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How can race relations be improved


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Techniques of Improving Race Relations
Interracial harmony in America arouses a critical debate on fairness with the presence of different cultures within the same locality. Race relations refer to the connection between among people from different races or ethnic origin. Methods aimed at improving the interaction focuses on peaceful co-existence and reduction of discrimination by any one race on another. Historical background of different people in which one race was considered better than another led to stereotypic behavior and systematic discrimination of minority groups. Slavery and capitalism in the last few centuries instilled a sense of superiority and inferior complex between those considered owners and slaves. The report seeks to educate the masses on the various solutions and perspectives necessary for improving race relations. Even though, the general formulation suits individuals from all backgrounds, the report focuses on states struggling to eliminate racism.
The method of inquiry consists of in-depth research focused on four articles with the similar theme of promoting unity among different races. As such, the strongest limitation lies in the fact that the information is a summary of four sources. Therefore, there is a high probability of biasness from the different authors in editing and proofreading. On the other hand, the application of four different sources ensures more accuracy because different academics offer their input.

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The main topics of discussion would be perceived intentionality of racism, historical analysis of Jacksonville, the impact of community foundations, and creating awareness among police officers. These areas of interest are expected to clarify on the psychological, historical, social, and legal aspects of racial discrimination and solutions offered. The issue of racism and intended solutions is achievable if every member of the community participates.
Perceived Intentionality of Racism: Apfelbaum et al. developed an interesting perspective of racial discrimination that focused on intentionality. Determining whether racism occurred intentionally or unintentionally creates two classes of understanding observed as colorblindness and multiculturalism respectively (2). The fact that people would tend to check if the incidence occurred deliberately or not promotes the idea of equality and the ability to create positive interracial conversations (7). In a situation where the act was unintentional, the multiculturalism works to educate the individual or group on the possible advantages of diversity in the community. In so doing, the person tunes their thoughts to appreciate the differences between any two races. Deliberate actions are solved by the colorblindness system which educates on the common aspects of people irrespective of race. Most of the actions occur because some individuals are considered inferior to others. Apfelbaum et al. found that Identification of similarities evens out the standards as a way of suggesting all are equal subconsciously (8). Subsequently, any effort to improve these kinds of relations would require careful examination of the type of racism in practice. Failure to acknowledge creates more problems as people device informal tactics of racial inequality.
Nowadays, racism prejudice occurs more frequently through socioeconomic systems as opposed to blatant oral speech (Apfelbaum et al. 6). The result is that some people become accomplices unknowingly. Critical analysis of the type and origin proves effective in reducing racism and promoting relations among Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and the White among others. As the study reveals, it is important to understand racism and why certain people are susceptible to racism than others. The federal and state governments are unable to arrest all the people who practice racism and even if they could, the issue is a social matter that requires psychological rehabilitation rather than physical punishment. Prioritizing concepts arising from intentionality works well when the goal is to resolve conflict as opposed to attacking those who share different viewpoints. Besides, adults would agree to a discussion of ideas where all inputs are crucial to development.
Community Foundations: According to Schele et al., community foundations are a great way of improving race relations (7). They collected data from 116 community foundations and synthesized some theories on why these organizations are effective in the war against racism. In fact, such groups are important because they encourage cultural diversity within a single area. A community that understands the importance of diversity from the locality will have a better chance of growth in the 21st century as the world becomes more integrated with each passing day. Schele et al. assert that systematic discrimination continues in different regions of the country and this creates negative effects in terms of social and economic growth. The team gives some examples of socioeconomic segregation namely incarceration of minority groups, inferior school sysems, and high unemployment rates (8). The general recommendation is an active participation of community organizations in creating public awareness on human dignity and the merits of diversity.
Incorporation of local-based firms to reduce racism and promote better cohesion between races has numerous advantages. First of all, these foundations have members from different racial and social backgrounds who can influence the general attitude of residents. Secondly, the skills available in the organizations are highly likely to succeed in educating people because they are familiar with the town people. Financially speaking, community foundations are better placed in attracting donors as compared to other organizations. The general ‘non-profit’ theme among most community organizations makes them reliable to outsiders seeking to understand the community culture. Therefore these entities will exist for a longer period as compared to outside or federal organizations. Harmony and cohesion promotes growth and reduces racially motivated trends in the education and rehabilitation systems in government.Schele et al.(10) are convinced that the solution to race relations llies with individual communities as opposed to the country as a whole.
