitive to other people. It is the ability of the leaders to understand the diverse challenges of the employees (Goleman, 230). As a result, it improves teamwork when addressing problems. It also encourages globalization and provides a need to retain talents within an organization. Empathy traits could vary from one leader to the other. However, it is commonly practiced on the various levels of management thus impacting differently the employees.
Social Skills
Social skills provide a room for unity and teamwork. It is the ability of a person to manage the relationship with others people. Through the adequate support of the leaders, the employees can develop similar skills in building and understanding others. Therefore, social skills are considered to be a primary component in allowing leaders to practice other forms of emotional intelligence and express empathy in different ways.
Emotional intelligence is a key to a successful leadership. Motivation, empathy and social skills are the most effective values that define a leader. Furthermore, self-regulation and self-awareness promote leadership capabilities by building confidence.

Work Cited
Goleman, Daniel. “What makes a leader.” Organizational influence processes (2003): 229-241.

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