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discuss methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution and variables to be assessed when evaluating project outcomes.


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Evaluation of Sacral Mepilex Effectiveness as the Solution to Pressure Ulcer

Research has been done across the globe to rescue patients in medical facilities from the rate of death emanating from pressure ulcer where an approximate of 10, 000 people lose their life every year. Such a practice involves physicians and other medical civilians where they have concluded that the application of sacral mepilex is sufficient to reduce and prevent the endurance of the disease. Information indicates that the disease establishes extreme sophistication to the admitted patients in hospitals where they end up losing life (Sitzia & Wood, 1997). Evidently, implementation of the platform indicates that it is effective in the sense that it secures patients from disease. Comparatively, patients who apply the mechanism are more secure than those who do not apply it at all. The study will evaluate the effectiveness of the approach in a medical facility.
Staff survey
It is possible to evaluate the system’s effectiveness in the facility through the performance of several tasks; hence, realising its implication to the society. In the first case, staff survey through a questionnaire will provide a positive response towards the system’s operation in the sense that it will provide true and factual information (Grol, 2001). Such information will be retrieved from a questionnaire which will be filled by the employees. It is a role which determines the engagement between the patient’s satisfaction and providers’ attitude.

Wait! discuss methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution and variables to be assessed when evaluating project outcomes. paper is just an example!

The assessment of the provided information depends on its tonation. Critically, if the employees are not happy, such a condition implies that they are not concealing the task to enhance maximum satisfaction to the health consumer. However, if they respond positively, they truly indicate that they support it.
Turnover rates after initiation of the system
It is a unique approach of determining how the health consumers are responding to the service as delivered by the facility (Lin et al, 2010). Further, it will allow the management in the hospital to understand implications of the practice to the external environment. Such a perception, involves a situation where when the customers are effectively served, they inform others in the society where the turnover increases. Therefore, the management will analyse the register to determine if its patient’s turnover has extended the rate. It will associate a comparative approach before the system is enhanced and after it is incorporated.
Patient discharge surveys
Evidence asserts that the manner in which patients are discharged from the facility can be used to detect the system’s effectiveness. The approach engages a comparative method between the manners in which patients were previously discharged from the facility before the system’s enhancement (Andaleeb, 2001). It will associate an aspect of time factor where the management will compare time spent by patients before the system and the period taken by patients after its enhancement during medication. It is a task which will invite the management to determine the deviation and conclude of the systems effectiveness and efficiency.
Staff attitude
The employee’s attitude towards the system determines its employment and effectiveness in a certain capacity. Evidently, the employees may engage a good face or acts in the presence of supervisors or senior leaders just to embrace them (Andaleeb, 2001). Such a character upholds the feeling in their inner piety where they exposé it in the absence of such leaders in the facility absorbing the system’s effectiveness. Therefore, the management should manipulate an employee survey where they should expect negative or positive responses.
Patient attitude
The management can realise the system’s implication to the consumers through the determination of the patient’s attitude towards the facility. It is an approach which will involve recording comments provided by patients who have used the sacral mepilex system (Myles et al, 2000). In an additional view, an analytical approach of determining those who come back to the same entity will help conclude on the system’s effectiveness.
Staff nursing turnover
Evidently, the behaviour of the nurses will indicate whether they are applying the system or not. Further, it will determine if they support it or condemn it. In the first step, the management will seek respective compliments from the staff through a survey. It will be an individual survey which will allow the nurse to communicate as an individual (Andaleeb, 2001). Additionally, the management should observe the level in which absenteeism among the nurses has extended after the system’s incorporation. In an additional view, the management should engage an investigatory task to determine the implication of the patients catered by every nurse. Such an approach will accrue determination of the rate of mortality rate among the patients.
Tools necessary to educate project participants and to evaluate project outcomes
Evidence asserts that the survey and questionnaires will serve an intrinsic task to evaluate the outcomes associated with the system’s application (Grol, 2001). On the other hand, the aid of PowerPoint slides will establish an effective educative platform for the participants.
The staff engagement questionnaire
Question Answer
How many pressure ulcer patients do you serve in a week None one –
How many pressure ulcer patients do you discharge in a week None one –
I am satisfied with the sacral mepilex system Agree disagree
Job availability Always present some days absent
Patient satisfaction survey
Question Answer
Recorded response from the patient towards the system Very good- fairly good- not good- bad-
Compliments of the level of service delivered Excellent- very good- good-bad-
Number of the patients who report back in future List –

Andaleeb, S. S. (2001). Service quality perceptions and patient satisfaction: a study of hospitals in a developing country. Social science & medicine, 52(9), 1359-1370.Grol, R. (2001). Improving the quality of medical care: building bridges among professional pride, payer profit, and patient satisfaction. Jama, 286(20), 2578-2585.
Lin, O. S., Kozarek, R. A., Arai, A., Gluck, M., Jiranek, G. C., Kowdley, K. V., … & Dominitz, J. A. (2010). The effect of periodic monitoring and feedback on screening colonoscopy withdrawal times, polyp detection rates, and patient satisfaction scores. Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 71(7), 1253-1259.
Myles, P. S., Williams, D. L., Hendrata, M., Anderson, H., & Weeks, A. M. (2000). Patient satisfaction after anaesthesia and surgery: results of a prospective survey of 10,811 patients. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 84(1), 6-10.
Sitzia, J., & Wood, N. (1997). Patient satisfaction: a review of issues and concepts. Social science & medicine, 45(12), 1829-1843.

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