Historic Analysis: The Jacksonville Community Council Inc., in their article Improving Racial Relations, formulated an intervention technique focused on history as a way of creating better relations between the two major races in the area, Blacks and Whites. Several conclusions developed in response to the historical perspective of Jacksonville. These include that affirmative action increased tension because some members from the White population felt that the other races received undeserved privileges in social institutions. Disparities in the education systems for Blacks were deleterious to the development of the said populations (25). Children from minority groups were more likely to serve a jail term than from any other group. On the other hand, all communities agreed to a community-based system as part of the solution. Churches, mosques and other social institutions would be avenues for change and reconciliation. Low class families in the area argue that politicians from all races use the ‘race card” (23) to get elected but fail to enact changes while in office. In so doing, the political scene played a part in the proliferation of racism and could also assist in eradication.
From the article, social issues such as racial prejudice and the resultant discrimination develop as a combination of social, economic, and political trends among individuals, families, and groups. Jacksonville is a great example of a multi-racial community in America and constitutes of major systematic problems surrounding racism in America. Therefore, the origin of racism in America originates from capitalism and slavery. Families who were owners and those from slaves have a difficult time interacting because of the suggested racial standards developed as a result. Some members of the community have moved past this outdated mentality but a considerable number from both races are reluctant. Social gatherings in community halls and other avenues should be used to increase awareness and promote growth. Consequently, history should be used as a constant reminder of human dignity and importance of tolerance from both sides.
Awareness among Police Officers: In the last two decades, the social media displayed the rocky relationship between police officers and minority groups in America. Questions of whether the police department practices equality among races grew with incidences of conflict between the officers and the working class group in minority groups. Studies reveal that these communities are less likely to engage with law and order on social issues. Schlosser et al. (116) seek to improve race relations through the inclusion of police officers. The team hopes to persuade all communities, especially Black and Latinos, to trust and rely on police stations for assistance in community manners. The first step developed involves sensitizing the officers on critical issues associated with racism. In so doing, occurrence of hate crimes and its attachment to police brutality will reduce and foster better understanding among Americans. Regular seminars on cultural diversity would promote cohesive behavior in police departments. A good topic of discussion would be biased policing and ways of reducing its occurrence in officers.
The program developed to sensitize officers helps in race relations because the participants are educated on cultural diversity. For example, topics on stereotypes and institutional racism would assist in discerning situations. Officers are gaining a clear understanding that race is not a factor to consider when dealing with crimes as opposed to the individual behavior of people. Schlosser et al. postulate that some recruits identified reasons why some officers are oblivious to social trends and better ways of creating awareness. The suggestions made illustrate the willingness of police officers to improve their response as far as minority groups are concerned. More so, the negative picture displayed on social media about racism among police officers contributes to alienation between the latter and minority groups. The research proves that the legal framework is another pathway to racial equality and improved relations.
Summary: There are many prepositions on solving racial discrimination and promoting cohesion among races. Apfelbaum et al. propose that people should understand the difference between deliberate acts of racism and those done innocently. The technique improves the efficiency of any other strategies aimed at racial integration. In addition, community based foundations also create awareness on matters such as racism and provide a comfortable platform for education. Historical analysis of Jacksonville revealed that people are capable of getting along if the past works as a reminder of tolerance and respect for life. Lastly, inclusion of police officers in reducing the effects of racism shows great promise. Some programs designed to sensitive officers on instances of racism would help with misunderstandings between them and the minority groups in the recent past.
Interpretation and Recommendation: The sources from the collected data present a social and economic aspect of racism and suggest that the solution lies with individual communities. A good example is the suggested intentionality of racism as a technique for solving the problem. The paper develops a philosophical approach in which solutions develop with a view of helping an individual understand the inaccuracies of their perspective on socialization. When a person knowingly discriminates, he or she learns about the similarities with the victim and reasons why the action was unethical. The historical analysis provides a clear understanding of how a child would develop into a racist or a victim and why community based solutions are more effective than legal actions. Police brutality and hate crimes are among the topics of interest when trying to solve problems concerning race relations. Community should create more programs that focus on commonalities among groups and ways of educating people. Globalization entails that any successful person must have appreciate the value of cultural and racial diversity. Therefore, creating legal, social, and political strands aimed to unite any race with the rest promotes development.
Race relations: the term refers to the connection or understanding among different races.
Racism: the ability to assign favor to one race to the detriment of another.
Minority: refers to historically oppressed races in America such as Africans, Asian, Latinos, and Native Americans.
Globalization: the spread of ideas around the world with the aim of cohesion among all cultures.

Works Cited
BIBLIOGRAPHY l 1033 Apfelbaum, Evan P, et al. “From ignorance to intolerance: Perceived intentionality of racial discrimination shapes preferences for colorblindness versus multiculturalism.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2016): 1-10. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2016.08.002.
Jacksonville Community Council Inc. “Improving Race Relations.” Beyond the Talk (2002): 4-31. www.racialequitytools.org/resourcefiles/jcci2.pdf.
Schele , David M, et al. “Improving Race Relations and Undoing Racism: Roles and Strategies for Community Foundations.” Making a Difference 2001: 6-12. www.racialequitytools.org/resourcefiles/scheie.pdf.
Schlosser, Michael D, et al. “Improving Policing in a Multiracial Society in the United States: A New Approach.” International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (2015): 115-121. www.sascv.org/ijcjs/pdfs/schlosseretalijcjs2015vol10issue1.pdf.

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