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TRACIONAL MEDICINE, HISTORY AND CURRENT Traditional medicine is considered by the World Health Organization as treatments, knowledge and health convection, which include medication...
Tourist potential and adventure tourism in the Piura 2020 region Adventure tourism is being potentiated in Peru, mainly among local audiences that is increasing. "Usually is r...
Total quality and if application in the market Introduction. Over the years, many companies have been born as a goal of offering a better product or service to their customers.......
Tomás de Aquino: The Natural Law Catholic theologian and philosopher belonging to the Order of Preachers, is considered one of the greatest representatives of medieval scholastic ...
Words: 2170
Pages: 8
Thyroid cancer related to radiology At the level of many practices in clinics there are doubts about the risks to which health workers who participate in the diagnostic process wit...
Words: 2447
Pages: 9
Threat of machines as a replacement for humans in the labor field Introduction Fear is not new but it seems more real than ever. Will robots leave humans without employment......
Thoughts and situations of suffering Introduction I find myself confined in my house for an enemy who does not know piety, but that gives me the opportunity to "talk", an...
Think and write: reasons for this I originally wrote this text for my blog, but I share it as a way of expressing my catharsis process around writing, I hope......
Words: 830
Pages: 3
The world epidemic called Obesity Introduction Obesity or body fat increase is currently considered as a world epidemic, in adults, children and adolescents. Peru is not a country ...
Words: 986
Pages: 4
The woman, main cause of feminicide Introduction Feminicide is a very argued issue in Peruvian society and a reason for discussion in recent times, reflecting on why a woman attack...
The woman and the way in search of rights for a more just society This essay deals with one of the most relevant social problems today, gender violence, and how......
The woman and the meaning of the Chicano Movement The issue of which we are going to talk about is about the woman and what the Chicano movement for them......
Words: 2273
Pages: 8
The void that leads to loneliness Introduction By nature, human beings fear fear;As much as some people enjoy solitude spaces, they will always reach a point, where they need suppo...
Words: 911
Pages: 3
The virtue from the point of view of the sophists, Plato and Aristotle In the following trial, the relationship established between the point of view of the sophists, Plato and......
Words: 987
Pages: 4
The violent effects of children's video games Video games have changed entertainment mode since the early seventies. The Supreme Court is weighing the arguments for and against a C...
The value of the wolves in history Before his persecution by humans, the wolf (Canis lupus) had the greatest distribution of all the world's terrestrial mammals, except man. Its im...
The value of the last samurai Introduction The flower of Japan, beautiful and elegant in its possession, separated from the tree from life. It was on November 25, 1970, the......
Words: 641
Pages: 2
The use of cell phone and the effect on the human being Introduction The cell phone is an electronic device for personal telecommunications with wireless network. The great advanta...
Words: 1584
Pages: 6
The use and consumption of psychoactive substances It is of historical notion that all those natural substances that include chemical elements, which alter the human organism in th...
Words: 727
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The uproar caused by a picture, Manet This work has an interesting story, it was a painting that in its time caused a fuss, but at the same time it......
The uniqueness of the human being in suffering addiction It is very common to talk about addictions, there are all kinds, among the most unique we find alcohol addiction, tobacco,....
Words: 1735
Pages: 6
The types of sports injuries in the ribs Suffering sports injuries in the ribs can leave an athlete out of activity. Although they are fine bones to which we do......
THE TRUE OBJECTIVE OF THE SOCIAL CONTRACT In this essay, the objective of the Rousseau social contract will be seen that is based on 4 books where each explains......
Words: 1953
Pages: 7
The true meaning of Franz Kafka's metamorphosis Metamorphosis is a great renowned novel written by Austrohungalo Franz Kafka, being published in 1915, it should be noted that this ...
The transphobia: definition and sociological analysis What is transphobia? Transobia is fear, hatred, lack of acceptance or discomfort against transgender people. In general, trans...
Words: 2430
Pages: 9
The traditional practice of female genital mutilation Female genital mutilation is a traditional practice that entails the cutting of the clitoris in girls or women. Although its p...
The toxic relationship between sugar and brain There is a direct relationship between brain and sugar consumption. In the article “The Neuroscience of Sugars in Taste, Gut-Reward...
The three factors for muscle gain When winning muscle, 3 fundamental factors are involved. First of all the genetic ease for muscle gain, secondly the type of training made and......
Words: 679
Pages: 2
THE THIRD SEX: LAS DIES Introduction The theme that I have decided to deal with in this second anthropological essay of the subject Social Anthropology, is related to sexuality, re...
Words: 2835
Pages: 10
The swimmer and its characteristics Introduction Swimming has been registered since prehistoric times, the oldest swimming files are paintings made in the stone age, approximately ...
The swimmer and his shoulder injury Introduction Swimming is the exercise that people are usually recommended to suffer from back pain, in addition to being a good health sport in....
The study of the Greek tragedy of Antigona The antigone literary composition, ἀντιγόνη in Greek, is a Greek tragedy written in the 5th century before Christ by the trag...
THE STUDY OF ETHICS, EMOTIONS AND MORAL REASONING Study of the moral reasoning of young university students on contextualized dilemmas in the love and intimate relationships of het...
Words: 697
Pages: 3
The study of an athlete's brain Most of us admire more than one athlete. We are fascinated by his strength, his ability to react, his vision to see the best......
Words: 882
Pages: 3
The structure of companies and their importance Companies seek to minimize risks and meet the established goals based on implementation of an organizational structure which determi...
The story of San Agustin de Hipona Aurelio Agustín de Hipona was born in Tagaste on November 13, 354 - August 28, 430, Latin Theologian, one of the greatest figures......
The story of my unfortunate life: a 1573 child Being Martín Santos, born in Alcalá de Henares in 1573, a 13 -year -old boy who enjoyed a plate of food......
The state, role, what is and what is it for in a country The issue we are going to analyze is the state. What is, what is your role, what......
Words: 2332
Pages: 8
The Spanish Inquisition, the Obedient Navy The Spanish Inquisition was a religious movement created in 1492 to punish the heretics that did not comply with the principles of Cathol...
Words: 398
Pages: 1
The sound as a factor that alters the heart rate Introduction For both athletes, and for a person who does not perform any physical activity, heart rate or beatIt is......
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