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Climate Policies in the United States


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Impacts of US Energy Policies on Global Warming

The central government and regional bodies determine the United States energy policies. The energy policies play a vital role inscribing the matters of energy creation, energy expenditure as well as energy distribution. Energy policies include; energy conservation guidelines, legislation, international agreements, provision of incentives and subsidies by the government. Scientists have discovered that the world is experiencing significant climatic changes over the first few decades. In fact, scientists have discovered a change in the climatic patterns influenced by the increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Shakun, et al., 2012). Per research and the images from the satellite, the rate at which ice caps are melting is faster, there has been a rise in the sea level and changes in the weather patterns. (Fisher, et al., 2012) There is an increase in water shortage. Furthermore, there is a growth in ferocity and occurrences of hurricanes, typhoons as well as whirlwinds. Expansion of deserts is evident, leading to difficulty in the production of sufficient food. All these climatic changes have impacts on the environment and the people. For instance, there will be a change in the pattern of precipitation, rise in temperature, an increase in drought and heat waves, increasing the strength of hurricanes and intensifying them. To solve these issues, governments, and international environmental protection bodies must step up their efforts to save the environment.

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Keywords: US energy policy, carbon dioxide, precipitation, temperature, heat waves

Impacts of US Energy Policies on Global Warming
The US energy policies are determined by the local individuals, the state, and the federal government, whose main agenda is to address the issues related to the production of energy, distribution, and consumption. Additionally, the US energy policy has been beneficial in fostering liberalized markets that allocate capital efficiently and substitutes low prices through competition. Besides, the US policy has favored the diversity of supply regarding sources of energy. The United States lack a comprehensive energy policy for many decades due to the failure of fashioning a recommended and effective energy policies by the Republicans and the Democrats.
Despite the centrality of the US energy policies to America’s national security and the local economy, the political parties have ensured there is a drift in the energy policies. However much these energy policies have reduced real energy costs, they have led to dramatic inefficiency gains as well as theoretically dangerous contentment about the efficiency of energy, its supplies, and its demand. CITATION All12 l 1033 (Allcott & Greenstone, 2012) This paper, therefore, seeks to discuss the US energy policies, underscore the challenges of the US energy policies and their impact on global warming.
The government of US has made various laws regarding the climatic changes in the US. Under the legislation, the government has made several laws as discussed below.
Clean Air Act of 193
This is a law made by the federal government which was designed to control the air pollution. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to develop and impose regulations with the aim of protecting the public from getting exposed to airborne diseases that are hazardous to human health. Per the 2009 endangerment findings, Environmental Protection Agency is required to take necessary steps to control air pollution. CITATION Mur12 l 1033 (Murray & King, 2012). Additionally, the Act gives the EPA responsibility to protect and improve the exorbitant ozone layer.
The 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
This is a Bill that gives authority to the stimulus package to support new and existing renewable sources of energy and programs, ensuring efficiency of energy. The law anticipated the animation of credit for produced electricity from renewable sources of energy. CITATION Lin13 l 1033 (Lind et al., 2013). Moreover, the Act provided billions of funds to foster and facilitate the development programs of renewable energies and energy efficiency. Furthermore, the law funded the fossil fuel development and research as well as the program of cleaning up the sites of nuclear weapon production. Besides, the Act allocated billions of funds for subsidizing the loans for the projects of renewable energies.
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
The act was initiated with the intentions of ensuring that there is a decrease in dependency on oil, broadening the production of renewable energy sources as well as improving the level of security. Moreover, it came up with compulsory Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) that required the fuel manufacturers to make use of a specific number of biofuel gallons.
Furthermore, it ensured the provision of incentives for developing renewable energy technologies such as geothermal, wind biomass among others. Also, it improved lighting efficiency by doing away with the use of incandescent light bulbs. CITATION Mur12 l 1033 (Murray & King, 2012). The act also aimed at increasing the security of US energy, developing the production of renewable fuel as well as improving the economy of fuel vehicle. Also, the act aimed at promoting the research on the greenhouse gas as well as deploying the greenhouse gas and options of storage.
The 2005 Energy Policy Act.
