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Science and Torah in Jewish religion Bioethics in Jewish religion: In Judaism, unlike in the Catholic Church, scientific knowledge was conceived as an aid in the application of cer...
Schizophrenia, five visions on identity tearing In ancient times it was believed that the people who suffered from schizophrenia were contagious and were simply deranged, even comp...
Safety and health at work is a right Safety and health at work (SST) is a right of high importance for all workers, regulated by laws and norms that......
Running tapes for training Introduction They are practical tools that serve to exercise at home or in small spaces, without having to invest so much time or money. They are......
Roman procedural law, the basis of the modern procedure Roman procedural law was a long evolution system used in the Roman courts, which in its subsequent stages formed the basis.....
Words: 2294
Pages: 8
Role of genres in contraception: men always know less How informed are men regarding the different contraceptive methods?, eclipses a lot to what I have been able to realize about....
Words: 1035
Pages: 4
Robotics and its advances in medicine Introduction This technology progresses and this is immersed by different sciences, the main one is the medicinal field where it causes an imp...
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Pages: 2
Robotics and its advances in medicine Introduction Robotics is very useful in medicine that is capable of getting where the eye of man cannot. Laparoscopy uses surgical methods suc...
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Risks we face within the legalization of drugs Introduction What are the risks we would face with the legalization of drugs? Drugs have been cataloged as soft and hard, when......
Risk factors, prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension Introduction It is called arterial hypertension (HA) to the chronic elevation of systolic blood pressure (greater th...
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Río Nilo in the development of Egyptian civilization Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest cultures of which there has been a record, existing for more than 6,000 years. This...
Words: 960
Pages: 3
Right to separate the partner due to lack of dividend distribution Introduction Within this exhibition we will talk about the right of separation due to lack of dividend distributi...
Words: 2305
Pages: 8
Rights of sexuality and invisibility in society Introduction This essay is about the importance of sexuality as an opportunity for dialogue, from a reflexive and active position, e...
Words: 1719
Pages: 6
Rights in the Constitution and due process Introduction Within the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador of the year 2008 we can realize that it is considered as a higher......
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Right of life, right of death Introduction In this reading report I will explain what I understood in this right reading Right to death? It is very interesting, since these......
Rhetoric Question about God and the Demon Introduction Your question is a bit ambiguous, because the answers vary, but starting that demons can appear or we can see the answer......
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Revolutionary and civil war in Spain Introduction In this chapter we will characterize the historical context of the novel from several points of view. For first, we will describe ...
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Review and analysis of the antigone work Introduction Antigone, a book full of tragedies where misfortune remains in each of its lines, implying that each mistake is paid with pain...
Review about Tragic Hero of Antigone of Sophocles In the Antigone work of Sophocles (496-406 AC), one of the most important authors of the Greek tragedy together with Euripides (48...
Words: 1127
Pages: 4
Review about my five favorite films Gattaca (1997): It is a futuristic dystopyAt all it is not bad since genetic diseases can be eradicated by avoiding even malformations, this div...
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Rest after a brain shock Both during sports and our day to day we are constantly exposed to domestic accidents that in most cases are mild. In this article we......
Respiratory physiotherapy and its techniques A physiotherapist is not very funny to be called a masseuse. Consider that your knowledge and the pathologies you can deal with go much...
Research Rhetoric Question Introduction Lubricating oils are fluid used for their ability to reduce parts wear, provide better energy saving by decreasing heating, facilitating c...
Words: 1571
Pages: 6
Research on the human genome Introduction In the current state of genetic research, manipulation of the human genome is possible, using strategies used to adjust and alter the meth...
Words: 1941
Pages: 7
Research on Experimental Psychology Mental chronometry. In 1795, an astronomer assistant to the Greenwich Observatory was fired when his superior discovered that the traffic tim...
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Research aimed at studying university recruitment towards prostitution INTRODUCTION This essay is going the recruitment process in universities to incite youngwhich are limited by ...
Republic: the state justice and the individual Introduction In book II, Plato at the time of Socrates to answer the question of what justice is, creates a city. His thought......
René Descartes and his contribution to philosophy René Descartes, a fifteenth -century French rationalist philosopher, hesitated all the knowledge disseminated by the scholastic ...
Words: 1129
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Renal insufficiency and malnutrition Introduction The kidney is a couple of organs located at the top of the retroperitoneum zone. On both sides of his great blood vessels for vert...
Words: 880
Pages: 3
Renal failure in pregnancy INTRODUCTION It is called renal insufficiency when the kidneys are not able to correctly filter the toxins and blood waste substances that are why when t...
Words: 2145
Pages: 8
Religious beliefs in the Middle Ages Introduction Medieval philosophy for this time established all its actions by highlighting the name of God, all processes were carried out unqu...
Religion affected a social disorganization of the people of Salem Introduction The objective of carrying out this work is to deduce how an expression can produce great inequality s...
Words: 1740
Pages: 6
Relationship of knowledge with the use of contraceptive methods According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the use of contraceptives has increased in many parts of the wo...
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Pages: 10
Relationship of intestinal microbiota and childhood obesity Introduction Child obesity has become a public health problem today, according to WHO it defines it as an abnormal or ex...
Rehabilitation and Assistance Technology: Road to Transhumanization As for technological transformation, human life has greatly changed for good. In fact, one of the fields where d...
Words: 2362
Pages: 9
Reflection on the weight of Rome in European culture Introduction Traveling to Rome is a very different experience from visiting any other city in Europe. The feeling it causes is....
Words: 1293
Pages: 5
Reflection of the literary work The tribulations of the student Törless Robert Musil was an Austrian writer, which in 1906 publishes his master workIt is one of the most important...
Words: 1654
Pages: 6
Reflection of the literary work "The tribulations of the student Törless" The taboos have existed in our society regardless of the place of origin, being results of huma...
Words: 1380
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Red Little Red Riding Hood Story Introduction Caperucita's teeth is a story by Cuban writer André Caicedo who starts from Red Riding Hood fable. The fable is inspired by a......
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Reason: Definition of the concept by Aristotiles Rationality Since the beginning of philosophical thought, multiple philosophers have recognized that man, in itself, is distinguish...
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