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Installation of CCTV Cameras


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The installation of CCTV systems enhances the security of an organization. However, the installation process is faced with several challenges. One, finances are required to install the systems. The purchase of CCTV cameras and other applications is expensive. Additionally, the people who have the duty to install the systems need to be paid, and thus they consume a lot of money. Also, the system comprises several storage tapes that could keep the information for future reference (VIEWTECH SECURITY). Secondly, the CCTV systems require monitoring officers who should be there to check the screens that show the videos from different areas of the organization. Thus, the individual in this department is affected by fatigue, and hence they may fail to observe a particular occurrence in the firm. Thirdly, the videos that are recorded in the CCTV are of low resolution. Some of the images recorded may not be clear for the observer to come up with a precise conclusion. Fourthly, the CCTV cameras may not record the sounds that could be accompanied by the recordings. For instance, some of the unethical practices may happen through talking, and hence the CCTV cameras may fail to enhance the security of the firm’s properties.

Organizations can advertise the presence of CCTV cameras through various methods. One, the management can fix posters that can notify the people who visit the area that there are CCTVs at the premises. For example, the walls of the rooms at the firm’s premises can have posters that could be written, “Be Aware, CCTV cameras are present.

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” Therefore, anyone visiting the area can have an idea that his or her movement is being recorded. Additionally, the employees can be notified about the CCTV cameras during the interviews. For instance, the individuals undergoing the interview can be asked questions about whether they can work in areas where CCTV cameras are present. Therefore, they can have a rough idea that the organization has some CCTVs. Finally, the visitors of the firm can be notified at the entry concerning the presence of the CCTV cameras. Also, the visitors can be issued with brochures that can indicate that the premises of the organization are installed with video cameras that can record all the activities.

There are various areas where CCTV cameras should not be available. Most of these areas are where the privacy of the individuals or the company is to be enhanced. One, CCTV cameras should not be installed in the washrooms. The installation of the cameras is invading the privacy of an individual. Despite the risk of unethical activities taking place in the washroom, no video should be secretly taken from these areas since some of the innocent people may feel offended. Secondly, the CCTV cameras may not be fixed in areas where the privacy of the company needs to be maintained. For instance, CCTVs should not be installed in the boardrooms where the members of the board may develop ideas concerning their projects. These projects may contain plans that should be secured to ensure that the competitors do not know them. Thirdly, CCTV cameras are not allowed in hidden areas (Fox). Areas, where the CCTV cameras are located, should have noticed that they are there or they be visible themselves. Therefore, if the area cannot allow visibility, then CCTV s should not be installed in the area.

Works Cited
Fox, Valerie. “Security Cameras Vs. Employee Rights.” Smallbusiness.Chron.Com, 2018, HYPERLINK “http://smallbusiness.chron.com/security-cameras-vs-employee-rights-13147.html” http://smallbusiness.chron.com/security-cameras-vs-employee-rights-13147.html.
VIEWTECH SECURITY. “Challenges Of Video Surveillance Systems.” Security Cameras Vancouver, 2018, HYPERLINK “http://www.viewtech.ca/challenges-of-video-surveillance-systems/” http://www.viewtech.ca/challenges-of-video-surveillance-systems/.

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