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The artemis temple, a wonder of antiquity The temple of Artemisa, a wonder of antiquity was located in the ancient city of Ephesus. Today there is nothing practically about him,......
Words: 852
Pages: 3
The Amazonas River basin and its main economic activities Although the Amazonas river crosses three countries, its basin reaches and has influence in nine countries in South Ame...
The administration, origin, and importance of the company ORIGIN OF THE ADMINISTRATION Man as a thinking being, from the primitive time he had the need to establish order, plan, co...
Words: 703
Pages: 3
Templar and pilgrim at the Iglésia Introduction. Although initially they are instituted to escort the pilgrims who came to pray, then, they also came with the kings to go to......
Words: 1554
Pages: 6
Technology and its influence on the educational system Introduction In recent years, technology has evolved in a fast way, bringing with them many advantages that have contributed ...
Words: 615
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Sydney and Construction Opera Design Summary In this PDF, the design and construction of the Sydney opera or the Sydney Opera house will be shown, when the architect had to......
Words: 1037
Pages: 4
Sustainable development in the oil industry in Venezuela Sustainable development is a broad term with an approach that contemplates the social, political, economic and environmenta...
Words: 1607
Pages: 6
Sustainable development in civil engineering Nowadays civil engineers have to face one of the most important challenges that have been giving in recent years, the way we plan our c...
Words: 347
Pages: 1
Study on the consequences of abuse in the person Violence is any act or omission that threatens a person's physical, psychic or sexual integrity, against their freedom or that seve...
Words: 1163
Pages: 4
Study on culture, cyberculture and dance The following text has the purpose of knowing how culture has been transformed over time, the implementation of technological and communica...
Words: 577
Pages: 2
Studying organic chemistry Within the world of organic chemistry we will find countless contexts that in order to understand them must be analyzed. To give rise to our research we....
Words: 2582
Pages: 9
Studying how shared knowledge affects our trust “Shared knowledge often changes over time, does this fact decrease our trust in current shared knowledge?" "The truth is...
Words: 2415
Pages: 9
Studying Diego de Ribera and its stages Culture is a way to appropriate our future, not only for the desire to create and approach a really desire, but with the......
Words: 1640
Pages: 6
Students for the weather: A struggle for change The mobilization of students by the weather is one of the most surprising and hopeful phenomena of recent times. Surprising because ...
Words: 424
Pages: 2
Strategic planning analysis in sports marketing in Latin America Introduction. The present research aims to present an analysis on the influence of strategic planning on sports mar...
Words: 2250
Pages: 8
Strategic leadership within the company One of the most important resources within any organization, beyond the financial resource, is the human resource, (Sisternas, 2018). The ax...
Words: 798
Pages: 3
Standards and regulations for horizontal property Introduction The noise such as those indicated below: (festivities, music and the installation of industrial machinery, animals, a...
Special Education for Deaf People As we have indicated above there are two ways to guide education in deaf people, and this creates a controversy between oralists and manualists. I...
Words: 874
Pages: 3
Spanish Franco and civilization Introduction Spanish civilization: before Franco's dictatorship was a civil war caused by a coup d'etat to take power and stop the new social evolut...
Words: 1131
Pages: 4
Spanish Energy Oligopoly as the new market capitalist structure As we can see, the year 2008 not only occurred a great decrease in photovoltaic facilities due to the economic crisi...
Words: 1183
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Song "The White Man" by Pedro Guerra, a critical analysis Before referring to Pedro Manuel Guerra Mansito, the "White Man", I want to develop the theoretical fr...
Words: 857
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Socioeconomic problems and environmental conflicts in Brazil Brazil is a country that depends on hydroelectric energy for around three quarters of its electricity. In recent years,...
Words: 906
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Social work in the promotion of local development Social work is a highly developed profession that is based on practice and also on an academic discipline with the purpose of......
Words: 1861
Pages: 7
Social work in the defense of social inequality Society is living a very sad reality, given the new globalization, where situations of great need appear, over the years the social....
Words: 1908
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Social worker roles in society This role is done by systematic data collection, establishing hypotheses and verifying them, using professional and scientific techniques to carry ou...
Social science from the 15th to the 19th century Introduction Social science from the fifteenth to approximately nineteenth century were seen as the conglomerate of universal ideas...
Words: 585
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Social Imaginary, Communication and Collective Identity Very there in the nineteenth century there was already an idea of what was "imaginary", this idea was answered by ...
Words: 781
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Social Contract, Rousseau and Montesquieu Although, political philosophy began the production of knowledge regarding our natural state, the construction of the State and the not...
Words: 1915
Pages: 7
Social behaviors in the play The next essay aims to talk about sexist and sexist behavior. A brief play will be taken, the lady on her balcony of Elena Garro,......
Words: 1155
Pages: 4
Slaves yearning for the word freedom, without knowing its meaning Freedom? Slaves knew the word freedom, but not their meaning. Slavery is one of the greatest events in the history...
Words: 906
Pages: 3
Situation lived in Haiti and Dominican Republic Introduction The most intense hatred is so entrenched, that it imposes silence and converts vehemence into a constructive resent. Ge...
Words: 1007
Pages: 4
Situation and conditions of imperialism Introduction As can be seen in the attached table, in the second half of the 19th century, the concept called "White Explosion" oc...
Words: 516
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Simone de Beauvoir's work and feminist thought Introduction. The study of the work is justified with a too important aspect that is feminism. The fight against feminist liberation ...
Simone de Beauvoir and his literary statement Introduction. The second sex book written in 1949 by the very philosopher and French writer Simone de Beauvoir from where the phrase w...
Words: 686
Pages: 2
Silk route and economic development China is positioning to intervene definitively in the development of integration between Europe and Asia through the new silk route. This is a p...
Words: 443
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Sexuality in adolescence Introduction To start we will define what is sexuality? Sexuality is one of the most important aspects of human personality. It covers all biological, beha...
Words: 715
Pages: 3
Sexual and gender diversity in society Introduction Sexual and gender diversity is an issue that is on the mouth of everyone, from everyday life to politics, through art and even.....
Words: 1320
Pages: 5
Separation of artist's art and his story Is it possible to separate the artistic value of an architecture work from its author's prestige to survive over time? Many of them......
Words: 963
Pages: 4
Selva and the Amazonas Introduction Brazil is the country that houses most of the Amazon jungle, but deforestation and forest degradation is a problem that will last over time for....
Words: 588
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self - esteem in adolescents in the 21st century In this essay of matter oral and written communication, we will talk about the self - esteem of the young 21st......
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