This law reduced the rate of tax by a greater margin for nuclear power. Also, it provided funds used to expand the renewable electricity credit. The policy also provided tax incentives for investing in clean coal companies. Moreover, the Act gave out grant loans for advanced technologies like clean coal and nuclear reactors. The Act provided subsidies for the wind energy that promoted the competition between geothermal energy and fossil fuel. CITATION Lin13 l 1033 (Lind et al., 2013).
Additionally, the act consisted of numerous provisions whose main intention was to encourage and facilitate the domestic oil, the resources of the natural gas and domestic infrastructure development. The act also consisted of various provisions which intended to encourage or facilitate how renewable energy resources could be used to produce electricity. Also, the law encouraged the use of renewable energy in transport for conserving energy in transportation.
Energy conservation guidelines.
Cooling and heating have the prime influence on the use of energy as well as carbon footprint, including the use of electricity and transportation. For energy to be conserved, there are various methods that the citizens need to apply, as discussed below.
Controlling temperature.
For controlling the temperature, there are various practices that must be put in place. For instance, there must be an increase in efficiency of furnaces which ensures that the temperature in houses and offices are regulated. Additionally, when using air conditioners, the cool air must be kept inside the house to regulate the temperature. This can be done by keeping the windows and doors of houses and offices closed. Furthermore, the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act accredited the Energy Department to set high standards for space conditioning equipment for controlling the temperature. It is advisable to keep huge equipment far away from regulators for controlling the temperature. CITATION Ken12 l 1033 (Kenney, 2012)
In the US, less efficient energy fixtures are replaced by new energy-saving lamps and ballasts which are economical. Sodium of high pressure and metal halide are used in exterior lighting with the aim of meeting minimum safety requirement. Additionally, there is the tendency of keeping decorative lighting to the minimum to reduce the cost of lighting. CITATION Sch14 l 1033 (Schleich, Mills, & D{“u}tschke, 2014) Besides, to turn off and reduce the lights in vacated or empty places, the motion sensors such as ultrasonic and infrared are installed in various areas which are economically friendly. Also, to adjust the lighting level automatically, day-lighting controls need to be installed. CITATION Ver12 l 1033 (Verfuerth & Potts, 2012)Transportation
Most managers in US universities such as Ohio University are exhilarated to advise the students and the staff to use Campus Area Transportation System, walk or use bicycles to ensure a reduction in the consumption of fuel and its expenditure. It is advisable for administrators of the university to continue providing support for traveling pools, bicycle facilities as well as seeking ways of improving public transportation. There is a review on the replacement and acquiring new university vehicles and is yet to be approved. This is essential in the sense that replacement vehicles of similar types have excellent fuel competence rating compared to vehicles that are replaced. This reduces the fuel consumed and thus, less burning of gasses take place. CITATION Ken12 l 1033 (Kenney, 2012)

Equipment used in an office
Office equipment such as monitors, copiers, and printers among others should be turned off during the night and when not in use. It is advisable to use departmental refrigerators and coffee makers as opposed to private units while in a workplace. Also, to conserve energy, the use of laptop computers is recommended as opposed to desktop. Moreover, while in the office, use ink-jet printers as opposed to laser copiers, also there is a need to use local area network laser printers as opposed to individual laser imprinters when in the office CITATION Fri15 l 1033 (Friess, Rakhshan, & Hendawi, 2015).
Energy conservation guidelines for the procedures of shutdown summer
In procedures of shutdown summer method as an energy conservation guideline, there are various activities which need to be put in place to ensure that energy is conserved among college campuses. First, the electric heaters and electric pumps should be turned off but kept on in areas where summer programs such as The Center for Talented Youth (CTY) are applied. Second, vending machines should be detached and only those situated in administration areas should be connected. Third, it is advisable to turn off public address systems when not in use. Additionally, there should be a regular cleaning of light fixtures as well as installing and maintaining lamps in optimal condition. Furthermore, all business equipment should be turned off when not in use. CITATION Kip12 l 1033 (Kippo & Koivumaa, 2012)Energy conservation guidelines regarding domestic water use.
