Cultural Diversity Since The Time Of The Conquest To The Present In Peru
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DownloadCultural diversity since the time of the conquest to the present in Peru
Peru, is one of the most diversity countries in the world, since the time of the Incas, the great diversity has been observed, and an example of this are our Incas cultures, which were discovered over the years and even Until the present, we continue to observe what it is like in different parts of our Peru there are still findings of pre -Inca cultures
As the first culture we have the civilization of Caral, Chavín, Paracas, Vicus, Moche, among others. Peru has gone through various moments that have marked its history, we have the conquest of Tahuantinsutisuyo through the Spaniards, the arrival of Africans, migrants from Japan and China.
Cultural identity
Cultural identity is nothing more than the sense of belonging, that is, that, each of the Peruvians feel identified, some are identified with football, others with music, others with gastronomies, and various wonders that cause In us a feeling of love towards our country.
It allows us to establish a feeling of love towards our nation, it is to be able to identify with your country, with its people, it is to respect and protect it as many times as necessary.
What is cultural?
Culture we understand that it is defined as the distributive and specific features, it is also given by modalities of life thoughts of people and communities. It encompasses all creations is interpreted by works of art, physical cultures, sports activities to the same outdoor
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What is identity?
By identity we all understand that they allow us to identify, characterize ourselves from demonstrating that we have something of our own and differentiates us from the other peoples or countries.
Many are asked as:
About us? Where do I come from? Or what culture do I identify myself?
What is cultural identity? Cultural identity is a set of values, traditions, beliefs that make us yourself understand by cultural identity that we must identify with our roots and our customs.
Identity characteristics
- Composite identity: culture and subculture are own and each of them transports values, thought, customs, etc.
- Dialectical identity: identity is not a work of being supportive if it is not called in the meetings with others, identity is like a game that influences others this influences the identity of others and my identity influences them and that of They with mine.
Types of identity
Cultural identity: Cultural identity is a set of values, traditions, beliefs that make us oneself and understand by identity that we must identify with our roots and our customs.
- Sexual identity: sexual identity or also known as sex identity is an individual who also enforces his own body and his physical or biological characteristics.
- Social identity: social identity is a general term and the expression that each person has of their own individuality and their belonging to certain groups is the features according to cultural and historical periods.
- National identity: national identity occurs with social conditions, cultures. This identity is based on the concept of bone nation itself, that is, it is feeling towards your country and your culture.
- Collective identity: collective identity refers to different concepts that now these concepts usually refer to phenomena in which a series of people can perceive in a social group that can affect their own identity.
Interculturality during the arrival of immigrants to Peru (18th, 18th, XIX and XX)
Interculturality has been growing over years, we first have the arrival of the Spaniards, who brought us not only material things but also religion, their language. The Afro -Peruvians who brought to Peru their various meals, music, art, sport and religion dances. Thus we also have the arrival of Italians, Chinese, Japanese, who with their arrival in our country formed a great cultural wealth.
In the second part of the analysis. Vials and Díaz propose a chronology of migrations in the region and environments a typology of their main characteristics of the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries.
The proposed typology raises the relationship between each period in which globalization and internal policy enhance. The first period is located between 1821 and 1900, period of the metamorphosis of Central America to agricultural capitalism and the population policy of the territory. The second period, which goes from 1900 to 1950, is characterized by the consolidation of agricultural capitalism, where internal migration is complemented with agricultural colonization. The third period from 1950 to 1975, the devaluation in the environment of developmentalism, the purchase of industrialists, regional economic integration and, as a consequence, the lowering of external labor. The fourth period goes from 1985 to the present, called neoliberal reformism, characterized by the specialization of the services and growth sector, with a migration model based on the use of cheap labor, where family shipments They became a fundamental part of national finances.
The specialists conclude that there is not a single cause or a single type of behavior for Central American migrations, but in each historical period, there were diverse variables according to economic development, which generated different internal policies with respect to migration.
