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Women’S Freedom To Decide On Her Body


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Women’s freedom to decide on her body


Abortion consists in the interruption of pregnancy;This can be produced both spontaneously (it occurs when the fetus dies before 20 pregnancy) and the voluntary end of the elimination of the fetus). This has become a controversial issue before society. Abortion in violated people can cause damage at the psychological level because it accentuates the feelings of having lost control, it increases the rejection of men triggers frigidity, etc. ;Physical because the person suffering from trauma at the biological level due to aggressions produced in the act. Abortion for people with a sexually transmitted disease are infections that transmit from one person to another person through sexual contact.


Abortion is mostly illegal in Latin America, with laws that adopt from an absolutely criminalizing position, to those that decriminalize it only for specific causes. The only countries where abortion is legalized are Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guyana French, Guyana, Barbados and Condo de México. The severe prohibition or restriction of abortion has not prevented its practice, but forces the realization of risk abortions that derives mostly to damages for poor women. Most of the laws of Latin America have tried to solve the problem of induced abortion through its prohibition, which has resulted in serious economic, social, public health and social justice consequences for women in these countries, without achievingdecrease in the high abortions that exists in the region.

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Since 1934 abortion in Uruguay was considered a crime and therefore punishable by law. The persistence of the social problem of the practice of voluntary abortion with its consequences in irrigation of health, life risks, criminal condemnation, moral condemnation and subjective suffering due to the conditions imposed by clandestinity are issues that, progressively, acquired visibility and public consideration. Abortion has been the dilemma of private practice to be placed as a social, health and political issue of relevance for democratic coexistence.

Uruguayan legislation prior to the approval of the Voluntary Pregnancy Interruption Law (IVE) did not penalize abortion in just four situations: violation, honor, economic anguish, and serious health causes of women’s health.

In 2001 there was an increase in deaths of women linked to the practice of insecure abortion that coincides with the exacerbation of the economic crisis and conditions of social exclusion. The increase in maternal morbidity and mortality indicators and insecure abortion as an independent main cause, evidenced the health dimension of the problem.

Ordinance 369 is part of the sexual and reproductive health law (No. 18.426) Approved by Parliament in 2008 and regulated by the Executive Power in 2010.After several years of political negotiations and mobilizations of social organizations, on October 30, 2012, the National Parliament approves the first pregnancy interruption law.

An observational, descriptive and retrospective study was carried out by reviewing women’s interviewHospital clinics. Descriptive statistics, calculation of percentages, average and standard deviation were used. Work was presented to the Ethics Committee and the confidentiality of patients has surely.

During the first 6 years of implementation of the Voluntary Interruption Law of Pregnancy, 448 consultations were made for this reason.

The average age was 25 years.The gestational age by ultrasound was 8 weeks. In total 361 people continued with the (IVE), medical treatment with myfepristone 200mg and misoprostol 800 micrograms were administered .The 53 patients received double doses, additional 33 people required evacuating curettage for presenting elements of infection after abortion, it should be noted that these patients were mostly during the first year of the implementation of the law and 49 people decided to continue with pregnancy. (Quintela, 2019)

In another area, sexual transmission diseases (STDs) are married to more than 30 bacteria, different parasitic viruses and propagate predominantly by sexual contact. Among the more than 30 pathogens that are known to be transmitted through sexual contact, eight have been linked to the maximum incidence of diseases, of these eight four are currently curable: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydiasis and tricomoniasis. The other four: hepatitis B, HIV, HPV are incurable viral infections.

Many (STDs) especially clamidia, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, HIV, HPV, HSV 2 and syphilis can also be transmitted from the mother to the child during pregnancy and childbirth. (WHO, 2016)

Sexual transmission diseases (STDs), constitutes an important public health problem, which represents a potential danger to the family and one of the main causes is physical and mental disability. Worldwide they are known as "the culture of silence", due to the lack of attention they possess and contract at a time loaded with psychological and emotional aspects.

Annually the incidence rates of these diseases are truly alarming even though they are preventable, diagnosed and treatable. They are considered as the epidemic of this era.

The most serious impact and complications usually occur in women and newborns, which constitute in many underdeveloped countries the first cause of maternal child mortality. ETS in pregnancy have gained a growing boom because intrauterine and perinatal transmission disease, ectopic pregnancy, associated subsequent maternal mortality, low birth weight, bacterial conjunctivitis, congenital syphilis and infant mortality. (Scielo, 2001)

Ecuador is a country where there is a high index of sexual violence in all areas of everyday life: in the house, in the neighborhood, in school or school, even within religious communities, both evangelical and Catholic, whereCases of violence have been evidenced.

The State does not offer protection to women who have suffered from a violation, or when a violation happens with pregnancy but forces them to continue with pregnancy, a therapeutic abortion should be allowed when the affectation of integral health is notable in a woman or a womangirl who has suicide problems or other situations that increase their vulnerability.