There are various activities which involve the use of domestic water. For instance, cleaning of parking lots and other areas. For the domestic water to be conserved, the parking lots should be swept as opposed to cleaning by frequent use of domestic water. Better irrigation techniques should be employed to do away with the need for ground watering after rain drops. The domestic hot water system should be fixed below 119F. Additionally, it is advisable to wash using warm or cold water as opposed to hot water. CITATION Fri15 l 1033 (Friess, Rakhshan, & Hendawi, 2015)
Domestic water heating accounts for between 15 and 25 percent of the energy consumed in homes. Water-heating energy costs can be managed by selecting the appropriate fuel and water heater type, using efficient system design, and reducing hot water consumption. CITATION USD16 l 1033 (U.S. Department of Energy’s, 2016)Provision of incentives and subsidies by the government
Under this US Energy Policy, the US federal government and citizens examine the critical issue by analyzing the information in details on federal energy incentives over a given period exhaustively. It is evident that the federal government has been encouraging, promoting, and supporting progress, and the growth of US energy resources in various ways. These methods include the provision of direct subsidies, tax incentives, and regulation processes. CITATION FJe14 l 1033 (FJerven, 2014) Furthermore, the federal government of US has supported the US markets to advertise the energy policies. The federal government has also encouraged development and research through the federal Research and Development funding. Moreover, there has been federal regulations, mechanisms, and mandates provided by the federal government. Also, there has been direct involvement of federal government in market activities in marketplaces thereby providing direct subsidies for the citizens.
The climate summit in Paris
The climatic summit held in Paris attended by President Barack Obama made resolutions of controlling climate change by encouraging countries worldwide to do away with various chemicals which are used in many products such as refrigerators and air conditioners which are powerful and warms the planet. Additionally, the agreement resolved that each country should do away with heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions which come from fossil fuels. There were climatic policies that came out during the summit, which addresses not only the US but also the members of the summit, where such policies included reaffirming the goal of lowering the global temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius. Additionally, there has been urging efforts of reducing the increase in temperature to 1.5 degrees CITATION Kin16 l 1033 (Kinley, 2016).
Challenges of US energy policies
Switching from fossil-fuel funded power to other sources of energy like solar, and the wind is one way of reducing the emissions in the atmosphere. A different approach would be to develop new technologies as well as encouraging the citizens to modify their daily behavior on the usage of energy to ensure there is the greater efficiency of energy. Additionally, the build-up and development of energy-sufficient technologies helps in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gas. CITATION Jac13 l 1033 (Jacobsson & Karltorp, 2013)However much of these measures have been reducing the cost of energy consumption, they have led to the global financial crisis as well as constraints in the US national budget. Most climatic change professionals have articulated the concern on the continuing global financial crisis which can comply accomplishment on climate change indeterminately.
The introduction of energy policies has led to an increase in prices of products. This results from an increase in the level of production due to increasing taxation rate to raise enough revenue to be used by the federal government to fund energy industries. CITATION Chu12 l 1033 (Chu & Majumdar, 2012)Another challenge of energy policies is slow implementation. Once the energy policies have been formed, their implementation may become slower due to the sluggishness of the citizens to apply the policies. For example, some citizens may find it difficult to use public transport when they own their personal cars.
The price of purchasing the equipment such as air conditioning and thermostats by the government or citizens to implement energy policies might be very costly and high. For that reason, the quantity of goods demanded by citizens may lead to a fall in the income in many households. CITATION Fau13 l 1033 (Faunce, et al., 2013)Maintainable struggles are still needed to curb the inevitable climatic changes even if the reforms and the policies are implemented. Current weather events such as flooding and drought have led to change in focus of the developed countries in funding the developing countries since the finances are used to manage these weather events and calamities. These funds could help in supporting the infrastructural projects in the developing and third world countries to ensure the protection of vulnerable areas.
As a result of an international agreement made by the US with different countries regarding the climatic change, many countries such as the European Countries like Australia and Germany among others have taken responsibilities of global emissions. Thus, the global emission calls for global cooperation among the affected countries with the aim of mitigating climate change CITATION Ape12 l 1033 (Apergis & Payne, 2012). Therefore, efforts to curb emissions should be shared globally. Some countries like Germany may not be able to take responsibilities in controlling the situation hence leaving the workload to other nations.
Some international agreements lack leadership in the debate on climatic change, particularly in the US. Additionally, some countries like Canada which forms part of international agreement withdrew and broke the agreement due to reluctant nature of countries which produces more emissions to rectify the accord. CITATION Chu12 l 1033 (Chu & Majumdar, 2012)This may lead to a lack of cooperation and refusal to finance other countries leading to development deterioration.