Jacques Ramírez presents a historical tour of the migratory policies of the Ecuadorian State, from the nineteenth century to the present day. He explains the appearance of Andean migrants as a result of regional support in the period of independence, especially Colombian origin. Ramírez concludes that Ecuadorian governments launched the first migratory policies from the end of the 19th century, which had solidity throughout the twentieth century, in an attempt to build a white-mestizo nation. This policy, called "segmented opeurism", consisted of selected immigration measures, in which the migration of inhabitants of the Andean region was privileged, such as Colombia, Peru, benevolent to the firmness of profit rates. Source: Neph, Julio César, "Conceptual evolution of the theory of regulation", in De la Garza and Toledo, Enrique (Coordo.), Social theories and work studies: new approaches, Mexico, Autonomous University
Migrations have become a need for humanity from the most distant seniority, when the human being moves from one population to another in search of survival resources or to overlook human or natural enemies, thus traveling through the planet Earth. Historically, migrations have absolutely changed the period of countries, intervening in their racial, linguistic and cultural structure, as well as other important changes of great consequence.
Peru refuge a little more than 64 thousand foreign residents, apart from Venezuelans who reach the figure of 660 thousand Venezuelans
Immigration in Peru is a movement that has occurred since the time of the Viceroy Immediately Japan and to the lower extent of Germans, English, French, Portuguese, Croats, Arabs and Jews.
What was overwhelmed to give impulse to European immigration was the disunity of the Peruvian economy from the 1840s with the export of the guano and other times of economic boom. The rise of commercial trajines was the primary attraction factor. The little presence of a local social sector to activate trade generated a demand that was covered by European migrants.
Spanish people
Today it is considered that 5.800.000 Peruvians mostly have Spanish blood covering more than 20% of the total population and the vast majority of the population have Spanish blood in varying degrees, even if much of them are considered mestizos or almost culturally as a meritorious.
Afro -Peruvians
Afro -Peruvian is a term that calls the culture of the successors of the different African ethnicities that migrated to Peru during the colony, obtaining a cultural uniformity. The Afro -Peruvian population is located along the entire coast (much to a lesser extent in the other regions).
Afro -Peruvian is a term that designates the culture of the descendants of the different African ethnic groups that arrived in Peru during the viceroyalty era, the Afro -Peruvian population is extensive of the entire coast (much to a lesser extent in the other regions), Primordially on the central southern coast, in Callao, and in the provinces of Cañete, Chincha, Ica, and Nazca. Another fundamental fragment of Afro -Peruvian population is located on the north coast located mostly northern, between Lambayeque, Piura and to a lesser extent Tumbes.
The majority of Italian immigrants to Peru initially start in the Italian region of Liguria; To a lesser correspondence of Piedmont, Lombardy and Calabria, they are throughout the national territory, to a greater or lesser extent to certain areas, being their greater appearance in Lima, then Chiclayo, Trujillo, Tacna, Arequipa, then in Ica, Piura, Cusco, Huánuco, Ancash, La Merced, Chimbote, etc. Peruvians of Italian ancestry are calculated in 860 thousand, ineviting about 3% of the total population.
Chinese immigration originally occurred as low cost labor in the coastal estates of Peru in the mid -nineteenth century. The population that maintains purity in ethnic origin and near 2% of the Peruvian population has some Chinese ancestor is calculated in 250 thousand, as many Chinese perished just like the black population product of the slavery work. The Chinese, arrives at Peru, under the name ‘Culie’. The Chinese culies began to arrive in Peru in 1849.
With a history since its arrival in Peru in the mid-nineteenth century, the Chinese-Cantonese culture that developed in these lands revolutionized the gastronomy of Peruvians, deserving international recognition for those who have had the opportunity to taste it when visiting these country.
The group descendant of Japan is estimated at 50,000 people, one of the largest communities in the world, to a greater extent they inhabit the central coast and in some populations of the jungle and in Puerto Maldonado.
Portuguese immigration begins even from the time of the viceroyalty, it was a gradual migration without massively pronounce Peruvian on the Atlantic route following the course of the Amazon river and lately, entries of Brazilian Portuguese to the surrounding cities of the Peruvian-Brazilian border are recorded.
French immigration to Peru originated in an open way without a nigún incentive of the State, its descendants are mostly of French origin and a minority are of origin of Belgian French Basque , tailoring and hairdressing.
