Wind Energy and Vehicle to Grid Advancement
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DownloadWind Energy is among the most widely utilized renewable energy generation methods all across the globe. Harnessing the potential of wind has provided both developed and developing countries with an outlook of better and enhanced economic and environmental sustainability outlooks. Apart from that, the dependency on fossil fuel electricity generation is highly dependent on global and local market dynamics and political diasporas.
European and North American countries have shown tremendous potential for intermittent renewable energy generation during the last three decades. In this regard, massive infrastructure about wind energy generation has been installed and successfully operated in Spain (16 GW) and Germany (26 GW) (Europe Wind Integration Study, 2010, p.2). Apart from that, similar wind power energy infrastructure has been made available in Portugal, Denmark, and Ireland having capacities of 3.4 GW, 3.3 GW, and 1.5 GW respectively (Europe Wind Integration Study, 2010, p.2). To achieve energy targets of Europe, Europe’s 2020 plan has also been set in motion to move the economy towards renewable energy.
Wind Energy IntegrationPresent Geographical Energy Generation OutlooksWind energy is energy sector that is faced with various challenges, and one of the most major challenges is the intermittent power supply to the electricity grid. Apart from that, the variation of wind velocity and direction makes the process quite difficult to handle. Hence, a different alternative that includes Vehicle to Grid (V2G) technology has been tested and implemented.
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Also, at this very nascent stage, the electricity grid are not designed to withstand the intermittent power supply. This extra cost can induce a pressure on the consumers as well as the wind energy production facilities (Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 2016, n.d.).
Apart from that, the contribution of wind energy within the system cannot be considered in an isolated manner. The wind velocity varies; however, it would not have a significant impact on the overall power supply considering the whole European region. The issues of variable energy sources can also be witnessed in nuclear power plants (EWEA, 2016, pp. 7-15). Typical breakdowns in nuclear power plants are not resolved immediately and are also susceptible to intermittent supply of power.However, the capacity of European wind power sector capacity is solely determined by the regulatory rules and economies rather than technical constraints (Rose and Hiskens, 2007, pp.1-7).
The issues of geographical inter-border wind power aspects can greatly be overcome through enhanced competition in power sector. Increased competition will lead to lower cost of electricity thereby reaping the benefits of the wide geographical spread of the electricity output from different countries. Apart from that, reduction of wind power variation will benefit the wind power geographical aggregation that can allow retirement of conventional modes of power generation (EWEA, 2016, pp. 7-15).
Europe Wind Integration Study (2010, p. 19) has depicted that by the end of 2008, around 68 GW of wind power generation infrastructure is deployed. Also, it has been found that strong growth in wind energy generation sector has been observed with major installation capacity in Spain and Germany. Also, the wind energy sector has tremendous penetration potential in markets of Demark, Portugal, and Ireland.
Most of the wind farms are operating onshore; however, some of the countries including Belgium, Denmark, the United Kingdom (UK) and the Netherlands are operating as well as maintaining offshore wind generation facilities too.
Table SEQ Table * ARABIC 1: EWIS Wind Energy Load Distribution (Europe Wind Integration Study, 2010, 17).
As depicted in the above-mentioned table-1, the Europe Wind Integration Study (2010, pp. 19) has found that the wind power energy generation within the European region is expected to increase during the next decade as well. Hence, it is evident that some countries will also make a significant contribution to resolving the issues faced by the wind energy generation sector in different domains. Wind energy installation, as well as generation at the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, has noted to be around 15% to 20% of the net installed power generation capacity. Also, Spain and Germany have contributed towards more than 60% of the installed wind power generation infrastructure (Europe Wind Integration Study, 2010, p. 19).
However, the United Kingdom and France are expected to have major future developments in the domain of wind energy and power generation sectors. Wind power generation in FY 2015 has also flourished in countries; like, Netherlands, Poland, Ireland, Sweden, Lithuania, Greece, and Austria. The market condition is also dependent on the wind velocity variation thereby influencing the implementation schemes of wind energy for various countries.
