View all "Drugs" ready papers, essays and assignments
Impact of video games on youth violence Introduction. Throughout the last years there are many changes and evolution suffered by new technologies. Its impact has changed the percep...
Words: 989
Pages: 4
Impact of marijuana on adolescents. The general objective of this research project tries to find explanation and relationship to marijuana consumption, among the population aged ...
Words: 712
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Immigration as a harmful phenomenon for society What is immigration? This argumentative text deals with a phenomenon, where there is a type of human displacement, is that people fr...
Words: 856
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Illegal immigration and its impact on society Introduction First, the problem question is raised, which is, how illegal immigration can generate an impact on society, social, econo...
Words: 1049
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Idols of contemporary man and woman: money, vices and fame In the 21st century, culture has experienced drastic changes in a short period of time. In less than two decades,......
Words: 905
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I can self-cure Introduction Look in the mirror and read and meditate on these words. I If your beliefs, become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become......
How to identify and get away from toxic friendships Unlike toxic friendships, true friends, are beneficial for you. They become a good ear in your moments of crisis and inexhaustib...
Words: 724
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How to face addiction and substance abuse Introduction. No successful person wants a destructive addiction, which is going to be discussed below, describe someone you know? Some pe...
How to be a liberal writer today Introduction Alonso Sánchez Baute was born and grew up in Valledupar, moved to the city of Bogotá to start his university studies. He......
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Harmful effects of tobacco in children Today, more than 10 % of children under 14 are exposed daily to tobacco smoke in their homes. This is a serious problem since......
Harmful effects of the use of anabolic steroids in sports When practicing certain sports, we all want to improve our performance as soon as possible. With good planning, adequate f...
Words: 742
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Fly on the swamp Introduction No matter what has been lived, errors, opportunities, age, we are always in time to say enough, to hear the call that we have to......
Words: 1050
Pages: 4
Film analysis: Trainspotting By way of introduction, in my opinion the film was very realistic since it presents us without “caps” or sensing what is the life of someone who......
Words: 603
Pages: 2
Fight against drugs and the educational field The fight against drugs is not something new, this can be corroborated in the international anti -drug regulations, led by the UN and....
Words: 459
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Fetal alcoholism syndrome Introduction. When the child is exposed to alcohol, by the mother's consumption, while in the womb, the sequelae of physical and mental damage produced in...
Words: 944
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Fatal mix: psychoactive substances and fun Introduction Current societies enjoy a space dedicated to fun and game, becoming a basic need that is associated with negative health con...
Farenheit 451, Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by American writer Ray Bradbury, first published in 1953. Often considered as one of his best work...
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FARC and drug trafficking For more than 50 years, with more than 220.000 dead, the oldest guerrillas in the world declares war to the Colombian State. The Revolutionary Armed Force...
Faith in the future The current world is mostly dehumanized people human, interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships are being degenerated. Values are being lost and our functio...
Words: 953
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Factors that lead to the recidivism of the crime of theft The main objective of this work focused on determining the factors that lead to recidivism in the cases of......
Evaluation of Health Technologies in Biomedical Engineering Introduction The evaluation of health technologies is to analyze different aspects such as safety, efficacy and methodol...
Words: 855
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Eliminate serious diseases such as cancer Introduction Almost everyone would like to have more health and take the necessary steps to prevent serious diseases such as cancer, heart...
Words: 603
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Effort allergy: symptoms and treatment In 1979, the concrete existence of effort allergy was ruled for sure. It was through a marathon runner who frequently suffered from anaphylax...
Effectiveness of mental health prevention and its correlation with the development of society According to WHO, mental health is defined as “a state of well -being in which the i...
Edible Cannabi Store and Risks Introduction As reported, edible cannabis avoids the risks associated with smoking. However, these groceries produce a more intense and prolonged eff...
Words: 757
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Drunk driving effects Introduction For many years, man began to ferment fruit, vegetables and cereals juice. Fermentation consists in the use of bacteria and yeasts through a proce...
Words: 565
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Drunk driving: Code of Civil Procedure Introduction Person which is in a total state of drunkenness, or under the alienating influence of certain toxic drugs, you cannot use their ...
Words: 1771
Pages: 6
Drunk and consuming drugs Introduction After two years, thousands of surveys and a meeting of interested part. ‘This two -year project gave us a lot. ‘Too many marijuana user...
Words: 549
Pages: 2
Drug trafficking and the Sinaloa poster Currently drug trafficking is a social problem that affects a large number of countries around the world, this is an illegal activity that h...
Drug test in Mexico's economy Introduction Drugs in Mexico's economy is a very interesting and important topic in the world. Every year the Government of Mexico loses money with th...
Drug test and its history Introduction Throughout history drugs have always been consumed by the human being, altering these the correct functioning of the central nervous system. ...
Words: 650
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Drugs in Adolescent Introduction The lack of information or erroneous information that adolescents receive can cause a great curiosity of knowing how these narcotics can change the...
Drugs, Cocaina and Marijuana Introduction International scope: The dynamics of synthetic drugs in the international order presents characteristics that make it considerably differe...
Words: 1014
Pages: 4
Drugs as addiction Introduction Those who use cocaine in small amounts (100 mg or less) generally feel euphoric, energy, conversationalists, and mentally more alert, especially in ...
Words: 1269
Pages: 5
Drug legalization problem in adolescents Introduction “The consumption of illicit drugs is growing in the country not only because more people consume them but because the substa...
Drug addiction Introduction Currently, the definition of mostly accepted addiction corresponds to that of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Psychiatry Disorders, 5th ...
Drug addiction, choose death about life This issue is mainly aimed at dealing with the drug addiction, as an addiction that has its degrees of demonstration, which has been present...
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Drug addiction and excessive abuse in young people Introduction In most countries in the world for a long time, drug use and dependence on narcotics by young people have been......
Doping and Sports: Legal aspects Drugs and sport are an undeniably controversial issue that occupies the center of attention during large international events or competitions. Howe...
Dopaje: Definition and its negative consequences In the sports field, doping or doping is understood as the use of prohibited or non -regulatory chemical elements, elements or subs...
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