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Book Of Stories The Paradox And The Secret Of Success


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Book of stories The paradox and the secret of success

The paradox, a story about the true essence of leadership, is a book consisting of seven chapters and 171 pages, written by American lawyer and consultant James C. Hunter, the objective of this book is to show an ideal of leadership through the experience of the protagonist John, this man considered himself a good leader but against time and for personal, family circumstances and work were decreasing his ability to lead, byWhich is obliged to seek help in a small Christian monastery, where he would meet Brother Simeon, who would teach him a different way of facing problems and improving interpersonal relationships, this spiritual retirement lasts seven days, therefore, therefore,Seven are the chapters of the book describing the teachings shared by Brother Simeon about leadership.

Human beings are animals that by their nature need to interact with other beings and live together, for this reason it is required within the same society to adopt different roles and propose objectives in order to give an invisible structure to society where you canestablish authors and responsibilities that naturally in the development of people’s personality are characterized in leaders and followers;Leaders take the initiative and involve followers to carry out activities with the greatest efficiency for the achievement of objectives, while followers complement, provide ideas and knowledge obtaining as a result greater results.

Understanding the role and impact of good leadership in society results in an interesting study, this because leadership is not only taken from its work orbit, it can be seen from the personal or social sphere, “maintaining a good leadership creates a good leadershipA happy society, and a happy society can create a strong nation ”(Anonymous, 2015).

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Assuming the above, the question is born. The leader is born or done?, As academic training influences people or what kind of training should be received to form the great leaders who will break the ancient paradigms and get involved in society in a positive way by providing innovative and creative ideas.

Nowadays organizations face new challenges, so it is importantA significance throughout history and is currently present with a high level of application in organizations since it is considered a tool for the achievement and achievement of goals. Organizations must discover the factors that affect the growth of entrepreneurs since the lack of leadership causes outbreaks of uncertainty, indiscipline, insecurity, low level of commitment, lack of motivation and therefore the decline of the good work environment.

According to James c. Hunter in his book La Paradoja, affirms that we must “direct and motivate, impart coherent orders that do not attempt against human dignity and the importance of good treatment with other human beings which must be exactly how we want them to look at us and treat us”(Hunter J. C., La Paradoja, 1996, p. 35), this American writer and lawyer informs us with his book the added value that organizations have when using leadership as a technique in achieving and achieving the own goals that directly benefit the common goals of the organization, also affirmsthat "to send you have to serve", this idea can be considered as reciprocal and must be implemented both in personal and professional life.

Taking this into account, one could say that:

People who tend to think that the reason why there are not too many leaders is because of the need to have a series of innate characteristics, difficult to specify. And on the other hand, the enormous capacity for modification of human behavior is observed and it tends to be thought that in the human being everything can be learned. (Blog Pepletree Group).

From the above it could be inferred that the leader’s qualities are innate and basic that each and every human beings such as intelligence, learning and opportunity is, which grouped are the key to all leadership.

Leadership = Intelligence + Learning + Opportunity = Success

On the other hand, academic training influences and can vary in the training behavior of leaders, in an education system such as in Colombia that lacks the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, because young people are influenced by the idea of going to school beingThe best fulfilling activities, graduating from going to university to be the best professional and get a good job, this current of thought is not false or bad at all, but in countries like China, Europe among others, young people receive trainingaiming to be leaders of the largest companies, they maintain research culture and as an added value to their qualities they have discipline.

The need to break with the ancient paradigms force organizations to abolish the issue of manager for the leader, this due to the contrast that arises in their actions and that is manifested in their actions. Managers manage, manage while a leader directs and innova, as dogmatizes the writer James C. Hunter in his phrase "Things are managed, people are leading" (Hunter J. C., La Paradoja, 1996, p. 38) Understanding these differences a leader must have skills such as active listening, authority, knowledge, patience, generosity and especially passion, love for what is done and for the group, since only then are working with enthusiasm and thebetter results, to maintain a good work environment, the leader must proportional a good atmosphere.

