Caste System In India
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India’s GDP is the third largest in the world and is also the second country with the largest population rate. However, even with these characteristics, it is in precarious conditions because the caste system that characterizes India affects its socioeconomic development. This differentiation is a stabilizing element, aimed at preventing economic ascent and social mobility, which are null in rural and isolated areas of the country, which has as consequences the difficulty in promoting on the work scale.
For the son of a merchant, who has grown up in a commercial environment, it is easierDiscrimination object.
The caste society is described as a hierarchical order of racial groups classified. In the Hindu religion, it is instructed as from the body of a male divinity called Brahma, human beings were created, and these were classified into four basic castes.
Those who came out of their mouths are known as Brahmas, who have priests’ titles and have white skin;Those who left the shoulders are known as Kshatriya who are political, military and warriors;Those who left the hips are called Vaisias who are artisans, livestock and merchants among others;Those who left the feet are called Sudrasque, slaves and workers who normally have dark skin. In addition to this division picture.
India after the declaration of independence of the British Empire, he found his population submerged in a social conflict in which he influenced his culture of castes rooted from 1500 to.
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C, which still endures and continues to break the human rights of millions of people. For this reason, the caste system was officially abolished in 1950 after the creation of the Constitution of India;However, it was not successful, since today the differences of castes remain in society.
So is not government work to open a legal framework for the political, social and economic rights of marginalized castes in the country?. When the position occupied by a certain caste is mired in the degradation of human dignity over the years,
The step initiated by Mohandas Gandhi to highlight the bad situation of the lowest castereligious, much freer, entrepreneur and unida.
However, despite Gandhi’s projects, the violent acts carried out by members of more developed castes and communities against disadvantaged castes, who see government measures against inequality, a political instrument with which it is possible to obtain a greater number of votes, which has been a great impediment to the evolution of Gandhi’s ideas and followers, thus presenting an extensive social instability. The National Office for Crimes in 2014 documented 47.064 acts of violence against the Dalit.
In the social sphere Ramón Pániker (2010) Contemporary Hispanic thinker, indicates within the caste system the following laws:
Immutable inequality determined by birth. The surname of the person indicates its caste or sub caste, means that since it is born, the individual encailed and determined to fulfill a specific function in society and with economic capacities regulated by this stratification is seen.
Gradual planning and profession inequality. In some cases by the person’s profession you can know their caste. For example the garbage dumps, shoemers, barbers and all those who do dirty jobs are low caste and any person would not do this work because it is intended to meet the needs of the upper castes. Thus, they are found in the fields, landless peasants, condemned to the exploitation of large landowners or in cities such as small artisans at the service, usually of large Hindu merchants.
Marriage and group prohibitions (Endogamia). In everyday life, especially in urban areas, the caste does not intervene too much. But even in modern society it is common to look with magnifying glass the question of caste when marrying. Marriages between castes, although they are not illegal, are not recognized. The Intocability System was officially abolished by law, however in practice it has not been eliminated due to class loyalty, especially in rural areas.
Buddha Gautama, founder of Buddhism a doctrine as opposition and criticism of the caste system of the Hindu religion, in which the precepts of Buddhism affirm that all are equal and this ideal transmits peace to the spirit;While Hinduism divides society into castes, a perpetual social system without mobilization in social strata, where the only way to ascend is reincarnation. For this particularity, thousands of Dalit, which are the most vulnerable population of Indian society, since they live in extreme poverty and suffer social discrimination are often victims of violence, such as frequent lynchings, murders and violations, havedetermined to become Buddhism and put aside the caste system that Hinduism imposed on them.
In particular, Dalit women are totally excluded and first denigrated by their generated, second for their caste, according to Manjula Pradeep in India there are more than one hundred million Dalit women of which only 9% know how to read and write. Dalit children do not attend school or abandon it before finishing primary.
In the fifties, Ambedkar belonging to the untouchable caste, along with hundreds of thousands of his followers, he converted to Buddhism, condemning the Hindu doctrines for their caste division. Ambedkar, an Indian jurist, academic and politicSocial structures through political, legislative and educational changes.
Economic inequality, partly as a consequence of religious culture, would create the abyss of Hindu society that separates castes, in effect producing chronic poverty in the country. According to the Indian International Monetary Fund, it is an emerging economy.
Consequently, it is interpreted that it is necessaryinequality and lay the foundations for sustained economic growth.
Institutionalized discrimination is bad for people and societies, therefore it is also bad for economies. There are forceful evidence that when societies promulg laws that prevent full participation of productive persons in the workforce, economies suffer.
In fact, India is in a situation where economic losses derived from the system of castes and discriminatory practices are generated.
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