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Dramatization as a strategy to promote thought Introduction How dramatization encourages creativity in children? Increases attention and stimulates its creativity by graphically re...

Doping and Sports: Legal aspects Drugs and sport are an undeniably controversial issue that occupies the center of attention during large international events or competitions. Howe...

Dopaje: Definition and its negative consequences In the sports field, doping or doping is understood as the use of prohibited or non -regulatory chemical elements, elements or subs...

Don Quixote de la Mancha: how the end is closer than we think Introduction Several days have passed and Don Quijote is quite bad, he spends all day at rest......

Donatello's sculptural work in the Renaissance era Some people travel in order to meet places, which have been visited by many. But unfortunately there are few who know thoroughly,...

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Discover the agency's ability to recover when an aggression has suffered Introduction The human body is a high complexity mechanism. It has numerous components that fulfill thousan...

Discovering whether it affects the environment to be vegan In recent times humanity shows more and more interest in saving the planet, and in some way remedy all the damage......

Disability problem in Mental Health Throughout time accordingly to the milestones in the control of infections and other innovative health measures that have managed to improve the...

Disability - EDUCATION FOR ALL Summary This article explains the origin of disability and develops what are the causes of some disabilities and how could it be avoided, having time...

Disability as an impediment to falling in love In the film, it shows us that love is for all people, it comes in a very strange way, but a disability......

Disability and right to decent housing Introduction The main objective of this work is to expose the reality of disabled people and their right to decent housing. It is about......

Dinosaur: The most famous animal Introduction What is a dinosaur? Dinosaurs are among the most famous animals in the world, but paradoxically they are also among the least known. W...

Dinosaurs that ruled the Mesozoic era The term dinosaur was coined in 1842 by the English biologist Sir Richard Owen. The Name Dinosaur literally means "terrible lizards"...

Different types of heavy metal Introduction Heavy metals are chemical elements, characterized by their high density and fixation, accumulation and permanence capacity, these are di...

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Different criminal schools and their contribution to Criminology We will review the different criminal schools their contribution to Criminology, its main exponents and briefly com...

Difference HIV and AIDS INTRODUCTION Dear reader in the following trial I will announce about a disease that is still a very important issue and that most people ignore since......

Diabetes mellitus (hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma) Diabetes is a union of very chronic diseases characterized by a high concentration of blood glucose as resulting from a defect i...

Diabetes mellitus, degenerative and incurable disease Summary Diabetes mellitus is a degenerative and incurable disease that triggers several complications which we have to avoid f...

Descartes's error: The reason for emotions Descartes's error The reason for emotions is written by Antonio Damasio who explores the relationship between the brain, reason and emoti...

Depression in Latin American adolescents by Diabetes Mellitus The term diabetes comes from the Greek Diabétes, which in turn derives from the Diabaíno verb "walk", form...

Dental health and false myths Introduction There is a phrase that I love and it is: "Everyone smiles in the same language". The smile has always been a sign of......

Democratic leadership and its dimensions Introduction When talking about positive leadership as the main agent to transform, it is essential to make a direct relationship with emot...

Definition and implications of compulsive obsessive disorder Summary The Obsessive Compulsive Toc maintains specific characteristics, where the most obvious belong to obsessions an...

Defining heroism in history It is important to be clear about the meaning of hero. Commonly the hero has superhuman skills or idealized personality traits that allow him to carry.....

Deal with sexuality we have Introduction Do we know how to deal with the sexuality we have? Do we have control of our sexuality? And most importantly, do we accept......

Dark matter and the model of cold dark matter The universe has been defined as everything that exists in the form of energy and matter, but represents for scientists a......

Dance as the mother of the arts Introduction Dance is to be oneself, to have a presence and enjoy the movement, being aware that when dancing we are more than......

Daily use of gloves and masks Introduction The present case study, conducted in the Burín Mariano Moreno neighborhood of the Gualaceo canton, was considered pertinent to recommend...

Cultural appropriation and its history Introduction We focus on cultural history and its importance in historical research. As in the previous section, it was commented that Marxis...

Cultural appropriation and its fashion Introduction Cultural appropriation is happening in luxury fashion, the most expensive and exclusive designers of the world are often inspire...

Cultural and Social Identity in Canadian Introduction Canada is a sovereign country belonging to the North America block that is formed by ten provinces and three territories. His ...

Cuba, Health Development: Elimination of HIV/AIDS Transmission and Syphilis from Mother to Son HIV is a virus that affects body immunology, which is subsequently developed as AIDS,...

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Critics review of the film 12 years of slavery Introduction 12 years of slavery is an American film directed by Steve McQueen. In 2013 based on the autobiography of Solomon......

Critics review of Gabriel García Márquez's book Let's talk about our beloved Colombian writer of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982, that is, he is the renowned character Gab...

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Criticism of information exchange agreements With the first major economic crisis of the 21st century there is a need for the fight against tax havens, an international consensus, ...

Critical review: a happy world A happy world is a novel by the renowned English writer Aldous Leonard Huxley, was published for the first time in 1932. It is a......

Critical comment from The "Descent of Christ of the Cross"   It is a Gothic painting where a religious scene is shown in which we see in the center highlight......

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Criminal Psychology: Behavior, inheritance and factors Introduction Since ancient times the human being has criminal behavior, he is attracted to performing actions that most would...

Criminal profile, serial killer. Introduction Killer, is it done or is born? Despite the scientific and technological advances that have been achieved, there is still much to learn...

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Criminal Law, the Branch of Social Sciences that influences the Public Good  Introduction Criminal law is covered in the branch of Social Sciences or Law Sciences, it is gradually...

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