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Comparing and Contrasting the Industrial Revolution and the Cyber Revolution


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Industrial Revolution and Cyber Revolution: Impact of Technology on People and Society
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Industrial Revolution and Cyber Revolution: Impact of Technology on People and Society
While the industrial revolution focuses on using machines to improve ways of manufacturing and producing commodities, cyber revolution utilizes computers and internet facilities to carry out business, institution and communication processes, among others. Even in comparing and contrasting the industrial and cyber revolution, it is important to understand their pros and cons. They exhibit similarities and differences in an attempt to create an understanding of these newly developed changes in the society.
Fore mostly, in comparing industrial and cyber revolution, it is important to understand the significance of machines. They both introduced the utilization of technological advancements as an essential component during their executions of requisite tasks. While industrial revolution integrates human labor with machinery, cyber revolution renders the importance of computer technology in complementing these workers (Kello, 2013). Industrial revolution forewent the traditional and manmade tools, thereby, embarking on using the more improved equipment. As a result of these better methods, there is an increase in production as a result of the mass dissemination of finished goods to the public. It is clear to observe the significance of technological advancements in improving the production of goods and commodities.

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Similarly, these computers and internet facilities are also important in alleviating communication, businesses and education sectors, among others.
As machinery in industrial revolution ensures that human labor is reduced, these computers and internet facilities; apropos of cyber revolution, enhance interactions between human beings (Kello, 2013). Just like industrial revolution placates the situation by assisting human labor, the initiative by cyber revolution to alleviate communication, impacts it positively. The growth and development of industrial revolution are also characterized by an improvement in both transport and communication services. It was ineluctable for these channels to develop as a result of the mass production of goods, portrayed clearly by the industrial revolution and its tenets (Vries, 1994). As industrial revolution deals with the production of mass commodities, there are better returns and greater profits. It is clearly similar to cyber revolution and its influence on organizations apropos of their marketing and profit acquisition. When organizations utilize internet services to advertise their commodities and services, they manage to attract potential customers (El Nawawy & Khamis, 2012). Most people are often exposed to the internet hence; it is quite easy for these organizations to improve their businesses and gain profits. Both industrial and cyber revolutions, therefore, clearly ensure the prevalence of economic progressivism in various societies (El Nawawy & Khamis, 2012).
In exploring their contrasting elements, individuals observe the prevalence of cyber revolution in the education sector. Before the cyber revolution, students focused mainly on collaborating with teachers so as to acquire academic nourishment. Most of the educational information acquired today emanates from online and computer facilities. These students, through the help of cyber revolution, alleviate their intellectual beings by exposing themselves to technological assistance. Just like the industrial revolution, the cyber revolution also reduces human labor. Like machinery is combined with human labor while exploring industrial revolution, the existence of computers and online software in understanding cyber revolution assists teachers in carrying out their activities. The problem of unemployment may also be notable as a result of the industrial and cyber revolution. It is unfortunate that most of these technological advancements interfered with the ability of human labor to suffice in executing tasks. When organizations are highly dependent on machines, they lose touch with human beings, rendering inefficiency in their labor. Such approaches may also lead to monotony. According to Vries (1994), people may only be required to execute certain jobs due to the existence of machines and technological advancements (Vries, 1994).
Delving deeper into the roles of industrial and cyber revolutions in a nation’s economic progress, it is important to reiterate the significant nature of technology. Through these advancements, there are capital investments that assist organizations to maintain upward trends. The industrial revolution also gives rise to economic centers which are requisite in leading societies toward attaining higher profits. Through understanding the scope of industrial and cyber revolutions, individuals gain knowledge about the impact of technology on different folk (Higgins, Zhimin, & Katsipataki, 2012). As observed, cyber revolution impacted students and electronic learning (e-learning) in a great way. E-learning enhances students’ visual appeal due to the incorporation of film, animation and videos in understanding theoretical concepts. As online learning material is readily available, it is clear that technology impacts students in a positive manner. It is also reliable because individuals manage to conduct their studies during their preferred times. Unlike practical classes, the cyber revolution has ensured that students acquire education without physical mobility (Higgins et al., 2012).
Unlike industrial revolution, cyber revolution impacts both healthcare and medical aspects of a society. When physicians utilize machines, they manage to communicate with their patients effectively in both quantity and quality. Video conferencing is a form of technology that ensures that physicians understand their patients’ needs. Moreover, it is also requisite during doctor-patient consultations, when the parties cannot meet in person (Drago, 2015). Apropos of the Telemedicine market, proper communication often takes place through video conferencing, as a technological advancement acquired from cyber revolution. The incorporation of machines and technology is also useful in showcasing the impact of the industrial revolution in healthcare systems. It reduces the necessity of human labor hence; providing room for technology to prevail in various societies (Drago, 2015).
