Hip-hop culture
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Hip-hop Culture and the Youths
The Hip-Hop culture has been viewed in different perspectives since it emerged from the New York City’s ghettos in the 1970s. By the then Hip-Hop was being used as the voice of the individuals who were ignored in the society more so the youths. During the 1980s the Hip-Hop was seen as a group that promotes bad behaviors among the youths in the society like the use of drugs, sex, gang violence, prostitution as well as gambling; therefore it received heavy criticism (Balram Np). The associations to these acts were as a result of the language that the rappers use when they are displaying their messages to the public. On the same note, the genre has also been linked to perpetuating a racial stereotype, and in one way or the other, the youths who are the majority listening to Hip-hop were also seen as becoming racists. This is as a result of the way the genre has been negatively portraying the African Americans. Out of these, the youths were viewed as being rebellious in the society. However, the genre became the mainstream by 1990s and early 2000s.
In the news, however, the Hip-Hop culture is considered as one of the popular cultures in the music industry. It is not only greatly considered the youths in the US but all parts of the world. It encourages the less fortunate youths in society and helps seek justice for the oppressed (Balram Np). In the academic setting, Hip-Hop has been discovered to provide several valuable pathways to art content of English language as well as skills to the youths.
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It also makes the youthful students diversify in different cultural identities that are different from their cultures. The absence of Hip-Hop in educational literacy causes a lot of harm to the youths especially when it comes to arts and designing (Kelly 53). This is mainly evident in the backgrounds where these Hip-Hop musicians shoot their videos and also the bodies of various artists who have tattoos hence encouraging the youths to venture in graphics. Therefore, due to these benefits of Hip-hop, the youths tend to like it so much all over the world.
Work Cited
Balram, Dhruva. “How Hip-Hop Has Permeated Pop Culture.” HotNewHipHop. N.p., 2014. Web. 31 Oct. 2018.
Kelly, Lauren Leigh. “Hip-Hop Literature: The Politics, Poetics, And Power Of Hip-Hop In The English Classroom.” English Journal 102.5 (2013): 51–56. Web. 31 Oct. 2018.
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