Why schools have policies and procedures
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Why Schools have Policies and Procedures
Policies institute regulations to direct satisfactory behavior and guarantee that the school setting is secure for scholars, educators and, school staff. Every school, as a lawful prerequisite needs comprehensible, concise policies and procedures. This ensures that governors, administration, and staff, students and parents who are part of the school can work on the similar clear practices and guidelines. Policies should provide a structure that guarantees constant principles that are functional to run in the learning institution. Every rule and practice should and will explain its objectives, purpose and the tasks staff will attain (Zepeda 32).
There are different forms of school policies that the administration establishes for successful learning. Many schools will have rules under these main headings: Staffing, equality, teaching and learning, diversity and inclusion, pupil safety, and parental commitment. In these sections, there are in-depth policies that are explained accordingly. Most schools have set aside handbooks for scholars, educators, staff, and even parents. The regulations and expectations presented in these booklets hold everyone responsible and certify that the school can function, as it should be. The students, educators and staff members need to feel physically and mentally safe in their surroundings. The administration can make this environment by creating and instating policies that establish proper standards for the physical environment and psychological state of scholars and employees (Zepeda 32).
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For example, the school can set up policies like fire drills, anti-bullying policy, behavior guidelines, complaints policy, electronic safety or psychological health guidelines. For the school policies to function accordingly, all the people involved must work together. The designated staff members and Governors should review the rules regularly and where suitable undergo discussion with the parents. The Head Teacher must ensure that everyone involved in the school is aware of the school policies.
In conclusion, the school policies and procedures will establish goals that encourage higher learning. The policies set up standards and assist in holding schools respond to the public as it will be relating learning to the society and making it responsible to the entire world. Responsibility by utilizing goal-oriented policies ascertains that scholars are accepting a valuable education.
Work Cited
Zepeda, Sally J. Instructional Leadership for School Improvement. Place of publication not identified: Routledge, 2015. Print.
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