Through cyber revolution, individuals manage to observe the relationship between television and social growth. Research depicts the essentiality of television, as a technological advancement, in strengthening familial relationships. When these individuals interact by watching television together, they bond and alleviate the strength of their unions. It is, however, important to understand the derogatory nature of television watching to one’s mental health (Hatch, 2011). It may also impede social interaction as individuals are often glued to the screen. Since cyber revolution leads to social development, there are numerous negative effects affiliated with the same. Most times, people often emulate behaviors and habits seen on television thus, mimicking things such as alcoholism, drug addiction and criminality, leads to a delayed social development. In a similar way, the industrial revolution has led to the production of some half-baked products. While human beings take their time to develop commodities for profit generations and better returns, these machines may deliver products that are not whole. It is, therefore, safe to infer that both industrial and cyber revolutions lead to complications as a result of utter dependence on technological advancements (Hsin, Li & Tsai, 2014).
As cyber revolution is closely related to matters of intelligence, it is important to understand its role in creating technological dependency in human beings. In collecting and analyzing intelligence data, most individuals have become reliant on technology and similar machines. Various scholars realize the importance of these technological tools in hindering unrest in various nations. After the 9/11 attacks in the U.S. and Osama Bin Laden’s experience, individuals understand the essentiality of integrating technology while analyzing intelligence data. Even if human labor and intelligence exceeded technology while searching for Bin Laden, there were numerous vessels utilized during the process. Individuals should understand the ways of incorporating both human labor and machines in production as well as executing other businesses. By bringing about unemployment opportunities, industrial revolution contradicts the prevalence of cyber revolution. While the latter assists businesses and organizations in marketing their jobs, industrial revolution strives to lay off these workers and laborers.
In addition to communication, technology has improved the transportation process. These systems are requisite in improving commercial activities. When transport is alleviated, it ensures that both goods and people are transported in an efficient manner. Different modes of transport such as vehicles, airplanes, motorbikes and trains are useful in transporting human beings, animals and commodities. With technology, there are advancements in these modes of transport, thereby, alleviating business operations. Societies and people benefit, therefore, due to the impact of newly developed technologies in this transportation sector. Here, there is a prevalence of industrial revolution as a result of these advanced modes of transport. Waterways, railway lines and roads were improved greatly, ensuring transportation of raw materials and finished goods. Apart from faster transport, these technological advancements also made travelling quite efficient and safe.
Unfortunately, there are negative impacts of technology on people and society. When there is an improvement in health systems, people manage to lead longer lives thus bringing about larger populations. Delving into medical research using these technologies also ensures that health statuses are improved. The death rates are reduced, therefore, leading to an extensive populace in various societies. When the population is high, it is impossible for resources to be distributed in an equitable manner. The problem of population increase is, however, only notable in developing countries due to the inefficiency of technological advancements in these regions. Additionally, technological advancements deplete resources in the environment due to intensity in pressure. Most of the devices manufactured today often require elements such as aluminum, which are acquired from the earth.
Similarly, the newly developed farming machines and tools from industrial revolution interfere with the soil. The refined chemicals and fertilizers that are used also interfere with the environment in a derogatory manner; leading to soil, water and air pollution. It is unfortunate that these technological developments in both machines and chemicals are hazardous to human lives as well. The polluted air and water may affect human beings’ respiratory and digestive systems. Some of the proponents of industrial revolution such as Richard Arkwright, John Kay and James Watt introduced the water frame, flying shuttle and steam engine, respectively. These innovations and inventions heightened various industries during the time, thereby, leading to an increase in production.
Delving further into the drawbacks of technology, it is clear that the advancements have compromised social relationships. Instead of people learning to interact in person, these technologies have encouraged them to maintain digital and online relationships. Cyber revolution is significant due to its improvement of computers, internet and social network facilities (Bryne & Marx, 2011). It is derogatory for individuals to simply connect through devices. While it attempts to enhance communication and relationships between people, it also interferes with the same. It is important for individuals to adapt to interpersonal relationships to avoid overdependence on technology. Cyber revolution delineates both the negative and positive impacts of technology apropos of communication and developing social relationships (Pikas, 2006).
Moreover, it is important to understand the expensive nature of technological advancements. For instance; when an individual purchases a mobile phone, they are liable for future maintenance affiliated with the device. These machines and technological advancements, therefore, require constant attention hence, they are expensive. Conversely, communication using these technologies improves human resource management due to the ease of recruiting and hiring employees (Pikas, 2006). Unlike olden days, most organizations nowadays utilize online initiatives to advertise their job opportunities. Potential candidates are, therefore, required to send in their applications through similar platforms. In addition to saving time, it ensures that the company does not exploit other resources. These technological advancements ascertain that employers do not spend a great amount of time, in short, listing the potential candidates.
