Write an essay assessing the impact that a given farm management plan will have in relation to wider environmental and sustainability concerns.
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Windy Hill FarmIntroduction
Windy Hill Farm practices organic farming. This practice is however not short of environmental and sustainability challenges that need to be addressed. With approximately 1000 dairy cattle and 2000 sheep, the farm requires some management practices to keep the sheep and livestock in good health while maintaining profitability. These practices include silage farming, slurry management, maintenance of farm tools, water sources protection and the general activities that sustain the livestock and workers working on the farm. The farm’s action plan for dealing with greenhouse gas emission adequately identifies ways of addressing the issue by outlining clear issues being addressed, mitigation options and how the identified options will mitigate greenhouse gas emission. A farm of this size and the identified activities on the farm raises wider environmental issues that go beyond greenhouse gas emission only (Hermans and Zervas, 2005).
The farm’s slurry store is located at some distance from the farmyard’s livestock housing unit. The action plan suggests re-sitting of the store to reduce CO2 emissions from the machines being used (Wilkinson, J M, 26). While this is an alternative way of solving the problem, it does not exhaust other ways that could reduce the emission of CO2 significantly. A better alternative to this problem is identifying a slurry store whereby it will be easy to make the slurry flow through pipes instead of being transported by vehicles (Hermansen, John E.
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, and George Zervas, 1). This will see the farm save on fuel costs and reduce CO2 by a greater percentage. To effectively deal with CH4 and N2O, anaerobic digestion needs to be fully operationalized as an alternative source of energy in the farm that can drive other activities. The plan simply mentions the introduction of anaerobic digestion, but it does not elaborate on measures being taken to capitalize on the products of this process as an alternative source of energy on the farm. Windy Hill farm could become self-sufficient regarding energy if it utilizes anaerobic digestion well. Cattle slurry will be collected and directed to the anaerobic digestion system where they would be converted into electricity to be used back in the farm (Dawkins, Marian Stamp, and Roland Bonney, 37). The technology use in anaerobic digestion is simple and cost-effective for Windy Hill Farm to implement and sustain. It will involve enclosing a combination of moist organic wastes from sheep and cattle with anaerobic bacteria which is occurring naturally in a container that is free of oxygen. The waste in the container will be broken down into a series of processes that leads to release of methane, CO2, water, digestate and dark slurry. Methane is collected and refined. The end product can be either burned to turn turbines or used as a fuel (MOHAIBES, M, 249).
Rebuilding or refurbishing animal housing structures is a great idea. Apart from ensuring that the new housing structure is energy efficient, it has to reflect more modern features. The new housing unit’s heating and air conditioning systems should use the energy from anaerobic digestion system. This means that the system should be adequately modernized since using the energy generated from the anaerobic system is cost-effective as compared to energy from other sources outside Windy Hill farm (Brito, L.M. et al. ,13334). This is the same for milking parlor. It has to use the latest technology to take advantage of the energy generated from the firm’s waste so that effective milking activities are ensured (Benoit, M, and P Veysset, 143). The cooling machine used to cool milk on the farm can be powered using clean energy from anaerobic digestion. Instead of regularly moving feeding and watering points, the farm management has an option of creating fixed hardstanding areas. An elaborate collection system for collecting urine and faeces from these points should be put in place so that they can be used to direct them to the anaerobic digestion unit. This requires strategic positioning of the congregation points.
Reducing the farm stocking rates might be a good option, but other options for minimizing the production of CH4 and N2O should be further explored (Moran, John, 28). Reducing stocking rates also affects the economic objective of the farm which is to increase profitability. A viable option to deal with this problem is reducing the size of land under grazing and putting more livestock in zero-grazing units. This will require a significant portion of the land to be used in silage production and other feeds (Rosati, A., and A. Aumaitre, 47). Since most of the lower grounds were under silage, other viable economic activities in the higher grounds might be explored. To prevent livestock from frequenting river banks and wetland features within the farm, these places should be sealed off using suitable trees that are ecologically friendly to river banks and wetland features. An alternative measure is to fence these places using barbed wire, wooden fence or any other suitable materials. Managing cattle diets to curb CH4 and N2O emissions are the best strategy that can help Windy Hill Farm. Use of organic feeds will promote the use of cattle and sheep waste in the farm (Soliva, Carla Riccarda et al., 28).
The uncovered slurry system poses a threat to the safety of farm workers in Windy Hill Farm. Open slurry system exposes farm workers to drowning and even gas poisoning, and this goes against the farm’s social objective of protecting the health and welfare of workers in the farm. Hydrogen sulfide is a poisonous gas which is produced at high levels when the slurry is agitated and has potential to kill instantly (Burkart, M.R., 17). Slurry storage near river Manifold is a recipe for pollution of the river. This coupled with the farm management’s admission of structural failures as a result of neglect add to the greater potential risk of the slurry polluting the river. All runoff from Windy Hill Farm is directed at River Manifold. These wastes such as silage effluent, slurry and other types of manure used in the farm can significantly pollute River Manifold (Smoroń, Sylwester,3). An alternate and environmentally friendly way to manage these effluents are to utilize them as fertilizers in growing vegetables or fruits in the farm (Sundrum, Albert, 49).
