Women in Victorian England
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Women in Victorian England.
Hard times by Charles Dickens portray the role of women in Victorian England society. In this society, the women were mainly associated with particular stereotypical characters such as being sensitive and transparent. Hard times illustrate how Charles viewed feminist and his analysis of their true nature (Dickens, 1854). During this period in Victorian England, a woman was seen as a lesser being only being capable of performing domestic chores and being a mother to her children. During this period, the women were suppressed and denied the right to express their ideas and, thus no man supported the empowerment of women. The society was male-dominated with the women in the background of everything. In this book, Charles brings out the changing roles of the female characters from the time they had no voice to the time they are being empowered that is; at the start of the novel, Louisa Gradgrind and Sissy Jupe are at the background but at the end of the novel, they are brought to the forefront (Dickens, 1854). This illustrates the need for change in the women’s role during the Victorian England Era.
In this modern world, the role of women has changed so much. They are not seen as only housewives and mothers to their kids, but they are now elected leaders in various top positions, and they can voice their opinions as they are involved in the voting process as the male.
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The women nowadays have been empowered through multiple legislative changes which give the women equal rights as their male counterparts. Women have also been given equal career opportunities at the university and college level. This has enabled the women to pursue various career fields hence allowing them to improve their lives.
Dickens, C. (1854). “Hard times.” A Weekly Journal.
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