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Chronic thyroiditis and its reaction to the immune system Summary Hashimoto chronic thyroiditis is a thyroid gland condition which is an endocrine organ responsible for producing t...
Words: 1868
Pages: 7
Chronic pain management and treatment Introduction. All people once in life have consumed some anti -inflammatory. The purpose of these is the decrease in the inflammation proces...
Words: 1339
Pages: 5
Chinese -born American: Conversation Introduction The American vision is a curious animal that lives most of the US territory. This little animal is also found on the American and ...
Child's behavior study Introduction It is necessary to take into account that modern science based on the development of the child is the culmination of centuries there was changes...
Children's self - esteem, a little known concept You really know what self-concept and self - esteem means. You know how to imply these concepts in your life. The following......
Children concerned about their body image We all know about the growing concern that adolescents share about their physique. But perhaps this trend is pending at the earliest ages ...
Children and life values Introduction This story is very specific and also somewhat sentimental, the story is told in a poor, desolate town, with a lot of misery and that......
Child obesity in Mexico and the importance of a good diet Introduction Food is undoubtedly the greatest priorities and needs of the human being since you have a reason, you......
Child nutrition problem in Mexico Childhood is characterized by being the basic stage of learning, search, well -being and deployment of physical, mental and emotional potential...
Child Obesity: Causes and Consequences Obesity is a very common disease in children and more than an aesthetic problem represents a significant impact on the health of these. This ...
Words: 1635
Pages: 6
Child malnutrition and obesity in Mexico Introduction The issue of current food in the Mexican infant, factors for its imbalance and some diseases that this problem entails will be...
Words: 505
Pages: 2
Childhood nutrition programs INTRODUCTION In recent years, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children under 5 years of age has increased in a worrying way as a consequenc...
Chernobyl catastrophe and nuclear radiation Chernobyl catastrophe was one of the greatest natural disasters of the planet. This catastrophe began in reactor 4 during a systems test...
Chernobil nuclear plant accident and repercussions today On April 26, 1986, the Chernobil Nuclear Energy Plant in Ukraine suffered a collapse of one of its reactors. Chernobyl cata...
Words: 1855
Pages: 7
Charlie and the chocolate factory: Tim Burton Charlie and the chocolate factory was published on July 10, 2005 in the United States, this is based on Roald Dahl's book in......
Words: 1533
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Charles Darwin and his scientific research There is an apparent contradiction between how Darwin proceeded in his scientific research and how he described it for public consumption...
Words: 1081
Pages: 4
Charismatic leadership and characteristics that describe it Introduction Charisma is a word that can be used to describe some people for certain characteristics of their personalit...
Characteristics signs of battered women Bad treatment and gender violence have become two more and more visible concepts both in politics and in health and, of course, also in.....
Words: 969
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Characteristics of vegan diets: advantages and disadvantages Introduction For many people, meat is a product of animal origin that humans intentionally prepare alterations in it, h...
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CHAPTERS OF THE BOOK OF THE “SOCIAL CONTRACT O Chapter I To begin with, we can say that Rousseau raises us in this first chapter, from birth, man has been......
Central Nervous System Relationship (SNC) with cognitive learning The alterations of the central nervous system (CNS), may be directly to relate them to cognitive learning especial...
Central nervous system alterations The central nervous system fulfills very diverse functions;He is in charge of receiving, emitting signals and stimuli to the entire body, is resp...
Celia vs Frida, 2 very sexy rebel influencers that stir social networks Introduction Being the son of a famous personality brings many things, being exposed to the press, having a....
CBD oil helps patients with herpes zoster According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Herpes Zóster is diagnosed every year to more than one......
Words: 1309
Pages: 5
CBD and nerve conditions Introduction You can't visit a medical expert without hearing him mention the immune system. The awareness of its importance has increased so much that eve...
Causes and symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder Introduction In this essay, the issue of autism will be announced, its causes, symptoms, treatments, as well as diagnoses will be ...
Words: 930
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Causes and consequences of anorexia in adolescence Introduction There are currently several emotional psychological disorders, one of these is anorexia, considered as an eating dis...
Words: 1832
Pages: 7
Causes and clinical manifestations of Down Syndrome A syndrome is defined as a set of symptoms and signs that form a frame of reference to investigate what characterizes a certain....
Words: 2005
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Causes and consequences lived by people suffering from obesity Introduction We live in such a damaged society where the consequences that we can cause are not taken into account, w...
Cases in which a criminal lawyer can help you Introduction In the legal field, there are several professionals responsible for providing advice according to the type of conflict th...
Words: 481
Pages: 2
Carbohydrates and where are Introduction Within this category, we can find two different types: monosaccharides and disaccharides. One of the main characteristics of these nutrient...
Words: 900
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Cannabis consumption does not affect productivity Musicians and artists have been consuming cannabis for a long time to improve their creativity. But how does the drug affect more ...
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Cannabis: Alternative of Modern Medicine To begin with, for a long time there has been conception about cannabis, but this should change, since in recent years various experiments ...
Cancer in the ovaries and their treatment Introduction As we have made clear in many articles, the hormonal component is very important for both the health of the athlete and......
CALLEDULAS: Properties of the Flower Flowers The calendula is a flower that has many properties from antiseptics, antibacterial, as well as anti -inflammatory. Therefore, this herb...
Calabozo or black space holes Introduction The fate of the astronaut and the horizon of events. Dungeon. What is a black hole? In simple terms, accessible to all, this is......
Words: 478
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Business models in musical radios A business model is the plan prior to the business plan, which defines what you are going to offer to the market, how you are......
Words: 1091
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Bulimia is a food trador When talking about mental disorders we talk about a series of pathological behaviors or behaviors, then we will refer to these anomalies in the......
Words: 1663
Pages: 6
Buddhism and how to reach Nirvana What is Nirvana and how it is achieved? The Nirvana describes someone who is in a state of fullness and inner peace, without being......
Buddhism A model of spirituality and lighting In this work you will find what Buddhism is, such as the characteristics and essence of Buddhism.Also as a model of spirituality......
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