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Name Instructor Course Date Iodine-131 in medicine. Iodine-131 is an explosive, radioactive isotope of iodine represented by a symbol (I). It was first revealed through research by...

Name of the Student Professor’s Name Chemistry 2nd November, 2015 A Comparison between Steroid Based Medicines and Herbal Based Medicines for the Treatment of Inflammation Inflam...

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The Uses of Polymers in Medicine Name: Institutional Affiliation: The Uses of Polymers in Medicine Research Question: What are the uses of polymers in medicine? Review of Literatur...

Name: Professor: Title: Date: Everyday activities/foods that illustrate chemical principles Introduction Daily activities and food intake can easily be described through understand...

Schizophrenia The word schizophrenia means splitting of personalities and has its origin in the Greek language and was coined by Eugene Bleuler in 1908. Other researchers who did p...

Name of the Student Professor’s Name Biology 6th December 2015 Procedure of Autopsy An autopsy is the mechanism of study of tissues from a dead organism. This method is employed....

Students Name Instructor’s Name Course Number Date Alzheimer Disease 01419860Alzheimer is a neurological disorder causing cognitive failure and memory loss as a result of the dea...

Name: Professor: Title: Date: Present a Genetic Disease Introduction Haemophilia is a hereditary genetic disease which impairs the function of blood clotting in the body. Blood clo...

Discussion Week 1 Author's Name Astronomy (and other Space Sciences) 1) When looking at the night sky, you can see the light of different stars. If one star looks brighter......

Astronomy and other space sciences Question 1 The composition of the solar system is the sun and the planets. The following observation were made to show how the sun and......

Understanding the origin of the earth Affiliated Institution Students Name Date Due Term or Concept Definition and explanation The Universe What is Earth’s Sun, and what is its r...

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An Appraisal of the Historic Site of Laetoli Name of the student Professor’s Name Course An Appraisal of the Historic Site of Laetoli Background Laetoli is a famous excavation si...

Name Institution Instructor Date Bill of rights Introduction The bill of rights is an important document that contains or specifies the individual rights that the government should...

The Concept of Truth Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Truth The truth may be defined in so many ways, but the bottom line is that the truth is a fact or......

Temperament is what best describes a person. It is more of the factors that affect the way in which a person behaves. The factors are seemingly engraved within the personality......

Human Service Administration Students Name: Date: Leadership is an important variant of an organization that affects the success and performance of an organization. Much research h...

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Atomic Bombs on Japan United States planned to bomb Japan on 1943 May during the Second World War. In the September that followed the British leader...

Two Management Theories Name Institution Two Management Theories The concept of management differs across the globe. Theories are formed to elaborate on the managerial strategies t...

Today, many organizations list work experience and volunteer work as being synonymous. Practically speaking, this concept is appropriate. However, it is limited in the sense that i...

Name of Student Name of Supervisor Subject Code Date Comparative Essay Introduction Many look at love as a divine concept while others look at it as an everyday phenomenon. Some......

Name Instructor’s name Course Date The Lottery Theme The setting of the story takes place is a small town with a population of approximately three hundred people. In the story......

Name Instructor's Name Course 12-9-15 The Formation and the Challenges of the Euro This essay will seek to examine the formation of and the subsequent challenges to the Euro. In......

Your name Professor’s name Course number Date of submission Job and the Pardoner’s Prologue The Pardoner’s Prologue was written by Geoffrey Chaucer. In the Prologue, the Pard...

Student’s Name Tutor Institution Date Which is powerful? Religious law or state law?Religious law can be defined as codes of morality and ethics upheld by individuals as required...

Human Bones and Skeletal Health: Questions and Response Paper Name of Student Name of Institution The body has approximately 206 bones. You are asked to explain how nutrition and a...

Name Lecturer Course Date Online Socializing a New Agent of Socialization Q1 The main conclusion drawn from the article is that online platform has become a significant socializati...

Your name Professor’s name Course number Date of submission Essay on Annie Dillard & “The Death of a Moth” and Kate Chopin & “The Storm” Annie Dillard's story has...

Student Professor Course level Date My Least favorite civil right and civil liberty and the reason Civil rights could be identified as the rights of all persons for equal treatment...

Hume’s Principle of Induction In the Treatise of Human Nature and Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Hume aims to fundament his argument concerning induction as the foundati...

Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Endometriosis is a gynecological condition marked by intense pain in the background of endometrial implants with uterine consistency and characteris...

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Name Prof Course Date The Argument for Foreign Oil Dependence Introduction Throughout history many nations have strived vigorously to maintain energy independence. Nations have fea...

Name Instructor Course Date The key to growth? Race with the machines Erik Brynjolfsson explains that technological advancements, solely, cannot lead to the growth and productivity...

Name Instructor’s Name Subject Date The Great Plague of London 1665 It was the last of the biggest epidemics of the bubonic plague that occurred in the English Kingdom between......

Name Instructor Course Date Nursing Questions and Answers Views on Complementary and Alternative Medicines Complementary and alternative medicines provide a reliable and effective ...

Rights of Immigration Immigration is a global concern involving entrance of a person into another county or region for permanent or temporary settlement. The number of immigrants h...

DISCIPLINE Name: Institution: Date: Discipline is not punishment; it is a set of rules, boundaries, and limitations in order to correct a behavior. Dogs experience discipline in ea...

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Biofuels Name Institution Biofuels Biofuels are energy sources that are produced by the use of living organisms or the waste that they produce. Those using biofuels has been found ...

Ocean pollution occurs when excess harmful materials or particles contaminate water in an ocean. These harmful materials may include oil, chemicals, plastics, and sewage, among oth...

Name Instructor Task Date A World of Gangs by John M. Hagedorn John M. Hagedorn’s A World of Gangs: Armed Young Men and Gangsta Culture (hereafter referred to as “A......

Use of properties in Metaphysics According to the article by Tim Crane, the arguments in metaphysics are in the concept that some things can be identical or resemble each other.......

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