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Pop Art: History and protagonists The Pop Art was originated in mid -1950 in the United States. The American Andy Warhol was the father of pop art, he had a......
Words: 742
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Poetry in primary schools: educational problems by exclusion of literature in Paraguay Awareness on the reading of works by Paraguayan writers Readings, especially literary, have e...
Words: 1329
Pages: 5
Poetry from 1933 Introduction In the post -war Spanish poetry we find various trends from which the most generalized were Dámaso Alonso classified as rooted and uprooted poetry, a...
Words: 493
Pages: 2
Pluricultural Nation: Art, Culture and Ecuadorian Literature Introduction Ecuador is a multicultural nation. With the 3 regions we have in Ecuador we live with 18 indigenous nation...
Words: 1049
Pages: 4
Plato and his philosophy of thought Although Plato's works cover virtually all areas of philosophy The thought of the Greek author is deeply oriented towards political and ethical ...
Words: 3250
Pages: 12
Pinochet's social policy and its influence on Chile's aesthetic coup between 1973-1975 The country of Chile presents the dictatorship of the Chilean general and politicthe objectiv...
Words: 1618
Pages: 6
Philosophy and theoretical conceptual problem of journalism sciences The relationship between philosophy and communication and journalism is usually complicated, in a certain way t...
Words: 712
Pages: 3
Philosophical and spiritual doctrine Buddhism To talk about the set of values that governs Asian society and the social protocol that is exercised in such region it is necessary to...
Words: 1897
Pages: 7
Phases exposed in man in search of meaning Introduction The book deals with the experiences lived in a small concentration field, of which the majority do not speak, horrors lived....
Words: 3764
Pages: 14
Personal ethics Currently To encourage us to go up and to achieve a certain selection within the species, the cunning nature seems to have resorted to a trick: it has......
Words: 1408
Pages: 5
Perseus, half in Greek mythology Perseo is a well -known mythological character, a half -born of the union between Zeus and the mortal Dánae, daughter of the King of......
Penitentiary System in the 19th Century offender Introduction In the beginning the concept of the penalty is essentially linked to the work that the penal. In the beginning it was....
Pedagogical newspaper of the children of the El Porvenir Children's Garden During this week of being in the process of pedagogical interaction with the children of the kindergarten...
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Paul Cézanne, the great hermit painter Introduction Paul Cézanne was a French painter, whom many consider pioneer of open brushstrokes characteristics of post-impressionism. His ...
Paranormal activity and their periods Introduction The paranormal is something that occurs outside of reality or what cannot be explained with science as its name indicates is some...
Pablo Neruda's works style Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, or as we know him, Pablo Neruda, was born in 1904, on June 12 in the Chilean Parral City which is......
Pablo Neruda and his poem 'I am afraid' The poem "I am afraid" by Pablo Neruda published in 1958 is a poem that integrates his book "Extravagarío". Throughout ...
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Pages: 5
Our individual person identity At present, people usually characterize themselves by their way of life, religious feelings and beliefs are a set of their own characteristics that b...
Oscar Wilde, relevant figure of aestheticism Estheticism stood out for being a very important artistic expression in England, especially during the last period of the nineteenth ce...
Words: 1137
Pages: 4
Orientalism in the works of Eugène Delacroix Early years and education by Eugène Delacroix Eugène Delacroix became famous as an outstanding figure of the 19th century French rom...
Words: 1028
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Organized crime forms. Introduction Before organized crime existed, there was crime and the offender was a person who specialized in a task and that task made him part of his......
Words: 1120
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Organizational behavior and psychosocial risks The lack of organization of some companies is the main cause of the origin of psychosocial risks in them. The work stress being the m...
Opinion on gender equality and inequality Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution establishes that all Spaniards are equal to the law, without making any gender distinction. However...
Words: 1170
Pages: 4
One hundred years of loneliness: jewel of literature Introduction Development that the Latin American territory for what depended on other countries of the European continent for t...
Words: 1468
Pages: 5
ODA XXIII ANALYSIS: When leaving the prison of Fray Luis de León When leaving jail Here envy and lie They had me locked up: Happy the humble state of the......
Words: 2368
Pages: 9
Natural world conservation thanks to technological advances One of the advances for animals is the hidden video bed this advance was very important because without it they had no s...
National identity of Mexico Introduction What do we understand by identity? His etymology defines him as what is equal to himself or similar to himself. I understand it as what,......
My hermeneutic subjectivity of 'Las Meninas' “Las Meninas”, painted by the Spanish Diego Velázquez, in the year of 1656, it is a work of art, which always caused me curiosity....
Words: 660
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Muslim influence on culture Introduction Moorish influence on Spain's culture is reflected in language, architecture and music. Muslims were responsible for important cultural inno...
Words: 537
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Movies you are going to enjoy Introduction ‘The labyrinth of the faun’ (2006) took shape in the imagination of Guillermo del Toro already in 1993, when he began drawing ideas.....
Words: 1954
Pages: 7
Mous, the Holocaust Jewish survivor Maus tells the story of a Jewish survivor to Holocaust in World War II. A majority may think that Mous aims to denounce the barbarities......
Monograph on hunting: History The hunt! The term hunting and the fact of hunting is an act that has accompanied human beings since its origins. Since the prehistoric era, the......
Words: 1687
Pages: 6
Modernism and its impact on modern art Introduction Modernism had a different effect on each European country since it was linked to the level of industrialization of each. Its mai...
Words: 1193
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Modern Business Administration Before developing a topic based on modern administration, it is important to clarify what is business administration? Administration is considered as...
Words: 1062
Pages: 4
MODERN ARCHITECTURE MASTERS Mies van der Rohe, the form and function Course: Modern and contemporary teaching art and architecture: Elizabeth Cárdenas Arroyo Section: Ar6a Student...
Words: 924
Pages: 3
Modern architecture in the different stages of society Introduction In this essay it contains a series of reflections that, applying its own premises in the way of working architec...
Michelangelo Bonarroti and his works Introduction Michelangelo Bonarroti or better known as Miguel Ángel, was born in Italy-Roma in 1475 was a sculptor, painter, architect and eve...
Words: 1880
Pages: 7
Methods and Documents Introduction The documentary explains learning in a public school in a city in Japan. To do this, they recorded for a year the class of Professor Toshiro......
Words: 462
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Metaphysics is important because it is the only science with freedom Introduction The first position is supported by Tales and Socrates, and the second by Aristotle in metaphysics....
Metamorphosis A Kafka work Introduction The most appropriate reading that can be made about the similarities between the works of Kafka and Dostoevski refers to the central theme p...
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