Homoparental Adoption And Homoparental Families
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Homoparental adoption refers to the type of adoption in which the family where the child will be welcomed is not constituted by a male gender father and a female gender mother, if not, that of a same -sex couple. This was something completely unthinkable before the nineties, since at that time homosexuality was cataloged by WHO as a disease it was therefore impossible that they were seen normally and even more than the same rights as other people as the other people had. But times have changed and since then homosexuality has had more and more space and acceptance in our society. It has not been easy for this community, but thanks to their efforts they can now live their life more quietly than before, with more rights and less discrimination.
Despite the progress of society worldwide, the way in which these types of relations are seen still depends on the country. This is demonstrated that while there are countries that continue to see it as an illegality (United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Iran and Mauritania) there are others where same -sex marriage is recognized and even allowed them to adopt, although this only occurs in 34 countries of the 194 that exist. Why not more? Is any difference between homoparental adoption and parental hetero? Why are these differences? In this essay we will answer these questions in addition to delving into some differences between the different countries that allow this practice and in the specific case of Chile.
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The response to the above is yes, the main difference is the priority given to them when adopting the parental hetero couple, since there are still many prejudices regarding homosexuality and even more at the time of being parents. One of the main prejudices is the form of upbringing that they will give the child, since he is considered abnormal, which are not right (compared to heterosexuals). But studies have been done demonstrating that this is false, that in fact according to María del Mar González, part of the Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education of the University of Seville “Gays and Lesbians are such healthy and psychologically adjusted parents as heterosexuals; Like these, they commit to their role as fathers or mothers and can be equally good connoisseurs of child development and how to intervene in it to enhance it.”(María del Mar González Page 2). Demonstrating that these are unfounded prejudices, that come out of people’s ignorance and hate.
The child’s sexuality is also questioned, which, having a different upbring. Studies have been done regarding the subject, concluding that this type of parenting does not influence the child’s sexuality. In fact, the only remarkable difference between the both of the young is related to gender roles where everything is more flexible, an example of this are the distribution of domestic tasks, which develop more egalitarian, unlike hetero -normal couples where it is more common for women to take care of this.
Following the previous issue and heteronormativity, the argument that a homosexual couple cannot replace the maternal and paternal figure is used. Regarding this there are many families that for different reasons have only one of these figures and even neither, in which it is another relative who is responsible for the child, are these regulated hetero figures really necessary? Is the most important thing in raising the boy or girl as figures? The most important thing in my opinion is the commitment to take care and respect when forming a family and this does not depend on your sexuality or gender.
As I mentioned before there are only 34 countries where homoparental adoption is legal, although it does not apply equally everywhere. The legalization of this practice began more or less in 2002 in Sweden and South Africa as pioneers, followed by Spain in 2005 and Belgium in 2006. In Latin America these changes arrived a little later, in 2016 in Argentina along with some states in Mexico and Uruguay. I must emphasize that this was possible thanks to the struggle of the LGBT community, which as the first step achieved the approval of the Equal Marriage Law by changing the civil codes of their respective countries. Some countries took other ways to reach homoparental adoption such as Brazil; Where there is no equal marriage law that allows adoption by extension, this is resolved through the Supreme Federal Court (judicially) where unprecedented cases have been seen since homo couples have achieved the joint adoption of minors.
The other case that is presented to us is that of Chile that begins a little later in terms of inclusion with the promulgation of the Zamudio Law (2012) that was in parliamentary process for 7 years. The project related to sexual or gender identity in 2010 presented by Senator Alejandro Navarro and Movilh (Movement of Homosexual Integration and Liberation) is also presented). In 2015, the Civil Union Agreement is reached, which, unlike the marriage, allows the union of people of the same genre. Thanks to this agreement, the father or mother is allowed with homosexual tendency. This is the closest in force that Chile has regarding homoparental adoption, since the affiliation of a child without a blood relationship is not allowed to a person who lives with a same -sex couple, nor the joint adoption between people of the same sex. Recently the Chamber of Deputies dispatched the reform of the adoption law that will allow homoparental adoption, although even with many prejudices. Without a doubt this will be a great step for Chile in terms of inclusion.
Unfortunately there are still many people who want to preserve Christian customs and traditions, which are not really the problem, the problem is that some of their custom and traditions are based on prejudices, and these people are mostly those who have access to the taking of decisions in legislative matters, delaying the promulgation of these proposals, who can help lots of children who are waiting for a family that provides them with everything necessary to grow healthy regardless of their sexuality.
