View all "Challenges" ready papers, essays and assignments
Lobos Curiosities Introduction The wolves have existed on the planet for approximately 800 thousand years, they are currently approximately in North America, Africa and in several ...
Literature at Amazonica State University Introduction The story starts with the public trial of Hester Prynne in the Plaza de la Boston incipient and Puritana of the mid -seventeen...
Literary explanation of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain That is the adventure if no more than various attractive scenarios of high imagination and diversity, with Mark Twain with st...
Words: 793
Pages: 3
Leonardo Da Vinci: The Renaissance Sage Introduction Leonardo the man who saved science. Leonardo Da Vinci grew up in Vinci in rural Tuscan. Whose purpose was to understand the nat...
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Leadership and different types of leaders in organizations When talking about leadership in an organization we must touch several important issues such as capacities, styles, purpo...
Words: 871
Pages: 3
Key concepts and elements for business success The entire world knows the renowned Apple company created by Steve Jobs. What many do not know is how this was created, what......
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
James Hunter leadership book essay This book is a relevant text that deepens a clear leadership prototype based on the vocation of service, from different experiences and perspe...
Words: 1126
Pages: 4
Isolation methods in membrane proteins Introduction For membrane proteins there is no universal method of insulation and purification, since it is the force with which membrane lip...
Words: 1043
Pages: 4
Inverse logistics, practices and procedures Summary Inverse logistics covers the practices and processes established for the return of goods from the points of sale to the manufact...
Words: 1503
Pages: 5
Internet development as a means of communication in Mexico Introduction Imagine that there is only an appliance store near our home, we can hardly acquire what we need elsewhere an...
Words: 1110
Pages: 4
International Environment Law Introduction We live on a planet that is in a constant change, evolution and improvement in many aspects, but in the same way it is for decay,......
Words: 1280
Pages: 5
International Business and Internationalization International business environments are the relationship between an organization and an outside world, here they imply the intertwin...
Words: 736
Pages: 3
Internal relationships within companies In this chapter, it makes us known the retention of employees and an analysis of internal relationships in organizations, most workers ...
Words: 778
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Internal motivation, how to develop and enhance it The development of internal motivation is a very beneficial exercise to increase the performance of the athlete. Motivation po...
Interested parties of the agricultural sector in Colombia Introduction The phenomenon of environmental transition, which has been developing rice agrochemicals from Colombia - Agro...
Words: 1162
Pages: 4
Influence of Transformational Leadership in Human Talent This essay aims to expose the influence and strategic role of transformational leadership in the human talent of organizati...
Words: 1275
Pages: 5
Influence and marketing planning in companies Introduction Much of the companies in the world are using marketing strategies, not all companies use a single strategy some make bett...
Words: 2476
Pages: 9
Inclusive practices: The exodus of the barriers for learning and participation INTRODUCTION In recent decades, international and national educational policies have turned their eye...
Words: 1253
Pages: 5
Inclusive Education: Education for All In the first place and as an introduction to the subject, a definition of inclusive education that I have extracted after reading the texts i...
Words: 384
Pages: 1
Inclusion Program in Higher Education of Deaf People Introduction For the inclusion of higher education of people with NEE it is important to take into account some indicators for ...
Words: 1786
Pages: 6
Inclusion of students diagnosed with ADHD in regular schools This research aims to identify how teachers have influenceThe expectations of a regular school teacher about students d...
Words: 1283
Pages: 5
Importance of promoting creativity within organizations Organizations or companies often identify collaborators who are really creative, sets are made of people who strive to creat...
Words: 760
Pages: 3
Importance of organizational communication Communication is the main working instrument that allows to know human talent within an organization, since through it we evaluate its...
Words: 771
Pages: 3
Importance of mental health in the athlete To begin with, mental health in the athlete is important for the welfare of the same.;Thanks to this balance, the athlete can meet......
Words: 935
Pages: 3
Importance of leadership in the institutions of the Educational System Educational institutions are currently facing the challenge of teaching in a new context, in the same that...
Words: 1954
Pages: 7
Importance of internal control in Covid-19 times Our country is going through a strong economic crisis;After the Pandemia for COVID-19, many of the companies have struggled to stay...
Importance of Human Genome Project Introduction In this brief introduction I will talk about the importance of human genome in society and diseases that triggers this whole issue. ...
Words: 1273
Pages: 5
Importance of Genetics today Genetics is currently important, today, much of the population does not know the genetics of their ancestors, knowing the genetics of our ancestors pre...
Importance of crop protection: pesticide syndrome INTRODUCTION Day by day the world population multiplies at an accelerated pace, for this reason agriculture faces a great challeng...
Words: 1462
Pages: 5
Importance of constructivism and creativity in the educational institutions of Ecuador Summary The purpose of this article was to create points of reflection and questioning about ...
Importance of communication in organizations Through the thorough review of specialized texts and authors, epistemological orientations that contextualize communication as an ac...
Words: 794
Pages: 3
Importance of choosing a gift Introduction The importance of choosing a good corporate gift for your next event or Congress in recent times, the custom among companies has been ext...
Words: 629
Pages: 2
Importance of childhood and adolescence from the teaching point of view Introduction "The essential functions of the mind consist of understanding and invention, that is, in t...
Words: 900
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Impact of global climate change When we talk about climate change, we refer to the global alteration of the earth's climate composed of the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the lithosp...
Words: 911
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Immigration, factors against and favor Introduction According to more recent estimates from the International Migration Organization, IIM, there are around 214 million people in th...
Words: 1085
Pages: 4
Hydrogen energy as fuel in new technologies Introduction This work is done to make known about the new renewable energy technology such as energy from hydrogen, the main topics to....
Words: 1707
Pages: 6
Hunting as a human practice from prehistory Hunting is the activity or action in which a domestic or wild animal is captured and kills. Human beings have practiced hunting since......
Human resources, a sustainable advantage over time The companies of the past as those constituted in 1900, managed to maintain their growth due to the monetary capital with which t...
Human Resources and its Orignes Introduction The Human Resources Directorate is a particularity that arose due to the development and complication of business tasks. Its origins da...
Words: 655
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How would life on Mars Life on Mars According to scientists Mars is the most reliable option to maintain human life since it is the planet closest to Earth. In......
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