As per Wind Europe Statistics for FY 2015, around 13800 MW has been generated through wind power generation installations that are more than 5% greater than the generation of FY 2014. The distribution of offshore and onshore installation is around 3000MW and 9700 MW respectively (EWEA, 2015, p. 5). During the last year, it has been observed that there has been a sharp decline of 7.8% observed in onshore production facilities installations; however, offshore wind energy production facilities have doubled during 2014-2015. Considering the whole European region, the annual installation has increased around 6.3% considering FY2014 wind energy installations.
Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 1: EU Member Wind Energy Share Distribution (EWEA, 2015, p. 5).Around 50% of the wind energy installments have been done in Germany; however, more than 70% has occurred in the top four wind energy markets in the European countries. Apart from that, offshore installations contribute to more than 24% of total Europe’s wind energy power installation during FY 2015. During FY 2015, more than 28.5 GW of capacity for power generation was introduced in the European Union (EU) region that has been 2.4 GW more than that witnessed during FY 2014.
Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 2: New Power Installation EU Share (EWEA, 2015, p. 6).In figure (2), it has been depicted that the wind power sector has the largest power market share in the FY 2015 thereby resulting in 12.8 GW energy generation capacities with a contribution of 44.2% as compared to other installations. Solar PV and Coal has been ranked the second and third power installations in FY 2015 respectively. Apart from that, EU states have also decommissioned around 4.3 GW gas, 8 GW coal, 3.3 GW fuel oil and 1.8 GW nuclear fuel capacities and shifted it towards the wind energy installation domain.
Vehicle to Grid (V2G) ImplementationMost of the automobiles have been fueled by gasoline based fuels through internal combustion engines. However, recent shifting political and environmental dynamics has led towards the exploration of renewable energy resources and most importantly, harnessing the potential of wind energy.
PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles) are one of the most economically viable and environmentally friendly alternatives to fossil fuels. The core aim of the V2G program is to replace gasoline as the core source of energy for most of the fossil fuels. Apart from that PHEVs have wide areas of implementation depending on the need of the countries. PHEV have a battery that is used to store electricity. The incorporation of PHEVs in the power sector does have some challenges, but it also has some very promising outlooks for future developments.
Among those outlooks is the capability of the PHEV battery to be used for selling electricity back towards the grid. This idea is quite commonly known as the Vehicle to Grid (V2G). V2G possess tremendous potential for its application in wind energy because of the core reason that PHEV batteries can be used to as a source for electricity storage in electrical grids.
During the high wind energy production season, intermittent energy is being produced more than the demand of electricity. In this manner, excessive electricity can be used for charging the vehicles as they are plugged into the energy source. Under the common circumstances of limited production of electricity via wind energy route, batteries can also be used as a secondary source for harmonizing the core need for electricity supply and demand on national as well as international scales. Hodge et al. (2010, 1039-1044) have discussed that the PHEVs capability is the core means of electricity grid power reserve that could lead towards an enhanced increase in the power generation about renewable energy. Hence, in this regard, the electricity can be utilized during the no-peak season and the issue of the intermittent power supply can be greatly resolved.
The core idea of using electrical vehicles as the power source instead of the load has arisen in most of the developed economies including the United States with the core realization that the capacity of the US electricity generation utilities is lesser than that of the US vehicle fleet. In this regard, a cost benefits analysis conducted by Kempton and Tomic, 2005b, 268-279) has shown that the benefits accrued through electricity regulations outweigh the cost on consumer end about designing standard V2G ready stations for home charging as well as vehicles. Also, Milligan (2001, pp. 1-6) has conducted a study that has determined operating reserve level necessary for generation of wind energy based on probability reliability modeling. Subsequently, this study was used by Kempton and Tomic (2010a, 280-294) to assess the necessary percentage of vehicles that must be V2G ready to enhance the functionality of operating reserves.
Hodge et al. (2010, pp. 1039-1044) have used two mathematical models for estimation of the amount of wind energy required for market penetration having the advancement of V2G in place together with high penetration of electric-powered vehicles. Another plan proposed by Lund and Kempton (2008, pp. 3578-3587) known as ENERGY PLAN model has analyzed the case of Denmark’s wind energy power generation and installations. The study has concluded that the model can result in a reduction of excess power production by 50% with the aid of 100% V2G participation and electricity vehicle penetration. Stock and Denholm (2006, 3-5) have used the capacity optimization model using WinDS. The study has estimated that by the end of FY 2050, net capacity of electricity in the United States will be around 110% higher as compared with the case having 50% PHEV penetration with a range of 60 miles.
