View all "Human" ready papers, essays and assignments
First discovery of channels on Mars Are we alone in the universe? It is a question that man has tried to answer throughout history;but that very few overwhelming responses have......
Words: 836
Pages: 3
FIRST DAY OF NAVAL SCHOOL OF CADETES Introduction First, we have to keep in mind that a pedagogical tool are means through which students (cadets) and teachers serve to learn......
Words: 624
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Financial model and quality Introduction The non -profit foundation is aimed at improving situations of quality of life, child labor and of course to strengthen art and culture. In...
Words: 744
Pages: 3
Financial Administration within working capital To understand and understand why the financial administration is related to the capital administration within a company, the terms m...
Words: 1823
Pages: 7
Final essay: Respect for intellectual law is moral Today, when using so many media, social networks, and having the information so available, it is very difficult to delimit who be...
Words: 1359
Pages: 5
Feminism before and feminism now After World War II, in most European countries and in some American countries, women had achieved the right to vote, so that was no longer......
Words: 724
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Feline colonies control Introduction At present, feline colonies have become an alarming public health problem, especially in urban centers. However, the street overpopulation of c...
FDA Report Evaluates the accuracy of CBD products labeling As more and more states have been legalizing products derived from cannabis, food and medication administration (FDA) was...
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Favors and custody chain Introduction In other words, this situation results in many prosecuted are condemned or sentenced, without having enough evidence elements of conviction th...
Words: 819
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Favores and Agrifood Chain Introduction Luisa Elena Molina gives us her position from the agri -food chain and qualifies it simultaneously, she says that the starting point is agri...
Words: 676
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Fat will never be muscle One of the most frequent questions of the people who want to lose weight is whether fat can be converted into muscle. The truth is......
Father-son and education relationship Times have changed, families too and with it parents, these have also regularly evolved when we hear family comes to mind;mother, father and c...
Words: 547
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Father of modern politics, Nicolás Machiavelo This work aims to publicize life, contributions and positions on different topics by Nicolás Machiavelli. In the first place with...
Words: 571
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Fashion as a means of expression Introduction Fashion. Is it that it is only clothes, shoes or anything that is novelty in our lives? Will it impact something else?, Does......
Words: 1144
Pages: 4
Farenheit 451, Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by American writer Ray Bradbury, first published in 1953. Often considered as one of his best work...
Words: 1028
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Family model and guidelines to govern Introduction The traditional family model has evolved over time. Currently, society preaches other values and very different criteria ar...
Words: 1193
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Fall of twin towers The twin towers were inaugurated in 1973, built by the architect Minoru Yamasaki, built with a type of “tube in tube” structure system used to build,......
Factors that influence human development What are they? They are factors or environments that favor or hinder human development in a community, region or whole country. Features...
Words: 597
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Exploitation of children and adolescents in the workplace At present, children and adolescents of the Dominican Republic live in better conditions that about ten years ago. There h...
Words: 367
Pages: 1
Explanation of reasoning and its origin of thought The formal word comes from formal logic, the science that studies reasoning from formal analysis according to its validity, and e...
Words: 1668
Pages: 6
Existence of sexism in the Spanish language Introduction The objective of this work is to make an analysis of the possible existence of sexism in the Spanish language. Is the......
EVOLUTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE THOUGHT The human being by nature is a sociable being, from the caverns the human being has had to delegate and organize how the tasks were distributed,...
Words: 954
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Evolutionary Psychology of Development and Change in Human Being Although, development psychology aimsevolutionary process of each individual, in order to intuit the alterations th...
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Evolution and lies on social networks The doctor. D. Rafael Ángel Barrio Paredes, from the Institute of Physics of the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico), directed a ...
Words: 392
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Evidence of Learning and Criminal Behavior Introduction Criminology is a science that allows studying and knowing the offender and the reason for their criminal acts, since ancient...
Eugenics: alteration of genes to eliminate defects As we already know, eugenics is the alteration of genes to eliminate any defect in the genetic code of an individual in order......
Words: 448
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Ethnic notions and social conflict Introduction After World War II, the world rebelled against the fanatic and murderer use of such ideologies by Hitler, and the United Nations rep...
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Ethnic discrimination in Latin America, last decade Introduction Ethnic - racial discrimination is an existing problem since before the colonial era, which has the exclusion of a p...
Ethics of recycling and current environmental situation Introduction This article constitutes a brief analysis, of the current environmental situation of the country with respect t...
Ethics in purchases today Ethics is a set of customs and norms that direct the human being to behave in a community, honest to be decent, demure, modest and complete,......
Ethics in friendship and conflicts of interest Friendship can be considered as universal value in which two or more people have an interpersonal relationship, which is based on tru...
Words: 595
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Ethics applied in civil engineering Ethics is indispensable for each human being. It is a custom, so to speak, that it is instilled by the majority of homes;but, however, we......
Words: 507
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Essay The Leadership Paradox A story about the true essence of leadership Be a leader .. In the book La Paradoja, a story about the true essence of leadership, the......
Words: 1409
Pages: 5
Essay on the scarlet lyrics The film The Scarlet lyrics are based on Nathaniel Hawthorne's homonymous novel, whose work published in 1850, is considered a summit, the film is set.....
Words: 418
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Essay on the religious document 'Lumen Gentium' The most important document of the Vatican Council II is probably the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium on the Church, this docume...
Words: 1368
Pages: 5
Essay on the principles of nursing care Introduction The purpose of this essay is to reflect on all the issues that were addressed in the material recommended by the teacher......
Words: 712
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Essay on Renaissance artistic treaties The ideals defended by the Renaissance revolve around the aesthetic ideas of number, light, symmetry, beauty. Concepts and theories that are ...
Words: 812
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Essay on professional duties Professional duties are the professional obligations that go intimately linked to moral. That is why through this essay it is intended, to present what...
Words: 712
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Essay on philosophical movement: Humanism Humanism was a philosophical and lesson movement that was born in the cities- state of the Italian Peninsula in the 14th century. Its maxi...
Words: 687
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Essay on extraterrestrial life on Mars In 1877 the astrologer Giovanni Schiaparelli made a map of Mars after his first observations of Mars, on the map he pointed natural structure...
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