Essay On The Theoretical Framework
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In every research course, “a mechanism that directs the way to follow in all scientific work is the theoretical framework, since based on it it begins, continues or makes it decay, since when the study problem has been projected , the next step is to theoretically support the study, a stage that has been named (elaboration of the theoretical framework) ".
The objective of the theoretical framework is to organize the data and hierarchize them in the most appropriate way. The theoretical or reference framework does not simply consist of extract. The elaboration of a good theoretical framework means to review in detail the sources of information that can be useful in the analysis of the topic being investigated.
The value and importance of the theories within an investigation should never be dismissed, since theories are foundation or the basis that will lead to true and useful conclusions in practice, a theory is a set of concepts, definitions and propositions linked to each other,that have a systematic point of view of phenomena or objects specifying relationships between variables, with the aim of explaining and predicting these phenomena.
Therefore, in this essay it is developed that it is the theoretical framework, so that this is used and how it is done, also to know the parts that make it up, to more than know the functions that the theoretical framework fulfills.
The theoretical framework also known as a frame of reference, "is the exposure and analysis of the theory or group of theories that serve as the basis for explaining the background and interpreting the results"
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The theoretical framework is the stage in which we gather documentary information to make the methodological design of the research, that is, the moment we establish how and what information we will collect, how we will analyze it and approximately how long we will take. Simultaneously, the information collected for the theoretical framework will provide us with a deep knowledge of the theory that gives meaning to research. It is from existing theories about the object of study, as new knowledge can be generated.
The theoretical framework is importance since it allows us to expand the description of the problem. Its primary objective is none other than to achieve the integration and relationship of the theory with the research that is being carried out. (Castro Márquez, 2003) relates the problem to the existing scientific system, supports the problem with the necessary basic criteria and guides the researcher in his approach and in determining the methods and techniques to investigate it.
There are three aspects that are distinguished in the theoretical framework:
Referential Framework
The observation, description and explanation of the reality to be investigated must be located in the theoretical guideline perspective. This requires the identification of a reference framework based on scientific knowledge from the researcher. In this, all the information is together, theorists of others and research that exists of the topic that concerns us, but that will serve as a reference for our own research.
Conceptual framework
Within the conceptual framework, the researcher should not be specified only to the definition of concepts, but must refer to the different approaches that the authors have about the problem being analyzed. The conceptual dimension is undoubtedly the center of the theoretical framework, its fundamental structure, since it seeks to explain, clarify and define the different indicators from which the object of study has been constituted.
Theoretical framework
The theoretical framework has two different aspects. On the one hand, it allows to locate the subject of research within the set of existing theories with the purpose of specifying in what current of thought it is registered and to what extent it means something new or complementary. On the other hand, the theoretical framework is a detailed description of each of the elements of the theory that will be directly used in research development.
The theoretical framework of the investigation considers according to the following:
- Explicit and implicit concepts of the problem
- Specific Operational Conceptualization.
- Theories of theories and concepts adopted.
- Theoretical analysis from which the hypotheses emerge if there are.
- Conclude the implications of the theory in the problem.
Literature review
The literature review consists of detecting, obtaining and consulting the bibliography and other materials that can be useful for study purposes, as well as to extract and collect the relevant and necessary information for research.
To extract and collect the relevant information about the scientific problem. The sources can be:
- Primary (books, articles, magazines, monographs and others);
- Secondary (summaries and references)
- Tertiary (videos, documents, compendiums, directories of titles, magazines, authors, scientific organizations and other.
Systematization and construction of the theoretical framework
Use of literature purposes is, analyze and discern whether the existing theory and if the previous research suggests a partial or impartial answer to research questions or a course to follow within the study topic. Revised literature can reveal, in relation to the research problem the following:
- That a theory is fully developed, with abundant empirical evidence and applies to the research problem.
- That there are several theories that apply to the research problem.
- That there are pieces or parts of theories with moderate or limited empirical support that suggest potentially important variables and that apply to the research problem (empirical generalizations or micro theories).
- That there are only guides not yet studied and ideas vaguely related to the research problem.
It consists of a relationship of previous empirical works, related to the problem posed, that is, studies carried out above;Who or who have investigated that problem, even with different variables or with the same variables, but, in different temporality.
It is intended to expose what has been done so far to clarify the phenomenon object of the investigation. You must refer to the main research on the area or nearby areas: authors, approaches and methods used, conclusions and theoretical interpretations that arrived and other elements of importance.
Theoretical bases
The theoretical bases of an investigation must implement the purpose of the project and specify their research and development tasks. The theoretical bases are established in the respective theory with the subject to be studied in question.
It deals with the description of the theoretical elements raised by one and/or different authors and that allow the researcher to base their knowledge process.
- It is not a simple exhibition or copy of concepts by different authors.
- An exhaustive analysis of the theories or knowledge related to the research topic and that have an impact on the problem and the study variables must be made.
- It is recommended:
- Locate the problem in a theoretical approach.
- Relate the theory and the object of study.
- Position of different authors about the problem or research object.
- Adoption of a position by the researcher, which must be justified
Legal Bases
Point out the legal basis that supports the investigation. Not necessarily all works have legal basis. They serve to help explain the object of study. To illustrate procedures or permits to fill out in order to develop research.
It is necessary to mention: laws, decrees, norms, national or international agreements, relating the articles mentioned with their subject object of study.
In an investigation, the variables are the elements that can assume different properties or characteristics, or that acquire different qualities or values, depending on the context where they are found. The variables are closely related to the general objective of the investigation. Once selected, they are classified according to the relationship they have in the study;They usually have the categories of: nominal, conceptual and operational. The variable system (s) is applicable only in research in which field work is carried out.
Confused concepts are vague opinions or concepts that are lacking clarity and warmth;are the conceptual variables. That is why it is transcendental to define them, since in this way an authentic duplication of the research process can be facilitated.
Functions of the theoretical framework
In relation to the functions, it tells us that the following functions that the theoretical framework within an investigation meets are highlighted here:
- Helps to provide mistakes that have been made or presented in other studies.
- Guide how the study will be carried out (when you go to the background, we can realize how a specific research problem has been treated, what types of studies have been carried out, what kind of subjects, how the data has been collected, in what places have been carried out, what designs have been used).
- Expand the study horizon and guide to the researcher to focus on his problem, avoiding deviations from the original approach.
- He directs the establishment of hypotheses or statements that will later be submitted to the reality in reality.
- New lines and research areas come together.
- Inspires new lines and research areas
- Provides a reference framework to interpret the study results.
In conclusion, the theoretical framework is nothing other than a documentary investigation in search of a theoretical guide, experiences or events of other research to order our own research, and is carried out by collecting or collecting information from books, websites, texts, thesis, reports, magazines, among others, which will allow us to conceptualize the research that we are going to do with what we will be able to integrate and relate the theory to the research that is carried out.
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