Book Review: Terrorism And Civilization
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In the book terrorism and civilization, Marx defines terrorism as an oppressive violence aimed at maintaining exploitation and dehumanization, this also refers Carlos Tupac in the context of the Middle Ages, where in medieval customs the corporal punishments were normalTowards the poor, the same ones who could not defend themselves from the nobles, this act came from the Roman German culture, where the fear of excommunication was implanted.
Likewise, Marx thinks that, in future bloody conflicts, just as all the previous ones will be the workers who will have to achieve victory with their value, spirit and resolution of sacrifice. In this fight the little bourgeois maintains a waiting attitude, of inactivity for a good time with the purpose that when the assured victory is, use it for their benefit.
In the same way Engels says that the battle against patriarchal terrorism is fundamental because its result depends human emancipation.
On the other hand, neither Marx nor Engels fell to the atrocities carried out at the time of colonialism, nor fell into the trap of the supposed neutral ethics, that is, the victorious, conquerors justified their terrorism with a common benefit discourse and the oppressed hadWhat to shut up without creating any resistance.
In the battle of Algiers, terrorism scenes can be clearly evidence. One of Algerian’s fighting mechanisms is related to what Engels mentions when dominated peoples poisonThey killed French police coldly, using bombs in places such as: airports, discos and restaurants.
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They also fired the French in the streets. These are forms of struggle of peoples against the ruling classes.
The woman plays a fundamental role, which were used to leave the bombs without raising suspicions appearing to be French women, appearing to be like the enemy.
The media are manipulation mechanisms, this was evidenced at a time of the film where with torture they are necessary to achieve an end.
Reflecting, we think that some forms of struggle with weapons or without weapons were and will be necessary for peoples to emancipes from the ruling classes that do not want to get away from power, using an end with a fair means therefore the mechanisms used by the AlgeriansTo fight colonialism, it is a fair violence, since with them after several years in 1962 they achieved the independence of Algeria.
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