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Describe The Reality Of The Sacrament Of Baptism In The Parish Of Corpus Christi


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Describe the reality of the Sacrament of Baptism in the Parish of Corpus Christi

The title suggests well what the first part is intended in this chapter: to publicize the vision of the faithful of the parish about the understanding of the sacrament and the mission of the baptized.

(This paragraph is carried out from the social concept of the authors Merced Escalada and others …….)

This first section was carried out from the concept of social diagnosis of the authors Mercedes Escalada et al

Diagnostic research involves analysis of situations. The analysis of the situation is a complex moment that challenges us to know what is happening in a certain representation of the reality that we call situation, including what is happening to those who are acting on and within the limits of that reality. Diagnostic research as a privileged moment of articulation between knowledge and intervention contains in its definition the complex relationships between subjects (actors), practices (action) and scenario (structure).

The above defines that empirical research corroborates the different social realities based on a vision of the context for the intervention of an observed reality.

In relation to the above, it is possible to infer that empirical research corroborates to the understanding of different social realities so that from a vision of the context an intervention in the observed reality is possible.

Similarly, the Rubio author, in the work to live the review of life states that the method of life review (Latin American), is a pedagogical practice, a pastoral method, and provides: first a sociological analysis of the reality that is wantedhave access (see);second will develop the doctrinal-theological reflection (judge) and third to propose pedagogical tools objectifying the action (act)

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With respect to the sense of seeing, it is necessary to transcend outside, that is, to leave oneself towards a attentive listening of reality, ….

(Regarding seeing, an attitude of vital exit is necessary, that is, to leave oneself towards a attentive listening of reality).., social concerns, well as hopes, especially the poorest. It is essential to see the social or human framework holistically, and perceive the causes of events in their particularities. Seeing the subjective aspects of the one who looks at reality and interprets it, is part of being a person, a totally neutral look is not possible. Along these lines, seeing human experiences and make the realities of the joy that others celebrate, but also suffer and wait with those who are marked with the pain and weaknesses of the human being, that is, it is a feeling withthe heart.

In relation to the above, it is essential to see from the place of the poor, for being the reality that Jesus Christ chose. Only when looking inside and puts itself in the place of the other, it is possible to capture the vital aspirations of the human being, so life review promotes a path that corroborates to recognize and question reality from contact with the same currentof events, going to a desire that objective to see beyond, that is, distinguish the novelty of God in concrete social aspects, taking into account the characteristic attitudes of Jesus Christ from the Gospel.

Along the same lines, the authors Ignacio Ellacuría and Jon Sobrino edited the work Epistemology and method of the author Clodovis Boff that presents the pastoral method: see, judge and act from three mediations as sources of theological construction: 1st. the socio-analytics that observes the reality of the oppressed and questions this reality;2nd. the hermeneutics that seeks to contemplate God’s plan for the poor and 3rd. The practice that seeks to overcome oppression according to evangelical praxis.

In this order of ideas, the investigation regarding the sacrament of baptism will take into account an analysis through survey aimed at the parish community of Corpus Christi, it is given from the specific situations at first and in the second part of the first chapterIt will develop on the issue of baptism from various literatures on the subject.

Diagnosis of the understanding of the sacrament of baptism by the faithful

For the approach to the reality of the Sacrament of Baptism in the Parish Corpus Christi a survey was used for the purpose of obtaining indicators that allow identifying the vision of the faithful for the sacrament. The interviewees have "received" the sacraments of baptism, first communion, confirmation and some already have the sacrament of marriage and received the anointing of the sick. Great part of them are committed to various pastorals in the parish.

Regarding the vision of the sacrament, the faithful reported that:

  1. They observe the sacrament as the most important, because Jesus was also baptized;
  2. They point out that the sacrament involves the whole family of baptizing, or as friends, so it allows the participation of many people, being an opportunity for evangelization, committing parents and godparents;
  3. Within the different levels of understanding of baptism, it is proposed that there is generally no experience of the wealth of the sacrament by the majority of those who baptize their children and those who are godparents and godmothers;
  4. In all parishes a deeper formation is necessary, because it is such an important sacrament;
  5. Missing testimony of those baptized from a praxis regarding the experience of the sacrament, many want the baptism of the children to fulfill a cultural precept and have the photos in the memories of the family;
  6. In the parish the catechists are striking for the preparation of parents and godparents for baptism, but a more landed formation in the faith and life is missing;


Thus, with this exercise, an approach to the central problems of the understanding of the sacrament by the faithful is achieved, or as the positive aspects from the awareness of Christians in the baptismal catechesis.

On the subject of the experience of the sacrament, that is, what should be the mission of the baptized, there is a strong concern in the field of spiritual. The majority of the interviewees answered that the baptismal commitment occurs through the announcement of the Gospel, the baptized must be light and salt from the world, to be a missionary of the Word of God and act as another Jesus Christ being true testimony between the brothers.

With this contribution it can be concluded that there is a concern on the part of the faithful of the parish at the most spiritual level, in the aspect of an experience of the laws of religion, that is, Christians must be an example for others andIt is necessary that they act from Jesus Christ, however, observe the partial absence of a truly Christian praxis.

To follow the vision of young people who participate in ecclesial life develops, regarding the sacrament.

The vision of young people regarding the sacrament of baptism. 

Surveys were conducted with the youth of the corpus Christi parish, their self-perception was obtained and recorded. The consulted have "received" the sacraments of baptism, from the first communion and some confirmation. In addition, they participate in the group of young bridge J in the parish.

The first aspect underlined by young people is the importance of the sacrament of baptism, for being the first sacrament of the Church. Said Sacrament "Libra del sin and commit us with family to build a path in God" said a young man. It is possible to perceive that some young people do not understand the sacrament, since some surveys in this first issue were not answered.

On the subject of the experience of the sacrament, the strongly expressed point of view was the aspect of demonstrating with one’s life and testimony the accession to the gospel, acting in the world in the example of Jesus Christ. Young people differently from adults presented the double possibility of living the sacrament of baptism, not as a separate spirituality of life, but as the spiritual aspect "communicate to God", "evangelize others with the Word of God", together withthe mission of "evangelizing from the social commitment illuminated by faith in Jesus Christ". So, young people’s commitment to social reality appears as adhesion to the sacrament of the baptism and experience of the Gospel.

The next context informs about the baptism in the life of the Church from the vision in the diocese of Bogotá.

The sacrament of baptism in the life of the Church of Corpus Christi.

The Corpus Christi parish was erected on August 31, 1965 by the Primado Archbishop of Colombia, Mons. Luis Concha Córdoba. The Church is in the CL direction. 57b #35a-80, Bogotá. It is coordinated by the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, and develops an evangelization service in the Nicolás de Federman neighborhood.


Therefore, it is possible to define that the reality of the sacrament of baptism in the context of the Corpus Christi parish. On the other hand, young people externalize the union between faith and life, between ritual celebration understood as encounter with God and the experiential aspect, as praxis of social commitment towards complex realities and that the presence of the Christian must carry the gospel, promote the changesnecessary and a liberation to an example of Jesus Christ.

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