History As Education
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History is the conjunction of events starring man in the past, it is present in our lives almost since we are born with stories that go from generation to generation, popular stories, songs, we even take care of writing ours, but also, studies The different historical events that have occurred in time ago.
History is part of the identity of a people, with it we learn the background of our past from several social, cultural, ethnic, political, religious, gastronomic, etc., Without it, I would not have the basis to reflect on current problems, study and systematize the most important and transcendental facts of the human past and mutual action on each other, with the purpose of correctly understanding the present and preparing the future.
Studying history is not a simple memoristic exercise, loaded with facts, names, places and dates without any connection, above all it is the possibility that the human being has to know himself. Is to investigate the past to understand the reason for our present, and above all, see the man in his dimension; His successes, his mistakes and the ability that humanity has to be a more perfect, better organized and fairer species.
History as all social science requires the understanding of the phenomena that it encompasses and its interpretation, the help of other social sciences and disciplines that allow us to understand the historical facts in its total dimension; For example, the help of archeology, paleontology, chronology, mythology, economy, anthropology, among other.
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The teaching of history is indispensable for the knowledge of the human being living in society, we teach our descendants our own history and that of other peoples to make them aware that they are part of the great current of human history, of a process that is began thousands of years ago and for which they have traveled peoples and civilizations other than ours.
The history of education becomes a possibility of returning with contemporary perspectives to the primal and possibility Specific, interest, political and academic provisions, which make it a kind of child.
Researchers in the history of education are aware that the importance of the field for the training of teachers and research objects has decreased and that the spaces destined for their teaching have been assumed by other more useful areas for classroom work. The teaching of children is appears as social actors and not only as subjects subordinated to the power of adults, this could facilitate empathy processes.
The fundamental purpose of education at the initial level is to favor the integral development of the boy and the girl in order to form autonomous human beings, with critical, creative, independent, self-confidence and with teamwork skills with teamwork. In initial education, children learn through experimentation and game. The game must have rules, planning and a purpose.
Since childhood we have brought history classes and the truth we come to hate it, the truth is that a little guilt has had the teachers to understand what we have to memorize dates, characters and historical data. History should be a look like an emancipatory science, which serves to understand the past, but it is not as bad as it seems, it should not satanize it either, but seeing it in a more critical way we run into the point that the above has no sense, and will not have any significance for our lives, and thus have the reason to study a science so that we will not want to transform the reality in which we live
History should be looking like educators to understand the past and thus have a greater future of hope for all, people who believe that knowing history is a waste of time, are accomplices of social reproduction they criticize (we criticize).And actually we are very wrong. Every change begins by knowing what is intended to change.
The history of education is necessary to understand us as human beings, because there is no more human act than education that occurs naturally, by the simple fact of living with someone. Since ancient times, coexistence has made education, after all, the human being is always learning, and our history has been guided by our interests and convictions. Education is not necessary only for its study, because in reality no theory makes sense without practice, and no reality is better understood
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