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Homoparental Adoption Today


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Homoparental adoption today


Today’s families are more diverse than ever, especially in the world of adoption: transracial, multicultural, same sex and single parents are often created through adoption. But one of the most controversial relationships are homoparental couples, or the same sex, which throughout history have been characterized by their constant struggles for the claim of their rights. This above is necessary to clarify that the following work maintains a position in favor of adoption by same -sex couples and the reasons on which the essay is based are the following: Several investigations on homoparental adoption have indicated that there are no effectsharmful to children raised by same sex parents;Children raised in households of the same sex can have a better capacity to overcome huge obstacles, stand firm in the face of adversity and make better decisions. In this way, it can be affirmed that adoption is one of the best ways to form a family because the physical and psychological security of girls and boys is protected, who need a home to fully develop throughout their lives.

It is necessary to specify certain terms to better understand work. Homoparental adoption is defined as the act of legally receiving a son or daughter, who is biologically, is not, by a homosexual couple, to provide him with the necessary affection and care to meet his spiritual and material needs. On the other hand, homosexual couples is the union of two same individuals, (gay or lesbian).

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(Garcia, 2018).


Throughout the last years, various studies have been developed about the repercussions faced by girls and boys who have been adopted by same -sex couples. Thus, as one of the most relevant universities in history focused on analyzing the behavior of these families for a long period of time, obtaining important results. The investigation of the experiences of adoptive families headed by same -sex couples suggests that children adopted by homosexual couples are as prone to prosper as those adopted by heterosexual couples. In other words. 

British Association for Adoption and Fostering published a report in which the key research findings are summarized, conducted by a team from the Family Research Center of the University of Cambridge. The investigation explored with considerable detail the experiences of 130 adoptive families, analyzing important aspects of family relationships, the welfare of parents and the adaptation of children. The study compared three types of adoptive families: those headed by homosexual parents (41 families), those headed by homosexual mothers (40 families) and those headed by heterosexual parents (49 families). The study was based on home visits to families, written questionnaires and recorded game sessions between parents and children. All but four of the children studied were between four and eight years of age, and all had been placed in their families for at least 12 months before being interviewed. 

Basically, more similarities were found than differences in experiences between family types. The issues raised in the debate were diverse, but among the most relevant the concern was included that children adopted by same -sex couples face bullyIt could be distorted by same -sex mothers. The responses of same sex parents, the children themselves and children’s teachers indicate that these problems do not seem to be an important problem. Most children in the study seemed to be adjusting well to family life and school. In addition, the interviews face to face with the parents, and with those children who were old enough to participate, showed that the parents talked openly with their children about adoption and that, thanks to their effort and dedication as parents, this was notA problem for children.

Other issues raised in the investigations showed some interesting differences. The need to know the welfare and emotional state of parents in all three types of family arose. Homosexual parents were significantly less prone to report having depressive symptoms than homosexual mothers and heterosexual couples, which probably reflects the lowest levels of depression shown by men than women in general. However, it should be noted that the level of depression reported by homosexual mothers and heterosexual fathers was lower, or in line with, the National Panorama of Mental Health. Concluding thus, the psychological problems that couples have previously developed (hypothetically if they had developed) does not affect their current environment, especially children. Being adopted makes children different from many of their classmates;Being adopted by same -sex couples could add another dimension to that feeling of being different.

In short, the studies carried out by the University of Cambridge have shown that there is no impediment for same -sex couples to adopt and also were aware of the additional challenges that they and their children could face, but they were sure that the desire forBeing parents and loving a child is greater than conservative stereotypes of society.

An obvious characteristic that has been palpable in recent years is the need for homoparental couples to share their love with adoptive children. He has been compared to homosexual parents and heterosexual parents, and it is not to say that the best development, both psychological, academic and emotional, has been found in children adopted by same -sex couples. But why this? What are the results of being formed in a homoparental home?

It is evident that homosexual fathers and mothers seem to have more interaction with their sons and daughters, because they seek to reduce problems, according to them, who caresses the idea of living in homoparental families. On the other hand, heterosexual parents tend to careless (whether in a minimum percentage) of the performance of their sons and daughters.

