Importance, Origin And Vision Of Human Values
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Pages: 6
This work will help us to have a much broader and more clear vision of what values are and why they are so important in our daily lives. In this there are also where the values arise, what is their importance and what would happen if we do not practice or have values. All these issues are of the utmost and very interesting importance because it informs us in an understandable way through examples and events of life.
Values can be defined as that group of rules that govern our lives, which make us observe and differentiate between what is correct and incorrect in our daily decisions. The values must be present in the greatest areas of our lives, from the professional, to the everyday.
There are several values, among the most prominent: respect, tolerance, goodness, honesty, understanding, punctuality, but unfortunately little by little they are lost, since they are not given the importance they must obtain. This work intends to lead to raise awareness about them and make people see how important it is to practice them.
Using day -to -day examples is something that can be used most, since it is much easier and more understandable for others. The importance of values must be intensified in the smallest of the house, since in the hands of them is the future, they are responsible for continuing to keep those values alive, as well as cultures, traditions and many other things.
Values as we have already heard from home, and this is very true, since our parents or the people with whom we grow are responsible for making us know the influence of values today.
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What are values?
Human values:
The values explain the different qualities that a person possesses, which are considered good or have a lot of relevance. Values contain different theories with different qualities each, often have a relationship with referents of ethics and morals and even with figures of philosophy and religious.
Human values are those global references that influence the behavior that each person has, and that are established in today’s society and culturally respectively to what is seen as positive or negative. These values fulfill the task of raising humanity in their greatest diversity and capacity.
Moral value:
Moral value is everything that leads people to intercede and increase their honor as a person. Moral values mold man as to how it should be, in all his areas, this value guides us to define as a man and make ourselves more humans, for example: the person who does not commit an act of corruption, that is, it is fair, he is a noble person, with a superior quality of person.
Where do our values come from?
Throughout life, people are marking their behavior based on the various principles and values that govern thinking. Beliefs are elaborated from the experiences that each person has in the passing of their life, since it was born. Values not only direct the actions we need to accept as a subject in front of society, but also in the family environment. They facilitate a model to create collective goals and determinations or each person. Reveal more relevant interests, feelings and principles.
Reflection capacity
At present in which we are living, we observe how material values, the requirement of the ´´Tear´´ and the fundamental of the ´´ser´´, must develop the action of reflecting, since in this the largest piece is foundof the essence of man.
Transcendental obligations
Man is suitable for questioning about the meaning of his life, about the intention of his actions and even his entity. Within this, it has a type of voice, which indicates that the essential demands are not the characteristic that it can convince, but that it can eventually be used for different activities that manifest the rapid need.
These needs can be: coloring a drawing, writing a letter or poem, meditating, exercising, singing some type of musical instrument, singing, visiting children with some type of terminal illness, attending asylums or even getting more elaborate actions such asBuild houses for low -income homeless.
If we carefully examine these activities, they are particularly human, because in my opinion, no cat can visit another one who is poorly with him to be with him, attend, support him and do him company, even worse an animal that writes a poem or colored aHe drew. It is through the foregoing that I want to be clear that man is the only one who can determine that something is relevant to his life, far ahead of the body demand close to please.
Values come from that "transcendence". If the values did not exist, these tasks would be absurd to clarify because there would be no reason for them to be carried out.
Why are values so important to us?
The values are part of the essence that people possess and what apparently determines it of others within a society that is based on the elements that instruct their youth. As we grow we are idealizing our identity and at the same time building it with fundamentals that we have practiced in the course of our life. The position we have with others, is due to the education we possess and the way we were instilled in being honored, respectful and many other characteristics.
We are directed by all these types of positions to live in an adequate way in today.
When dealing with the way they see us, this is not only based on a medium family area, since it can be referred to even the diverse cultures and bartering that may exist. A country that has a clean prestige, based on the responsibility and honesty of those who lead it or respect on the part of the citizens will produce much more security and hope when establishing bonds of friendship, containing another country that is stained bycorruption, falsehood, betrayals and lies towards its citizenship.
What happens if values are forgotten?
At the moment in which they are not given the requested relevance of these, which undergoes drastic and negative changes is society, which also affect all. Falsehood, violence, lack of importance, lack of security begins to be presented and there is a huge difference between those that were raised with instilled values and those that did not do so. Those who did not grow with values could have problems such as: lack of respect for the authorities, failures in their behavior, little assessment of foreign work and even losing consciousness between the right and incorrect actions can be lost.
Some of these actions can be simple for some people, but for others they would be actions that would never perform under any circumstances, but this only leads us to the difference between the education and morals of people. In the end, it is only necessary to be better people with whom we have around us, as long as waiting for others to be.
The act of living together with values could be defined as one of the most correct decisions that we can choose as members of society, since if we do not have them, the day -to -day life would not be possible, because it would fail toA mandate and nobody would reach an agreement so we would end up having problems among all.
Without values we would miss one of the most satisfying sensations in the world, which is to be accepted by what you are really and act in a prepared, educated and empathic way, allowing to live together among all those around us, regardless of the diversitiesThat they exist, such as skin color, type of hair, social status, weight, nationality and until their age, since after all we have great value as people.
My conclusion is that the values are very important in the life of a person, because they allow us to acquire many knowledge and relationships with the other people of society. They help us in many areas and at the same time prepare us to be people with goals, to be responsible, tolerant, respectful, charismatic and so on until you enter ties with friends. The values not only serve us in daily life, they also present in the academic life of each student, in the working life of each employee, the values guide us to be better people and to make the people around us toowant to practice them. Without values there may be many difficulties in the different areas of life, until at some times the lack of values can harm us in the course of getting a job and making friendships. Values as we have heard it come from home, so it is very important to have enough information about them, in order to transmit it to the generations that are on their way. We have to learn that instilling values is one of the most beautiful and satisfying things that a person can leave as a legacy in another person, since we are building a good start in that person, helping him in the projects that are approaching and at the same timeWe are following the chain to continue instilling that to the new generations.
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