What makes a successful business leader? Explain how you have demonstrated these attributes.
Words: 550
Pages: 2
10 December 2016
Admission Essay
All successful leaders have something in common Great Leaders understand people and understands what it takes to motivate them to success in their career paths. The successful leader assists the team in meeting all the goals set forth by the corporation. Leaders learn from others and share that knowledge with team members. Successful leaders will admit when a mistake happens and owns the mistake while teaching team members what went wrong and how to remedy the mistake. Successful leaders respect their team members, and in turn, the leader will earn the teams respect and cooperation of the team (Llopis, 1). Successful leaders are always open to discussions about new ideas. The skills listed above represents most of my personal list of qualities for exceptional leadership. I have acquired all these in my experiences while working in my father’s business, and as a 1st Lieutenant in a military academy. Each experience has made me grow as a leader and a human being. The only ones not mentioned are compassion and humility. I respect everyone’s right to have a say in any situation that affects him or her. Humility, because it is never too late to learn something new, or admit that I do not know the answer. I will spend all the time needed to find out.
My best experience in leadership is doing community service in the area where I have lived during my career. I was taught from an early age that charity begins at home.
Wait! What makes a successful business leader? Explain how you have demonstrated these attributes. paper is just an example!
We must help those who need the most first. It is always gratifying to assist people to have a better life by providing the tools to make that happen.
My experience as a student leader allowed me to assist others in completing assigned tasks in the correct manner. I volunteered to tutor any students in any subject. The best experience was creating a class that teaches each student the proper technique for respecting others that hold a higher rank in the school. I found the best way to accomplish that is to respect each student a human being. That mutual respect makes my teaching methods successful. It has given me great wisdom to have patience while assisting those who are slower learners than other students are.
This has taught me how the right motivation will make any student successful. I have truly learned what works for most people. I place myself as a source of accurate information on how to be successful in learning and life. I volunteer in the counseling department by assisting students with personal issues and any problems students experience at the school. It just takes a great listener to hear about student problems and be able to provide the right information to solve all their concerns. I take the time to search out a meaningful quote that has to mean something for the students.
In summary, “My mission is life is not merely to survive but to help others with some passion, some humor, and some style” The table above and this quote is what I choose to live by every day of my life. People are human beings who deserve the best service and help available. We get back what we give in this world. Respect and dignity are what all humans need to live and grow. People are priceless, and they need to understand and respect others. It makes a better world to live.
Work Cited
Llopis, Glen. The Most successful Leaders Do 15 Thing Automatically Forbes Magazine 2013
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