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Treatment of the community acquired in the community Introduction The pneumonia acquired in the community (NAC) or community pneumonia is defined as the acute inflammation of the p...

Transition of positive and normative accounting thinking In history it is said that accounting is born at the same moment that man sees the need to bring accounts, although, he......

The universal affirmation of human rights “Human rights are a set of principles, of universal acceptance, constitutionally recognized and legally guaranteed, aimed at ensuring hu...

The true importance of being a lawyer Being a lawyer is not just being a law graduate, goes beyond the knowledge received at a university. The lawyer is honorable and......

The Trojan War and its main Greco -Roman heroic figures The Trojan War has served, for centuries, how reference point for the study and analysis of ancient Greek and Roman......

THE TREE OF EARTH SCIENCE Introduction Pío Baroja was born in San Sebastián in 1872. In Madrid he studied medicine and the pain was doctorate with the thesis. Psychophysics study...

The Stoics, Moral and Virtue According to the SAR "Happiness is a state of the mood that is pleased in the possession of a good", meanwhile Zeno defined happiness as......

The society of distrust and human behavior In the present work aims to address the term distrust and how this influences society, distrust is a negative emotion, which implies inse...

The silence and the duty essential rule in development of consciousness The degree of secret teacher or 4th grade of the Freemasonry of the old and accepted Scottish rite is......

The Renaissance and the evolution of being Introduction John Stuart Mill. Goodness or evil is no longer personal but collective even if it harms people because it is intended to......

The problem of evil and the order of creation from San Agustín The existence of evil has always been one of the causes of crisis in our natural environment, this......

The pirate attack on the island Introduction The oars touched the water with the softness of the silk and yet the chalupas moved quickly. The full moon conveniently covered by......

The philosophical tendency of empiricism INTRODUCTION This essay has been written to publicize various aspects of the philosophical tendency of empiricism. The various points to be...

The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche Introduction Friedrich Nietzsche's life coincides with great social, cultural and political transformations in Europe. The history of the old co...

The perception of social senses and products   These involuntary movements that people have called gestures indicate how to communicate. The gesture has a great significance accor...

The parents of Sociology: Marx and Durkheim Marx and Durkheim were two of the parents of sociology, both macrosociologos. To understand their approaches, it is important to context...

The ORGASM Rating Scale and the factors that affect it Introduction The first thing to clarify is: what do we understand by orgasm? According to Meston, Hull, Levin and Sipski......

The most experimental drama, Hamlet A acting impression would be for the public to be related to some of the characters and situations presented in a work. For Shakespeare the......

The latent suicide problem Each person at least once in his life is tempted by the freedom to choose the path of death. The search for ‘Morales Vacation’ is the......

The Italian Renaissance Society During the fourteenth century, a large number of tyrants appeared, during a period in which only the influence of a very necessary law could be reco...

The ideological absurd in the "La Peste" and Existentialism Albert Camus is a famous French writer, in 1947, he published his work La Peste which was developed during Wor...

THE IDEA OF FREEDOM Introduction “The performance society is dominated in its entirety by the modal verb power, as opposed to the society of the discipline, which formulates proh...

THE GAME IN CHILDREN: A NATURAL ACTIVITY The game is a natural activity that all higher animals practice, since it constitutes a tool with which puppies can safely practice basic.....

The effects of body pneumonia Pneumonia is an infection that affects lung alveoli. These are small sacks covered with blood vessels in which the gas exchange is performed, that is,...

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The different behaviors that a person has in terms of personality disorders Introduction Through the investigation carried out we must identify what is the personality? So it can b...

THE CURIOUS NATURE OF THE HUMAN AND KNOWLEDGE Humans by nature are a very curious kind, which is always in search of understanding the world. Throughout history we have changed......

The correlation between current knowledge and past knowledge  In this essay, the degree of correlation between past knowledge will be determined with current knowledge, for this a...

The consciousness of hearing loss At present, the human being is very unconscious with auditory health care and care. The ear is exposed to a strenuous mistreatment mainly by young...

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The concept of epistemology and its different approaches   In 1864 the publication of an article was made which was the first to expose the word epistemology by James Frederick......

The beginning of empiricism in history Since ancient times, this term used most times during our lives has been defined, and we can begin by stating that the beginning of......

The bases of the Communist Party Manifesto Introduction. The Manifesto of the Communist Party was written by Karl Marx and Engels, in Brouca them who shared a friendship, this did....

Take actions and precautions to a disaster Introduction It constitutes an intermediate phase between the preparation and the response, it is that it is defined as a declared state ...

Suicide and suicidal behavior types Introduction At present there are still many cases of suicide in adolescents and adults, giving the greatest frequency in young people, but they...

Studying Law and Moral At the beginning of our development as a society, the first civilizations the law and morals were closely united, and in a way it is understandable......

Students for the weather: A struggle for change The mobilization of students by the weather is one of the most surprising and hopeful phenomena of recent times. Surprising because ...

Street Marketing and Ambient Marketing vs. Online Marketing Introduction At present, the population is exposed to a constant bombardment of advertising, however, the desired result...

Sociology as a form of consciousness At the beginning of the text that has been proposed in P class. Berger entitled Sociology As a form of consciousness, the author explains......

Society and its vision of gender performativity Introduction: Gender ideology is still a controversial issue, since it covers a set of ideas that are contrary to those norms and be...

Social Security Principles in the Nicaraguan Legal Order According to article number two (2) of Social Security Law Law No. 539 establishes that they will be governed by the follow...

Socialism: Definition and history of the Social Movement How to define socialism? Socialism is a rather complicated social movement to define because it has been endowed with diffe...

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