German immigration to Peru has been produced from the end of the viceroyal time, even our day. Calculating German entry throughout history in about 10.000 people to Peruvian territory, were established mainly in Lima and the big cities. In Peru, a law was promulgated for the facilitation of the arrival of German immigrants to the Peruvian territory at the time of the Ramón Castilla government. Thus, Peru entered Austro-German to populate the Pozuzo area, many of its today’s inhabitants are still talking German, calculating their descendants in approximately 10 thousand people approximately. They are calculated in 160.000 The descendants of Germany.
Approximately 5% of the Peruvian population also has part of Arab blood, beyond if almost all of them are ethnically and culturally mestizos, since many of the first Arabs changed their last names for Spaniards because at that time the entry of the entry was prohibited non -Christian migrants, according to some investigations the approximate number of Arabs who entered Peru since the middle of the S. XIX would be around 10,000 people.
The main entrance port for most immigrants to Peru, was Callao, near Lima. Unfortunately, there are no passenger lists of immigrants who arrive in Callao have been microfilmed.
Chinese migration in Peru
The way in which it is "bursting rockets" or "fireworks or artifice" are launched in Peru, it is not repeated in other countries. Something I saw in Brazil when friends of filmmakers burst a rocket when they received the news of an award obtained by a movie. Likewise, the culture of "rocket" is not so in China or in another place in the world where everyone can buy them at fairs or somewhere clandestine, it is the result of informality.
The presence of Chinese culture is greater than we suppose. In the enormous Peruvian cultural diversity enriched by the different internal migrations and other peoples, the Chinese cultural presence is very strong, it has more than a century and a half, and is increased with the passage of time: the largest commercial social in Peru is China and China is China and Commerce for the Pacific brings us even more. It is true that the current Chinese culture of the globalized world, the Internet, the scientific and technological revolution and the world market is not the same regarding the Chinese presence in the second half of the nineteenth century and throughout the twentieth century.
The Chinese were hundreds of thousands in Peru since 1851, when they arrived in conditions of semi-schedule replacing the blacks and the brought from Oceania by the ex-negreros turned into "Chineros" because the import of blacks was prohibited. The history of the "Chineras" families is dark and evil because the Chinese were mistreated with such hatred and prejudice that thousands of them preferred the suicide to live in the extreme conditions to which they were subjected.
The Chinese-Peruvians, happily, managed to free themselves during the Pacific War taking advantage of the weakening of the ligation of power and unjust laws. They fled from the estates where they were exploited and brutally oppressed towards the cities where they were established, they entered business, especially trade.
The Chinese neighborhood – Capón Street was the epicenter – in the center of Lima was one of the places where the Chinese concentrated in the alleys and houses. In the same way it occurred in the main cities of the Peruvian and interior coast.
We are unique in old millenary customs, viceregal, Hispanic, African and Asian. It is a Peruvian advantage cultural diversity and coexistence between cultures, transculturation and interculturality. Sociological concepts help us understand our reality. History as science helps us even more to know the current reality: where we come from and where we are going.
In this custom of ‘bursting rockets’, or ‘cuetes’ in the children’s, youthful and popular lexicon we are successors of Chinese culture that is present among us more than we imagine. Of course, with our particular expression and informality. Not everything is informality. There is much family and neighborhood custom, a custom that has been growing as the celebration of the Chinese New Year and the presence of tigers and dragons in the streets whose movement and rhythm is marked by gigant bad spirits
Interculturality in the 21st century, tolerance and values
Today it can be seen that we are in a globalized world, that is, we are open to all the cultures of the world. And not only are we citizens of Peru but also the world. This also implies having tolerance and respect for these other cultures, whether it comes from the deep of our Peru, or abroad.
Interculturality in Peru
Interculturality is established by a central component, which is within our social environment, and the practice of this will undoubtedly lead us to enhance communication with other indigenous cultures. It will also lead us to interact with another peoples and also mutual respect, affirmation and double -way information; disregarding problems and creating new spaces that make, economic and social that provide sustained development in today’s world, globalizing, of invariable changes.
Diversity is wealth
Peru is a multi -ethnic, multicultural and multilingual country, whose diversity is shown in the coexistence of several Andean, Amazon and coastal peoples, each with their own cultural, economic and political characteristics. This fortune is shown in cultural, linguistic and biological diversity.