For the philosopher Max Weber, there is a difference between the concepts "Power and Authority", this difference is reflected in the type of leadership that is exercised on the organization’s attendees, the authority consists in “infuseing people to workwith enthusiasm in achieving objectives for the common good ”(p.38), on the contrary, power is the “ability to force or coerce someone, so that it, even if it prefers not to do it., do your will due to the economic or hierarchical position of the manager or boss (Hunter J. C., La Paradoja, 1996, p. 39), certainly the relationship between leadership and authority is very important since the key to leadership is the art of influencing others. A clear example of the foregoing is the National Police of Colombia, in his prayer the Lord of yourself that expresses in one of his paragraphs “when you have the humility of the brave to order to do what costs the most and men follow you foryourself, even if you even go to death.”(M., 2014).

A good leader, not only forms a structure, is also his followers who take the role of collaborators, their well -being and care are of utmost importance for companies because they are the human capital of the organization, according to Bill inHis phrase "men and women will do a good job if the right environment is provided" (Hunter J. C., La Paradoja, 1996, p. 123), this indicates that the leader must meet the basic needs of the worker, a clear example of the needs is expressed with the Pyramid of Abraham Maslow, which consists of 5 ranks starting with food, safety and protection of love and identification, self – esteem respectivelyFinishing with its personal fulfillment, therefore, the maintenance of good conditions with employees thus reflects the love that the leader has and feels for his followers, as well as Jesus Christ expresses it in chapter 13 of the first letter to the Corinthians;

Love is patient, it is affable, it is not boastful or conceited, it is not rude, it does not seek its own, it does not carry accounts of evil, it does not rejoice with injustice, but with truth, everything suffers, everything supports it. Love never fails. (HUNTER J. C., La Paradoja, 1996, p. 100)

According to the above, the qualities of a leader allow his followers to feel identified with the reason for being and the company’s mission and thus increase the efficiency and efficiency in the processes, among the most relevant qualities of a leaderis it so;"Honor, trustworthy, exemplary, pending others, committed, attentive, demand responsibility for people, treat people with respect, encourage people, positive, enthusiastic attitude and appreciate people" (Hunter J. , La Paradoja, 1996, p. 101) It should be noted that a leader cannot possess all these qualities but it is sought that they are strengthened or acquired through constant training and thus become a true example of “behavior for players, children, employees or forAnyone who is under his command ”(Hunter J. C., La Paradoja, 1996, p. 102), if a leader suggests his weakness or lack of mastery of himself, he cannot expect his working group to control and acted with responsibility and discipline, so it is important that the leader with his single presence unfounded respect andEmpathy for anyone, that his behavior serves as a guide to the concurrent ones, as we said at the beginning of the paragraph the “love is loyalty, love is team spirit, love respects the dignity of the individual. This consists of the strength of any organization ”(Hunter J. , La Paradoja, 1996, p. 93).

To conclude, the book La Paradoja is a book that brings great knowledge with its original essence aimed to guide and be an instructive for future managers, leadership is a new paradigm which seeks to break schemes and innovate with ideas that are worth handWith the needs of society, leadership is applied in the daily living, since being a leader is a quality and not a clothing that at the end of the day hangs behind the door, being a leader is from heart and love for serving theothers without expecting anything in return.


  • Affability: pay attention, appreciate and cheer (Hunter J. , La Paradoja, 1996, p. 103).
  • Authority: the art of getting people voluntarily what you want due to their personal influence (Hunter J. , La Paradoja, 1996, p. 39).
  • Concurrent: worker (Hunter J. , La Paradoja, 1996, p. 36).
  • Humility: Be authentic and without pretensions or arrogance. (HUNTER J. , La Paradoja, 1996, p. 110).
  • INDULGENCE: Do not save resentment that harms us (Hunter J. , La Paradoja, 1996, p. 115).
  • Patience: Show self-control (Hunter J. , La Paradoja, 1996, p. 102).


  • Anonymous. (2015). Life. Obtained from Tagged As leadership, corporate leadership: https: // life.PE/Impact-Sociedad-Buen-Liderazgo/
  • Blog Pepletree Group. (s.F.). The leaders are born, but above all they are made. Obtained from http: // www.Pepletreespain.com/Los-Lideres-Nacen-but-on-all-se-Hacen/
  • Hunter, j. (nineteen ninety six). The paradox. Barcelona: Uranus S.A.
  • M., J. (July 31, 2014). Clubassays. Obtained from Lord of yourself National Police.

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