Workplace Romance and Why It Isn’t a Bad Thing
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Workplace Romance and Why It Isn’t a Bad Thing
Today, many individuals spend the largest segment of their time at the office or work. This causes the temptation of establishing close bonds and relationship within the office boundaries. Even though office romance has been condemned as an unethical work practice, there are still some merits experienced from such relationship (Bock, 1). Furthermore, the office people are the same individuals who see each other daily and spend the bulk period of their time together. Not forgetting, the people who work in a similar firm have common issues that affect their day operations (Bock, 1).
Additionally, the idea of spending much time with a person ensures that you learn to understand him or her intimately at day-to-day status. For instance, you can comprehend their personality, intelligence, ethic standpoint and this can influence the establishment of chemistry that will lead to a strong relationship (Bock, 1). Office romance ensures that the involved parties understand the pressure each one of them has experienced at work. Therefore, relationships of this nature ensure that someone acknowledges the pressure and the demand experienced at work. This can assist in solving availability or time problems, and that always impact any relationship progress (Bock, 1). It reassures the involved parties that they are attracted to someone who knows that stressful part of their life.
Consequently, office romance influence safety since the person you are dating is not a stranger, unlike people you may meet at the bar, clubs or on online who may turn out to be a creep (Hume, 156).
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Once an office romance has been established, it can be filled with adventures and excitement. For instance, the effort and means used to convince your co-workers that you are not dating. Alternatively, office romance can be an explosive force for good deed in the firm. For instance, two staffs who engage in office romance have a tendency of sharing ideas or even notes (Hume, 156). This system of collaboration can encourage effective team building and in the end guarantee productive output.
Contrarily, office romance has the benefit of boosting employee longevity. In short, it has the potential of reducing the rate of employee turnover rate. Hence, the concept of having partners, spouse or romantic affairs within the firm can boost the retention rate of staffs at the firm. When employees see their lovers around the office, they are motivated in regards to coming to work daily (Bock, 1). The benefit associated with this is that it offers excitement and health benefits. For example, the random kisses or perks can be a suitable relaxing agent in any stress day. Moreover, managers should always respect people who are involved in office romance so that it can ensure employees are retained and at the same time they learn that their manager can respect the privacy of their staffs (Bock, 1).
All in all, the concept of office romance guarantees enriched relationships. The opportunity to date a colleague provides an avenue for the staff involved to find a meaningful connection that exists between them (Bock, 1). For example, through sharing personal details such as birthday dates, anniversaries and weekend plans can assist in the organizing and plan surprise parties within the office community that always have a tendency of enhancing relationship strength. This is through forging deeper links and trust within the coworkers.
Besides, the office romance has the ability to boost productivity. In marriage or close relationship, people tend to talk about their experience at work. Therefore, for a couple who work in an identical firm, the work-based conversation will seem like overtime work done for the benefit of the organization (Bock, 1). The couple will spend an extended time in brainstorming office idea outside of ordinary working hours. Additionally, the concept of boosting creativity and morale within the firm can be enhanced with euphoria feelings that are synonymous with a brand relationship.
Simultaneously, workers relationship within a firm can influence a positive culture within the organization. For instance, any firm that allows staffs to handle others with compassion and respect will benefit from high employee morale, deeper ties, and increased trust (Tomilola, 1). Furthermore, the feeling of love is adorable. Therefore, the firm can instantly increase positivity within the firm. The spread of the warm fuzzy feeling by various couple within the organization can develop a friendly environment and also creates a family appeal that is always significant in yielding high production (Tomilola, 1). Office romance is an aspect factor of life in any business that should be embraced and handled correctly.
The concept of office romance can be challenging especially when power aspect is involved in a relationship (Tomilola, 1). It is considered unethical work practice for a manager to ask a subordinate for a date opportunity. Even though the intention may be harmless, some staff will agree only for the purpose of guaranteeing their job securities. Therefore, when the power aspect is involved the approached used should be genuinely right so that it does not compromise the required professionalism within the firm (Tomilola, 1). For a serious couple, such situation will enhance their knowledge of workplace policies. This is because every action they take they have to review if it is ethically right according to workplace ethical practice (Tomilola, 1).
In emotional challenges, office romance can be a perfect agent of offering a shoulder for emotional staff to lean on (Hume, 156). It has been established that staff emotions are a prime source of any reduced productivity cases in a firm. Therefore, having a guaranteed shoulder can assist troubled workers to be back on point and conduct normal business as required. The office has been termed a boring place. This is due to consistency appearance, repetition of the same tasks, and meeting the same people daily (Hume, 156). Therefore, office romances make the firms to be more fun, and this causes things to work easier within the firm. In addition to that, the feelings of missing someone can be a distractive factor in normal working concepts. However, office romance ensures staffs do not have to miss their loved ones (Hume, 156).
In conclusion, offices romance has various disadvantages such as increased gossip within the firm, raised jealous issues, a potential source for fighting, distractions, and epic breaks that in the end reduces the productivity of the firm (Tomilola, 1). However, office romance is an aspect factor of life in any business that should be embraced and handled correctly. The long working period can influence the temptation of establishing close bonds and relationship within the office boundaries due to a long working hour. Office romance has the benefit of boosting employee longevity. Office romance influence safety since the person you are dating is not a stranger, unlike people you may meet at the bar, clubs or event on online who may turn out to be a creep. Finally, the opportunity to date a colleague provides an avenue for the staff involved to find a meaningful connection that exists between them.
Work Cited
Bock Halley. 4 Reasons Why Office Romance Isn`t Such A Bad Thing. Business Insider International Website, 2016.
Hume, David. “Emotions and moods.” Organizational behavior (2012): 258-297.
Tomilola Coco. Office Romance-The Advantages and Disadvantages.360nobs Limited website, 2015.
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