To protect the ponds, springs and other water bodies in Windy Hill Farm, the farm management needs to incorporate sound ecological practices that promote the preservation of these water points. Planting of suitable trees around these water point or sources is the first step to protecting them. Trees reduce soil erosion thus preventing sediments from reaching springs and ponds (Sutherland, William J, et al. , 53). Trees also trap contaminants and debris present in decaying organic matter around the tree’s root zone. This occurs when water percolates below the soil surface. Contaminants present in subsurface water are either absorbed by trees or broken down by them. Trees are not only important to water points but other areas within and outside Windy Hill Farm. They prevent run-off by intercepting raindrops in their foliage. Stream benefit from trees since trees holds their banks together. Underground water benefits from tree’s potential to absorb and filter water infiltrating into the soil (Brown, A. G, and E. K. S Nambiar, 47). Soil erosion that can affect the quality of water in Windy Hill’s water points can be minimized by introducing diversion systems in the farm to protect water points. Since there is no fencing or boundary feature around the farm’s waterbodies, grass can also be used to create buffer strips that prevent polluted soil or from finding their way into surface water points (Chiras, Daniel D, et al., 37).
Dipping or spraying activities on Windy Hill Farm needs to be properly controlled to avert both soil and water pollution. Chemicals used in dipping are harmful to humans, livestock and important organisms within the farm. Dipping or spraying sites need to be properly managed by having proper structures that ensure chemicals used in controlling pests are collected and treated or properly discharged (Barber, Nicholas John, and Paul Francis Quinn, 457). To prevent leaching, the sites for dipping and spraying sites should be well cemented or have concrete used to secure the surface. Both liquid and powder chemicals used in preventing pests in livestock are harmful to the environment and can affect not only farmworkers but also microorganisms in soil and also aquatic life in water bodies around the farm (Lacey, Lawrence A, and Harry K Kaya,43). Humans can be affected by the ingestion of dust or soil particles from spraying or dipping units. Some crops can be grown for human consumption within Windy Hill Farm in future and doing so in contaminated soil as a result of chemical pollution will affect people’s health. Drinking water can also be a source within the farm in either boreholes or any other water body. If this water is contaminated through leaching of chemicals or surface runoff, human health is at stake. Livestock is exposed to contaminated soil in the field during grazing. Depending on local conditions and other varied factors such as the height of grass, shrubs and the quantity of dirt on the foliage, an adult cow can ingest soil of approximately 675 grams in a single day. Livestock is equally exposed to contaminated water as well. The cost of treating sick animals on the farm undermines the economic objective of Windy Hill Farm. In extreme situations, acute contamination can result in mass deaths which cause significant loss to Windy Hill Farm. Streams and ponds in Windy Hill Farm can have their aquatic life impacted negatively by excessive chemicals that are carried by surface run-off. This leads to disruption of the aquatic food web and the general biodiversity (Hall, Stephen J. G, 38).
Silage production in Windy Hill Farm needs to be carried out with due diligence. This means that proper environmental considerations should be ensured since the production of silage in carried out in lower grounds near water bodies in the farm (Behnassi, Mohamed, et al., 23). The production of silage is just like farming any other crops and involves tillage, herbicides and pesticides use and application of fertilizers (Plachter, Harald et al. 35).Proper agricultural practices must be observed. Different types of silage should be grown on a rotational basis to maximize yields and prevent pests and diseases from adapting with pesticides and herbicides being used. The organic manure from the farm should be applied in the right proportions since the farm is located near a water source. Excessive application of organic or inorganic fertilizers will affect the quality of water in River Manifold. To prevent soil particles and chemicals from being washed by runoff to the river, minimum tillage and split application of pesticides should be introduced.
A fully integrated approach to farming at Windy Hill Farm presents some challenges. Increased costs will affect the economic objectives of the farm. All the practices to promote environmental conservation and sustainability issues in the farm come with different costs that if they are summed up, becomes a significant amount(Dawkins, Marian Stamp, and Roland Bonney,38). The new practices require additional resources regarding workforce and technology. Introduction of these practices has the potential to affect other practices in the farm leading to slowed processes in the initial phase. The changes might take time to produce results, and some changes might not add significant impact to the operations of Windy Hill Farm. Changes in practices such as silage production might affect the quality of the feeds or the livestock in the farm might not be receptive to the new feeds introduced. Increasing the duration or number of cows managed in-house might lead to increased cost of feeding or adaptation issues that will impact productivity(Moran, John, 28). These and other practices need to be well thought out before they are implemented fully, and they can introduce in small scale before they are fully integrated into the farm.
There are some anticipated future issues at Windy Hill Farm. The farm might consider introducing high yielding breeds and put them on all year round in-house management. This will mean that the acreage under silage production needs to be significantly increased to cater for increased demand for feeds (Dawkins, Marian Stamp, and Roland Bonney, 39). Depending on the trends and profitability of each enterprise, the farm might consider eliminating one of the enterprises in future. If sheep gives high return than cows, the farm might consider eliminating dairy farming and focusing on sheep farming or vice vasa. Depending on climatic changes both enterprises might be phased out and new enterprises such as crop farming introduced. In future, there will be more need to preserve the environment within and outside the farm by adhering to ‘green’ practices (Behnassi, Mohamed, et al., 25).
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