To conclude this essay, I would like to emphasize that when forming a family, the couple’s heterosexuality does not ensure that family children are happy or have a complete development of their person. In addition, it should be noted that homoparental parenting teaches respect for other identities and communities, since this community has had many problems in relation to this, as María del Mar says: “The children of gays and lesbians show healthy and healthy development and Harmonic in the different dimensions that have been studied: self – esteem, emotional and behavioral adjustment, sexual and generic identity, social competence, academic competence, moral development and social integration, both during childhood and adolescence or young adulthood ”(Maria del Mar González Page 2). Comment by barbara Maldonado: conclusion
In Chile, the approval of the Homoparental Adoption Law would be an advance not only for the LGBT community in the recognition of its rights, but also represent an advance as a society. To a more just and egalitarian society. I would also like to say that with the approval of the law already appointed, children will be giving the opportunity that many times see their violated rights, such as those of the already sadly known Sename, to have a worthy childhood with a family that gives them love and support in addition to everything necessary for your correct growth.
Bibliographic references
- http: // revlatinofamilia.UCALDAS.Edu.CO/DOWNLOADS/RLEF10 (2) _4.PDF
- http: // repository.Uchile.CL/BITSTREAM/HANDLE/2250/142548/HOMOPARENTALITY-UN-New-Type-Family.PDF?sequence = 1
- https: // s3.Amazonaws.com/Academia.Edu.DOCUMENTS/56344365/POLICICAS_PUBLICAS_EN_RELACION_A_LA_ADOPTION_HOMOPARENTAL_EN_CHILE.PDF?Response-Concentive-DISPOSISION = inline%3b%20filename%3dpoliticas_publicas_en_relation_a_la_adop.pdf & x-amz-algorithm = AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 & x-am-credential = AsatusBJ6BAHG7NG3F5%2F20200515%2FUS-EAST-1%2FS3%2FOWS4_REQUEST & X-AMZ-DATE = 20200515T165239 Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEEgaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJIMEYCIQDVOgszch%2B7LudsL0Ci2ichxl7%2Bjkx5fMsq4OohMNZwUQIhAJuTZeklo7DLkCRSB7gtVkIMssri4shyfu73AHfKpCPKKr0DCJH%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEQABoMMjUwMzE4ODExMjAwIgyLtxQu1dgH%2Fe%2Fr%2BCIqkQPvltlGWwhjptKiiEIVKRBSoBBU9%2BvheZkr4vljRQbrq3a1I4L2p4ZVRfgvfUKeu0dxoIrW%2B%2BjQq998gWEJtFX4Dm7wJYnUwDugBKU2Is2tyYtfeFruemUWpss74QlbS1DlV%2BCzD%2F8nDCpwRasqL8ht2qXmjgYkYPvA5FT1oh5m8XyTZeg%2BZV4EHgSh53Gb89jZQGjK6kEYgXH1oOZrSq%2BV% 2FdOlktFlPRzClgbLjLtwG9H3i67eEN4Ju2LCc1ZfBbinMdOBa9w4RLM7Vs4nfI1frMx99mlHM1yZoHOC1osijiRmsn4QI36ECDkV5EQsr%2FWD%2FreD9tmOD6RUPARenpzVHOAB3TzNp4c7EstaGiX2Cw1DXg0sA9W0JvZYap%2BFraumQb4VPQaBd%2B1A7RidoJCuzD%2Br3NVoSkYcVfMpp%2Fga7LTSTjrlMGAoZJynuFvc%2FJ45RjwKB2nm9tx9rwH%2BAA9Q5UxGqohacw%2Bsa6aluvd2HYXLvN6OJ0urHspWjDBfikpxOD4B7VOl6i2MFTxeM oop3zDK%2Bvr1BTrqATj8QnCDmNj%2BcKHmNKq4F3HBr344Uy4pulRFFS2B42yS6Oj3cLcLewPwcm9eAGCqPQjfXf%2FUJrLoIxbTpF%2BIl%2BxoFJCKqm3NHqSO6tXR058KQkTVbvYAAP%2BeRRWiB5jrmrB7LLOmiS1s9yattcuD3FePaGIBlAFdg04WqXde8CttFKIjOzKBvznTzd5wyb796id1VY7g6c7LnywRmLBHI3a3mtAeZ7CXGmobpygEKNToooKFVxRU21cXuGwIilmPYhLNArpkiGvqFiaDbDxA9UsdVuI5KOtM6qMHutcP91V8A1uWGPcT%2Bo7UWw%3D%3D&X-Amz-Signature=98f5e75967e329d74683280c5a2970768ccb1d948ce3faf740ee3eb56f077b7f
- http: // www.Scielo.org.CO/PDF/CESD/V8N2/V8N2A05.PDF
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