Growth mindset is an effective solution to stereotype threat.
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Growth Mindset Is an Effective Solution to Stereotype Threat.
In his book “Whistling Vivaldi,” Dr. Claude Steele describes a clear picture of how negative stereotypes affect human ability. The author of this book uses his account as well as research to postulate results of stereotypes in both individuals and groups. According to him, even through stereotype exists in different aspects of life, in the U.S it is majorly seen in gender as well as race. As such, people should learn the difference between facts and perceptions.
With the current rate of education, people have grown in mindset, and this should help them in discerning. The book illustrates how stereotypes are built in the U.S and affect the normal performance of people of certain groups. For instance, as the author puts it “and I learned that we “black” kids couldn’t swim at the pool in our area park, except on Wednesday afternoons,” it is clear that different races associate themselves with specific activities (Steele 2). People of some racial groups such as whites may go swimming daily, but the African Americans do not. People should be taught that all human beings are equal and have equal abilities.
Pat records should be used to grow people’s mind and confirm to them that despite their racial difference, they all have abilities to excel in academics. The author indicates that stereotype threat mostly prevails in learning institutions. In colleges, and high schools’ stereotype of both gender and race is seen mainly in intellectual ability.
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“Black styles, preferences, and interests were marginalized on campus, sometimes even stigmatized. They noted the small number of black or minority faculty” (Steele 18). This shows that because of the negative stereotype that has been created, a high percentage of African American students believe that white students have high intellectual abilities as compared to them.
The author posits that there are some aspects of historical stereotype in the U.S. According to his experience he states that “from the stereotype of a potentially violence-prone African-American youth to an educated, refined person (Steele 57). This shows that African Americans youths are known to be violent people. This has affected many of them who when it comes to job application they are left behind. However, African Americans who have managed to grow and achieve success in different fields should be used to motivate and improve the mindset of the current generation. This will assure the current generation believe that they are equal to other people.
In many areas of life, women in the U.S have also been viewed as victims of stereotype threat. “Stereotypes about women’s math ability could cause enough disruption to interfere with the math performance of strong women math students on a standardized test, and possibly with their persistence in math altogether” (Steele 64). This confirms that even though people of different genders have equal intellectual abilities, women have been viewed to have low IQ. Conversely, by using women who have made it in accounting and other related fields to talk with other women, the current generation of women will be inspired by a factor that will grow their mindset. A changed mentality will help go beyond the stereotype and reach to their ability.
Work Cited.
Steele, Claude M. Whistling Vivaldi: And other clues to how stereotypes affect us (issues of our time). WW Norton & Company, 2010.
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