To realize the US energy goals, there are technological changes and innovations which must be put in place. These technological changes can only be met when there is a considerable modernism of the current energy infrastructure. More sufficient, reliable, and cheaper energy has been realized by Research and Development which is a term used to generalize all the activities connected with corporate as well as government innovations. The expenses on R&D has led to significant decrease in the prices as well as development in technology in most energy sectors like photovoltaic as well as wind power. Thus, there has been a decrease in the cost of photovoltaic modules. CITATION Ape12 l 1033 (Apergis & Payne, 2012).
There has been a tendency of saving the cost of the renewable energy as well as other inherent energy resources. The share of renewable sources of energy has increased in most of the member states for the purpose cutting the emissions of carbon dioxide, reduce the bill of import on fossil fuel. This kind of development has a potentiality of keeping the prices of wholesale electricity in check while the technologies of solar power and wind have nearly low marginal costs.
The renewable energy growth depends largely on the subsidies provided by the government and national support scheme. National support schemes are different bodies which are formed to provide financial support to various projects in the US. It has not been considered the significant decrease in price by the national support scheme due to maturity in technology. Therefore, during economic constraints, there is serious overcompensation rendering low growth rate in the renewable energy industries. Furthermore, there has been an increase in investors uncertainty due to abrupt changes in the support scheme.
A lot of questions have arisen because of a large share of renewable in the US regarding consumption of electricity. The accession of member states paying for opportunities of the generation capacity at the national level which is most regular in the fossil fuel may be needed during the backup of seasonal renewable energy sources. This accession, however, is inefficient regarding economy and leads to continued fragmentation of the energy market as well as locking the generation of fuel capacities.
Because of legislation and enforcement of energy policy, the energy prices have had on rising competition. Decrease in prices in the wholesale market has brought about market liberalization. Moreover, market competition has led to the increase in the electricity infrastructure usage. CITATION Jac13 l 1033 (Jacobsson & Karltorp, 2013)Increasing natural gas and petroleum supply has severe consequences on human health. The decrease in the supply of these energy sources can lead to a decrease in the energy costs as well as a reduction in the pollutants emissions that results in the change of climate and hazardous effects on human health. A decrease in energy supply plays a vital role in the advancement of the energy security of the United States to control such emissions.
There are several advantages of adopting the use of natural gas as opposed to coal or oil. However, this does not give a solution to environmental and energy problems. Therefore, there is a need for the policymakers to act vigilantly on the challenges of energy and environmental complications.
The climatic policies inadequately discourse the funding sources needed by the developing countries to ensure their growth and curbing the climatic change challenges. Since climatic policies were put in place in the US, the donor funding and the foreign aid for developing countries have declined a great deal. CITATION Jac13 l 1033 (Jacobsson & Karltorp, 2013)Provision of incentives and subsidiaries by the federal government to energy industries is tremendously perverse and results in a lot of hypothesis for the environment policy, the budget of the federal, and deficiency in the reduction policies. There have been expansive views that the U.S. federal government provides a tremendous number of subsidies and incentives mostly to the industries producing fossil fuel such as oil, natural gas, and coal and provide little subsidies and incentives to renewable energy. CITATION Jac13 l 1033 (Jacobsson & Karltorp, 2013) Overall, the implied imbalance is frequently invoked by interest groups. They argue that there has been an increased support by the government in providing subsidies and incentives to the fossil fuel energy as opposed to renewable energy promoting imbalance. CITATION Jac13 l 1033 (Jacobsson & Karltorp, 2013). Furthermore, incentives regulatory has played a non-significant role in other sources of energy compared to others.
There exist a major cost and benefit mismatch because of the existence of wide disparity on the proportionate of the incentives provided by the government to the energy sources and their role in the US energy.
Some energy industries supported by the federal government through the R&D funding has been producing little energy which contributes to a nearly small percentage of the energy US requirement and produces a low amount of electricity serving the whole nation.
There is a reduction in the research of the public urgency of renewable energy because of an increase in the availability of natural gas. This reduces the level of competition of the sources of renewable energy. However, much of the natural gas has advantages and benefits, although it is still hazardous to the environment during combustion.
There are various environmental as well as geopolitical opportunities that are realized because of expanding the gas and oil reserves. The advantages of gas and oil consumers are significantly evident. For that matter, there are several benefits that can be realized from the improvement of the environmental status which enhance the security of energy. To fully realize these benefits, there is the need to design policies to ensure the promotion of income as well as employment growth while at the same time, these policies should ensure there is the protection of the environment.