Homosexual parents spend more time and effort to communication and the affective state of children is a constant interest, there is a better interaction between parents and children, who are constantly looking for adequate solutions for the problems of their environment. All this with the aim of developing the autonomy of children when making decisions and promoting their development, leaving aside the conservative ideas still existing in modern society. All this was studied and managed by the Department of Evolutionary Psychology of the University of Seville and professors of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California. With what has been said aboveObstacles, stand firm in the face of adversity and make better decisions in your daily, educational and professional life.

Argument against

Although attitudes towards marriage and homoparental adoption are improving, same -sex parents and their children can still face prejudices and discrimination by people around. One of the most weight problems, according to several analysts, is the need for a girl or boy to have a maternal and/or paternal guide in their life. 

It has been stated that the presence of a father in the child is important for their development, since the male identity is based through the relationship with other men, specifically with the father. According to Mtro. Becerra:

The absence of the Father hinders the normality of development, because although the first and fundamental relationship of life is the relationship with the mother, the father figure is basic in the constitution of the psychic apparatus, causing with his lack, considerable anxiety. (Becerra & Sola, 2012)

Together, the maternal figure not only influences the type of family coexistence but also in the way in which the child’s social relations will be carried out throughout his life, stimulating his early affective development and the good advance of emotional, social and cognitive relationshipsWith your environment.

And this is not the only psychological study that affirms the need for a father and maternal figure in the development of a child. But from this theme another series of problems flows, and the single fathers and mothers? Are they not suitable for raising good children compared to families who have a father and a mother?

The reality is another, both heterosexual couples, single fathers and mothers and homosexual couples are able to raise, in the best way, their children. The important thing is the predisposition and dedication of each of the family members, love, communication and understanding.

According to David Noriega, a journalist who made a report in 2018 for the newspaper Eldiario.It is, he affirms that having homosexual fathers or mothers does not affect the development of a child, and specifically crumbles the myth of the mandatory need for a paternal and maternal figure within a home. Noriega interviewed several teenagers raised in homoparental homes who denied, with their own example, the reasons that lead some people to be against adoption by same -sex couples (Noriega, 13). Thus, as Alejandro, 19, who affirms that, a boy or girl does not care that his father is gay or his lesbian mother as long as he has love and affection as he has love and affection as he has love and affection. Also:

“You can’t have a lack of something you’ve never had, because you don’t know what it is. The problem is that people who live with traditional families have a hard time accepting other things, because they have not seen them or do not know them. I think if you can miss a advice that your mothers don’t give you, but then I ask my godfather and that’s it. In addition, around me I have male and female figures, such as grandmothers and grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and cousins … ”(Alejandro, 19 years).

In this way it can be said that the joint need for a father and maternal figure for the good development of a child, is not a mandatory aspect for the formation of a family. Simply the predisposition of receiving a being and giving him love, makes him good fathers and/or mothers, guaranteeing the effective development of the child.


In conclusion, today’s families are more diverse than ever, especially in the world of adoption and among them, the most controversial with those of same -sex couples. Although even, in modern society there has been an impediment for same -sex couples to adopt, there are no sufficient and grounded reasons for the conformation of a homoparental home to be prevented.

The studies carried out by the University of Cambridge have shown that there is no obstacle for same -sex couples to adopt and also break down a seri of reasons why homosexual parents can be considered better parents than heterosexual couples. For example, homosexual parents spend more time and effort to communication and the affective state of children is a constant interest, there is a better interaction between parents and children, so a better emotional, academic and affective development of thekids. And although there are still specialists who suggest that a good family is made up of the mandatory figure of mother and father, this is not a fact that ensures a good development of the child. Being homosexuals is not an impediment to being good fathers and mothers.

"Whatever your vote, I want to tell you that homosexuals are not sexual orientations that we roam for space: we are their children, their brothers, their groupmates, their party colleagues … we are human"


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