- Cultural wealth: cultural diversity surrounds many factors as well as culture, norms of life, language, worldview, geographic abundance etc. Indigenous peoples are recognized as a culture, because they are part of cultural diversity. These peoples with the past and present, identity and even rights, safeguard their own culture, in a patrimonial geographical space with natural resources, they have their own language. This makes us possess extraordinary cultural wealth.
- Biological wealth: Peru has a biological diversity listed in an extraordinary diversity of living resources and ecosystems, Peru is among the diverse megos countries of the world. As well as in wealth of flora and fauna, in hereditary resource of high diversity of plants and animal, variety of fruits, with medicinal plants, nutritional plants, with the four most significant products of human food worldwide, with natural meadows, A sea with one of the most transcendental fishing basins on the planet, etc.
Our cultural and biological riches are gradually being lost, due to the bad government of reforestation since a species that has not yet been assimilated can be lost and that may never come back, and also because of the lack of cultural identity since The numerous languages and languages are not practiced by Peruvians.
Let’s need some conceptions for good intercultural management in Peru:
- Pluriculturality: counts an environment of coexistence of different cultures in the same area. Example: a multicultural region we have in the central jungle where the yaneshas, Ashánincas, Nomatsiguenga with Andean and European settlers reside.
- Multiculturality: it is a concept that springs inside a current that claims the right to the highest discrepancy, this starts from the recognition of cultural diversity. It is the right to be different from others and the respect of the various cultural groups, where respect points to the equivalence of social opportunities.
- Cultural identity: identity is born to the relationship between the person and society. Identity speaks the way of being or belonging to a people and being in this world; It consists of culture, tradition and language.
Interculturality as a construction process in Peru
“Interculturality is to live in a pleasant way in a single space, but always respecting culture, worldview and with a treatment of equal to everyone. But there are also those who use the expression to continue excluding and marginalizing ”. Juan Nicahuate Paima, from the Asheninka people.
Interculturality is an interrelation process that starts from the reflection of recognition of diversity and respect for differences. Interculturality aspires to intense interaction between cultures through respect and recognition of:
- The differences and convergences between people and groups.
- Individual and collective identities.
- The knowledge of each culture as a complementary contribution to the other cultures.
- Human rights.
- Shared values.
- Gender equity.
- Environment.
- Common interests for local development.
- Rules of legitimate and accepted coexistence.
Consequently the practice of interculturality, includes in relationships, characteristics such as:
- Confidence.
- Mutual recognition.
- Effective communication (understand the "other" from their culture).
- Dialogue and debate.
- Mutual learning.
- Exchange of knowledge and experiences.
- Pacific Conflict Resolution.
- Consensus from differences.
- Cooperation and coexistence.
At present, interculturality as a process of social interaction intensifies and is increasingly progressing as a necessity in current globalizing society, where peoples with other languages and cultures coexist in different environments.
What is interculturality?
Interculturality refers to the interaction between cultures, in a respectful way, where it is forged that no cultural group is above the other, at all times benefiting the integration and aveneum between cultures. In intercultural relationships, a relationship based on respect for diversity and mutual gain is established; However, it is not a lawsuit exempt from conflicts, these are solved through respect, dialogue, mutual hearing, consultation and alliance. It is significant to clarify that interculturality does not work only on the interaction that occurs.
Why not ‘cultural miscegenation’. The notion of ‘cultural miscegenation’ has had some success in Peru by investigating and accounting for the encounter or crash if chosen from aboriginal cultures with that of Spanish colonizers. Perhaps the term achieves being attractive to say the will of those who, from diverse ethnic and cultural practices, investigate a common terrain of intellect.
- Our country has been very diverse before and after the conquest, in the past we have the empire of the Incas and their cultures, and with the arrival of the Spaniards we have formed a new culture, where we find religion and language. Also each immigration to Peru has been important, since, to contributed to our culture.
- Interculturality is a process that defines the encounter of cultures whether foreign or the same country.
- The practice of values in interculturality is very important, since this will generate mutual respect and tolerances towards other cultural and so we can cook for a cultural wealth.
- It is in our hands that our country will continue with its cultural diversity and that it does not bid with the arrival of other foreign cultures.
- Globalization can disappear a part of our cultural diversity, since, it can generate in the population more cultures as our.
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