Effects of energy policies on global warming
Global warming can result in the rupture of the ecosystem and weather patterns if the ways of curbing global warming are not put in place. It, therefore, implores the US government to create energy policies which are crucial to controlling global warming. The US government policies have positive impacts on global warming. These positive effects are discussed below.
To stop global warming, there should be a regular replacement of Incandescent light bulbs. This is one of the US energy policy guidelines under to topic lighting. The Incandescent light bulbs consume less energy as compared to ordinary bulbs. Furthermore, the policy which requires the citizens to walk and avoid driving regularly can help in curbing global warming conditions. This can reduce global warming since the emitted fuel from oil and gasoline in cars which causes pollution are significantly reduced when citizens do less driving. CITATION Lev12 l 1033 (Levin, Cashore, Bernstein, & Auld, 2012)One of the government policies recommends the citizens to purchase eco-friendly products which can be recycled. They are also advised to buy and use fewer products to reduce the number of wastes. Recycling reduces the level of global warming. Additionally, it is recommended that water bottles and plastic containers be recycled to curb environmental pollution that leads to global warming. CITATION Bru12 l 1033 (Brulle, Carmichael, & Jenkins, 2012)The energy policies recommend the use of solar as a natural source of energy. There has been a belief that solar energy realizes the energy efficiency. The policies supported the installation of solar panels in houses to ensure the availability of natural gasses. Furthermore, the provision of incentives and subsidies by the federal government and energy companies improves the availability of solar energy. This, in turn, results in a reduction in global warming by reducing carbon footprint. CITATION Lev12 l 1033 (Levin, Cashore, Bernstein, & Auld, 2012)There is a significant contribution of methane and greenhouse gasses in our landfills. Reduction of wastes through recycling can significantly reduce global warming. Toxic gasses are released into the atmosphere whenever wastes burnt and hence increases the possibilities global warming. With the government policy of recycling waste products, there is a reduction in global warming due to a decrease in the carbon footprint. CITATION Mil13 l 1033 (Miller, Wofsy, Michalak, & A, 2013 ) Additionally, it is advisable to evade products which have a lot of packages. When people tend to buy goods and products with a lot of packages, it will force them to throw the waste material in the trash. This results in filling up the landfill sites and pollution of the environment. This will significantly lead to an increase in the levels of global warming. There has been an increase in the concentration of methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which has affected human health CITATION Tow12 l 1033 (Townsend-Small, Tyler, & Pataki, 2012)In the energy conservation guidelines concerning lighting, it is advisable to encourage the installation of programmable thermostats. This is most effective as opposed to burning furnaces since the thermostats can be adjusted during the winter and the summer seasons. Additionally, it is necessary to turn off lights when not in use. This reduces the level of global warming by a greater percentage. CITATION Mac15 l 1033 (Macrina, 2015) Ensure you turn off the electronic devices when not using them. Using electronic devices unnecessarily may result to fuel saving and as well as increasing the caducity of the gadgets. By increasing the lifespan of a device, there will be a reduction in disposing of gadgets reducing the level of global warming. CITATION Bru12 l 1033 (Brulle, Carmichael, & Jenkins, 2012)The policy of tree planting has significantly reduced the level of global warming as trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. The policy also plays an imperative role since the tree utilize the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for photosynthesis and hence reduces its concentration levels.
Use of renewable sources of energy as well as renewable fuel options. People are advised to purchase clean gasoline. This may reduce the level of global warming since pure gasses will be burnt. Moreover, there is a need to conserve energy to lessen the level of global warming. It implies that the less non-renewable sources of energy are consumed, the less release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Replacement of filters on the furnaces and air conditioner will reduce the level of global warming by a greater margin and percentage. CITATION Bru12 l 1033 (Brulle, Carmichael, & Jenkins, 2012)When replacement is not done, there is a possibility of breathing polluted air as well as energy wasting. When filters are cleaned, there is a possibility of saving a lot of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere, thus, reducing the level of global warming.
It is advisable to reduce the rate of meat production. When high production of meat is encouraged, there will be an increase in the emission of toxic gasses into the atmosphere since high meat production leads to pollution of the environment because of the usage of fossil fuel, release of animal methane as well as effluent wastes. Methane is one of the contributors to global warming when introduced into the atmosphere. CITATION Mac15 l 1033 (Macrina, 2015).