Hodge et al. (2010, pp. 1039-1044) have analyzed the impact of V2G within the wind energy generation sector. The study has utilized a multi-paradigm model as per the California’s electricity installation, distribution and production systems for deployment of vehicle to grid within plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. It has been assessed that the vehicle to grid system would greatly aid in the integration of massive volume of wind energy towards the electricity generation portfolio. The simulation has also indicated that considering capacity levels for wind generation of around 20% along with the vehicle charging patterns of various consumers (DOE, 2007, p. 12). It has been found that the realistic penetration rates for PHEV with a vehicle to grid capabilities would reduce the requirement of wind usage to a minimal level.
SWOT AnalysisStrengths
Environmental sustainable outlooks.
Enhancement of public health.
Job creation and investment opportunities. Weaknesses
Reduced global penetration
The dedicated infrastructure required.
Tremendous R&D opportunities
V2G technological advancements Threats
Investments and expenses on federal and local government scales.
StrengthsWind energy production and distribution has provided environmental sustainability outlooks. Incorporation of wind energy infrastructure has reduced carbon and greenhouse gasses emissions because a share of the energy generation in most of the developed and developing countries are moving towards the wind energy solutions. On economical scales, the inclusion of wind energy infrastructure has led different economies; most importantly, the European and North American countries to reduce carbon emissions and regulatory expenses. Moreover, the consumption of fossil fuels that includes coal and natural gas consumption to reduce significantly thereby leading towards the enhancement of environmentally friendly energy generation outlooks. As per the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (2016, n.d.), it has been concluded that utilization of wind energy as the only and primary source of electricity generation could result in 115 million metric tons of CO2 reduction.
With the inclusion of wind energy in energy generation and distribution domains, it has also led towards the creation of better jobs and opportunities for the individuals. As per Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (2016, n.d.), it has been estimated that in the United States more than 73,000 jobs for individuals was created through an investment of $8 billion during FY 2014. The study has also predicted that the wind energy sector poses the potential for providing more than 600,000 jobs in the domains of installation, maintenance, manufacturing and most importantly, services sector by the end of FY 2050. Hence, new investments in this sector can lead towards enhanced local economic activity because of the reason that construction works will increase the demand for services and retail goods among different project hosting communities. It will also ensure long-term operational support leading towards the inclusion of new revenue stream of property tax and land lease payments. On environmental aspects, it could lead towards reduced public health cost and various environmental benefits.
WeaknessesThe high turnover rate along with reduced global penetration of the wind energy and V2G technology is among the most prominent weaknesses. Most of the developing economies still rely heavily on fossil fuel resources as the primary source for electricity production thereby leading towards degrading environmental conditions and public health. Encouraging the communities to support wind energy investments is highly recommended to meet environmental and regulatory requirements.
Apart from that, wind energy sector requires dedicated infrastructure that includes a massive rural area having strong air current. However, different models are being developed and tested to reduce the issues of intermittent power supply along with scaling down the wind energy infrastructure.
OpportunitiesWind energy also possesses tremendous potential for future research and development. In this regard, technical and economic analysis of the wind energy installations is quite essential that could assess the economic viability of the project. The issues of intermittent energy supply can be addressed through V2G technological advancements that can provide a steady and sufficient supply of electricity during low wind velocity seasons. With the increased focus on the environmental aspects, most of the companies will move towards renewable energy sources thereby enhancing the wind energy installations and infrastructures.
ThreatWind energy installation, maintenance, and development domains require major investments from federal and local governments that can cause limited or reduced demand for wind energy installations (Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 2016, n.d.).
ConclusionWind generation differs characteristically from different renewable energy generation in some ways. Among these characteristics includes variable output depending on the wind speed, the difference in electricity generation mechanism, geographical distribution of wind resources, remote (or sometimes offshore) power generation locations. About these characteristics, different issues have been faced by the European market for the successful technical functionality of wind energy network and its distribution. Future aspects including addressing the issues of unsteady electricity supply from wind generation, network access arrangements, maintaining the reliability and quality of supplies and most importantly, optimization of cost to meet cross-border wind distribution are among some of the most pressing issues.
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