Breast Cancer And The Importance Of Self -Examination
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In Mexico, 3, 887 women die due to breast cancer, this led us to deepen the subject, because we believe that this is one of the very serious current problems that causes too many mortality rates, and that fortunately, we can reduce theseFigures with a very simple series of steps. Well, when performing a self-examination, we reduce cancer probabilities and at the same time, death.
Breast cancer is generalized from the medical part since diverse universities have concluded that the cell causing this evil is because of the disorderly and not controlled growth of it and that they act by stimulating the continuity of the cell cycle belonging to differentfabrics of a mammary gland. This cell begins to unbalance the cell balance of the breasts, and the medical name that is assigned is breast carcinoma. But this does not mean that all the anomalies that can be found in the breasts are evil, because, 90% of these tumors are not evil, that is, 9 out of 10 tumors are not bad.
It should be noted that if we like women we find any anomaly in any of our breasts is no reason to be scared, but if, to take it as a preventive alarm and go to the nearest health center so that specialized people in this matter rule if the tumor isCancer or not.
In our research we conducted several interviews with different relatives with the reason to take different points of view on the subject, questioning them about the self-examination and how often, when answering the majority he told us that if they were interested in the subject but they did not know exactly asperform an appropriate self-examination or every when to do it.
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Which led us to investigate steps to make a well -structured breast self-exam, such as changes in size, sensitivity and presence of secretions or pain;The part in which the secretions means that when the self-exploration is made the presence of some liquid from the nipple.
According to professionals in cancerology, they recommend this self-examination between 3 and 5 days at the end of each menstrual cycle because at this time the breasts are more sensitive and protruding, bone that in this period of time is when the breasts are at their best to be able toCheck them. It is recommended to lie on your back and with your right arm under your head, the fingertips are slipped in small circles of your left hand over the right breast and vice versa, make sure you do not leave secretions, and if so, considerate it with your doctor.
The most important thing to perform a self-examination is to reduce the death of so many women and reduce cancer rates is our country, and also that this issue is taken into account in society and of course in women of all ages.
From our point of view, most women do not come to have an appropriate examination and supervised by a doctor for a certain ignorance about the subject, because they believe that they should not be touched by another person other than their partner, whichIt is one of the main causes that death figures increase more every day, another cause is because it is an issue that everyone speaks and in a certain way interest is lost on it, apart there are women who, because they believe noThey have the disease do not attend periodically to take an exam.
As a society we must seriously take this problem that our country faces and that is the cause of the high death rates that increase every day and that we can prevent it as we already mention it with a self-examination, because, it is only a matter of becoming aware.
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