It is necessary to frequently check automobile tires to minimize energy consumption rates frequently. When vehicles take up more energy, it leads to more carbon dioxide emissions, for instance, due to improper inflation of the tires. It is imperative to observe the guidelines on proper fitting of the tires and hence minimize fuel consumption rate. A keen observance of this would have an influence on reducing the levels of global warming CITATION Bru12 l 1033 (Brulle, Carmichael, & Jenkins, 2012).
The use of public transportation as an energy conservation guideline also plays a significant role in the reduction in the level of global warming. Increasing the number of vehicle on the road, especially individual purpose automobiles leads to more fuel consumption and hence increased carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. This will relatively increase the level of global warming. CITATION Lev12 l 1033 (Levin, Cashore, Bernstein, & Auld, 2012) .
To reduce the level of global warming, it is advisable to decrease the number of vehicles in operation. Also, carpooling reduces the level of atmospheric pollution resulting in a decrease in the level of global warming.
Through the formation of international agreements as an energy policy, there will be spread of awareness and educating people on the effects of global warming as well as causes of global warming. Through international agreements, people meet and discuss the solutions to global warming. CITATION Lev12 l 1033 (Levin, Cashore, Bernstein, & Auld, 2012). With the knowledge gained from such forums or awareness, citizens can practice ways of reducing the level of global warming.
Encouraging the use of nuclear as a source of energy reduces the level of global warming by a greater margin. Because there is a low level of carbon emissions produced by nuclear technology, there will be a decrease in the level of global warming if nuclear energy is frequently used. CITATION Bru12 l 1033 (Brulle, Carmichael, & Jenkins, 2012).
The Republicans do not believe that global warming is a reality because they believe that scientists research data has been manipulated on global warming for winning research funding. CITATION Moo12 l 1033 (Mooney, 2012) The Republican and the new president argue that global warming is not science based. Additionally, the new president Donald Trump does not believe that global warming is real because he argues that the science in the US has not been settled regarding climatic range. GOP (Republican party) is one of the US major political parties which controls the House and the Senate. The GOP members often support exploitative industrial development. Thus, they hardly admit the major environmental effects of exploitative industrial development. It is obvious that the GOP will not support climatic change even if it is a true matter. Additionally, the members always avoid accepting the implications of the industrial activities in damaging the planet. CITATION Dun13 l 1033 (Dunlap & McCright, 2013)Conclusion
Global warming has been a major disaster in the US brought about by climatic changes and the human activities not only in the US but also in other countries. Even though technological innovations have brought about a convenience to every sector of human life, the technological advances have led to a great disaster to the global warming in the US. Furthermore, as much as the energy policies have led to positive changes and effects on global warming, the energy policies have a lot of challenges on human health such as being a contributor to vascular diseases and infectious diseases, which need to be considered as well as in the global warming. It is, therefore, the role of both the state and the citizens to practice better ways to curb global warming problems.
Scientists have confirmed that climatic change and global warming is real. Still, many politicians are reluctant to believe in their scientific evidence and choose to reject the environmental concerns, making policymaking not to be cost effective. Since pollution of the environment is a direct effect on climatic change and global warming, there is a need for public to be informed. The fact is that 58% of Americans believe that climate change and global warming is occurring CITATION Aus11 l 1033 (Austin, 2011). Although, this belief seems to be an afterthought because nothing is being down dramatically to help this occurrence. A free website could be sponsored and privately funded for a group of students at a private or public university to create a site that would have all the scientific research, finding and concerns regarding climatic change and global warming. Corporations or donors could fund this website. Like the Khan Academy, the government would not have to fund this valuable information where people could be informed about how and why humans are harming the environment.
Additionally, it is recommended that many countries should implement the Morocco power plant which will eliminate greenhouse gasses and will eventually be able to supply electricity to 2 million people CITATION DeA12 l 1033 (De Arce, Mahía, Medina, & Escribano, 2012). The Morocco power plant will eliminate the greenhouse gasses in the sense that it will rely on the energy produced by the solar plant and reduce the level of fossil fuel consumption which results in the emission of greenhouse gasses. Solar thermal power plants in the Sahara Desert in Morocco capture the sun’s energy as heat, change water into steam and turn turbines.

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