In terms of banking technologies, there are both positive and negative outcomes. Electronic banking has improved customer service in terms of reliability and efficiency. These platforms allow clients to carry out financial activities without necessarily making physical trips to the banks. Through such platforms, also, customers manage to access their services using portable cards. Unfortunately, electronic banking does not suffice at all times. It is quite difficult to ensure that e-money is kept safe in the banks. LeClair (2015) reiterates the existence of numerous cases related to hacking and cyber crime observable with the reign of cyber revolution (LeClair, 2015). These hackers access personal and confidential information, thereby, compromising the lives of customers dealing with electronic banking. When one’s financial details are exposed to the public, it is easy for other folk to access their bank accounts. The same case applies when hackers access personal information from individuals’ social network platforms and email addresses, among others (Bryne & Marx, 2011). In such a scenario, it is obvious to understand the derogative nature of technological advancements.
Cyber revolution is affiliated with both progress and deterioration due to the effects portrayed by technology (Kello, 2013). While dealing with electronic banking and facilities, individuals are required to secure their accounts in a proper manner. Apropos of health issues, it is unfortunate that technological advancement brings about sleep disorders. Research has delineated the effects of devices such as mobile phones and computers on one’s sleep and restful nature. As a matter of fact, medical practitioners are certain that technologies interrupt people’s ability to sleep well. People are, therefore, urged to replace these technologies with constructive behaviors such as reading books or meditating, among others. For individuals to maintain their well-being and health status, it is essential to avoid dependency on these technological devices. Physical inactivity is also perpetrated by these technological advancements. When individuals overuse their devices, they do not pay attention to activities that boost their physique.
Eye problems are also caused by over-straining while observing screens of various devices. For instance; one noted that individuals that are constantly working on their computers often develop eye complications. Research cautions overuse of these devices because of their derogatory nature. It is quite unfortunate that constant straining may, in fact, lead to partial blindness. As a result, both their mental and physical well-being is affected due to overdependence on technology (Hatch, 2011). In as much as technology strives to alleviate human lives, it is important to understand its drawbacks so as to create a balance between its scopes. Cyber revolution is responsible for the overutilization and dependency of technology as seen in today’s societies.
In exploring the scopes of industrial and cyber revolutions, it is essential for individuals to understand their similarities and differences. They are useful aspects in realizing the impact of technology on people and societies today. Insofar as there are numerous benefits of these newly develop technologies, people should be conversant with their derogatory nature. Such an understanding ensures that one does not associate themselves with hazardous technologies. For instance; Samsung users have complained about the newly released Samsung Galaxy Note 7 because of its faulty battery. It is important to read through the reviews and specifications of technological devices before purchasing them. Technology has alleviated the relationship between human beings due to the efficiency of these devices. In addition to improving production, most of the advancements have proved reliable and easily accessible. It saves people the time and energy that would be expelled without technological devices. Utilizing these tools and machines in moderation also ensures that individuals do not over depend on them. They affect both physical and mental well-beings of human beings. Exposure to such technological advancements should be understood from both beneficial and derogative angles. The incorporation of both industrial and cyber revolutions is useful in ascertaining the impact of technology on individuals and society, as a whole.
Bryne, J. & Marx, G. (2011). Technological Innovations in Crime Prevention and Policing. A Review of the Research on Implementation and Impact. Cahiers Politiestudies. pp.17-40.
Drago, E. (2015). The Effect of Technology on Face-to-Face Communication. The Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, Vol. 6, No. 1. pp. 13-19.
El Nawawy, M. & Khamis, S. (2012). Political Activism 2.0: Comparing the Role of Social Media in Egypt’s “Facebook Revolution” and Iran’s “Twitter Uprising” CyberOrient, Vol. 6, Issue. 1, 2012.
Hatch, E. K. (2011). Determining the Effects of Technology on Children. University of Rhode Island. pp. 3-31.
Higgins, S., Zhimin, X., & Katsipataki, M. (2012). The Impact of Digital Technology on Learning: A Summary for the Education Endowment Foundation. School of Education, Durham University. pp. 3-50.
Hsin, C.-T., Li, M.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2014). The Influence of Young Children’s Use of Technology on Their Learning: A Review. Educational Technology & Society, 17 (4), 85–99
Kello, L. (2013). The Meaning of the Cyber Revolution: Perils to Theory and Statecraft. International Security, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 7–40.
LeClair, J. (2015). National Cybersecurity Institute Journal. Excelsior College. Vol. 1. No. 3.
Pikas, K. C. (2006). The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Informal Scholarly Science Communication: A Literature Review. University of Maryland College of Information Studies. pp. 2-33.
Vries, De, J. (1994). The Industrial Revolution and the Industrious Revolution. The Journal of Economic History. Vol. 54, No.2. pp. 249-270.

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