Of the 47 thousand deaths per abortion in the world, 86% occurs in developing countries.Most of these abortions are carried out clandestinely and in very bad conditions, which determines a serious problem for public health. In Ecuador, the provinces that present the most abortions are: Pasta, Pichincha, Guayas, Galapagos and Esmeraldas. In Guayas, covering 29.2% of total, followed by Pichincha with 21.5% and Manabí with 7.3%.However, the population adjustment by province and number of inhabitants at risk has determined that the abortion rate for each birth live in much greater in the province of Pastaza followed by Pichincha, Guayas, Galapagos and Esmeraldas. 84% of the attention of abortions are carried out in the public sector, compared to 16% in the private sector.

It is concluded that in Ecuador there is an obvious tendency towards induced abortion, counting only spontaneous or medically justified abortions. These would be associated with drug self-medication that cause abortion. Women who decide an abortion as an alternative to mitigate economic, social or psychological problems, cause them and then go to health centers as emergency cases.

In rural air, women do not have the same options and suffer from health complications: drilling or removal of uterus, infertility or death. Precisely these women are the ones who most violate their rights of justice, timely and satisfactory.

It is proven that appropriate legalization would reduce maternal mortality and health complications in Ecuador. Given this reality, you should evaluate the abortion situation in laws and above all to raise appropriate public policies and according to statistics.

The number of abortions reported per year maintain a rise trend, especially from 2008 onwards. The abortion rate in fertile women since the 2004-2014 period obtained was 115 per 1000 live births, according to the Ministry of Public Health. (Wikipedia, 2017)

The religious community has a firm position against abortion and promotes the right to live. Every man and every woman, if they do not want.Christians and Catholics know that the dignity of people has their deepest based on the fact of being children of God and brothers of Jesus Christ.

That is why Catholics live their faith by valuing in all their dimension the terrible drama of abortion as an attack against sacred dignity. They consider that speaking in a deeper and fully understanding way about the value of the person based on their faith, as the basis for life, since God’s forgetfulness leads more easily to the oblivion of human dignity.

The aggressions to human life, especially innocent, have always had dramatic consequences in history. Christians having recognized Jesus Christ, have assumed an affirmation of lifeless life with any other culture.The extension of the presence of Christ in society will cause men to recognize their greatness and can live with their own consciousness of dignity. With the help of Jesus and his mother, it will be possible to work better in defense of this ideal. There are many concrete ways to work specifically in favor of life as they are:

  • Praying to the Lord by legislators and social leaders in general, so that they do not know how to understand that the children conceived and not born are the most innocent and the most helpless members of this society.
  • Not despising the moral value of pain and sacrifice, whose rejection leads to justifying any attempt to end what is believed to be causes, including useless elderly or sick people, the deficient ones that are a burden or new children who can complicate thelife or decrease the well -being of the family
  • hosting and also economically, who, due to their motherhood, are found in difficult situations.
  • receiving with joy, but hard to be to the new sick or poor child who arrives in the family, such as the blessing of God.
  • reacting positively to public writings or audiovisual programs that defend human life and critically to those who attack it.
  • guiding the vote towards the alternatives that deserve more confidence for their attitudes before life in general and the issue of abortion caused in particular
  • Informing those around them, with charity, firmness and clarity, of the reality of an unborn child and the importance of defending their right to live. (Aciprensa, 2014)


The legalization of abortion for these particular cases is very beneficial for society since the high maternal mortality rates that have occurred in underdeveloped countries would fall due to the fact that women who have suffered from rape do not see the need forresort to insecure abortion methods that put their life and health both physical and mental at risk since in some cases women or girls get suicidal problems due to torture, cruel, inhuman and unpleasant treatment that they receive throughout the process . In what is abortion due to sexually transmitted diseases, the poverty rate will be reduced due to the rigorous care that children with ETS (sexually transmitted diseases) incurable. It has been proven in other countries such as Canada, the United States, Uruguay, India, Barbados, Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, among other countries where abortion has been legalized to produced feasible changes to this problem.  


  • Aciprensa. (2014). Aciprensa. Retrieved on November 30, 2019, from Aciprensa: https: // www.Aciprensa.com/Resources/The-Catolics-Ade-El-Aborto-61
  • WHO. (2016). World Health Organization. Retrieved on November 30, 2019, from https: // www.quien.int/topics/sexy_transmitted_infections/es/
  • Quintela, d. (September 27, 2019). Scielo. Retrieved on November 30, 2019, from Scielo: http: // www.Scielo.Edu.oh/scielo.PHP?script = sci_arttext & pid = s2301-12542019000200045 & lang = is
  • Scielo. (May-August of 2001). Scielo. Retrieved on November 30, 2019, from Scielo: http: // scielo.SLD.Cu/Scielo.PHP?script = sci_arttext & pid = s1561-30032001000200006#position
  • Scielo. (2016). Scielo. Retrieved on November 30, 2019, from Scielo: http: // scielo.SLD.Cu/Scielo.PHP?script = sci_arttext & pid = s1561-300320010002006
  • Wikipedia. (November 20, 2017). Wikipedia. Retrieved on November 30, 2019, from wikipedia: https: // es.Wikipedia.org/wiki/abortion_en_ecuador

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