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Juan Eljuri Group, Discursive Epistemology Of The Capital’S Junctural Reality


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Juan Eljuri Group, Discursive Epistemology of the capital’s junctural reality


Discursive epistemes; such as progress, wealth, private property, full welfare, capital and profit, modernization and freedom of business and market; They have hidden empty excesses of belonging and content helping the manipulation and alienation of opinions, attitudes, ability to function and reason critically within a retrograde mode of production called capitalism. 

This economic order has been the main instrument for certain oligarchic, hegemonic and monopolistic groups; Such is the case of the Juan Eljuri group; They enhance society creating idealized subjects, as well as machines without speculation, which keep the consumerist regime in balance, reproduction and preservation conceiving this reduced fraction with recognition and positioning as false deities called bourgeoisie.


It is a recognition of its career and contribution to economic and productive development. This industrial is part of the Eljuri group. They are the first economic group of Austro and one of the main ones in Ecuador. Thanks to commercial discursive policies and practices, some named in the previous paragraph, of the dominant capitalist group to preserve its class benefits and maintain an oligarchic imperative approach within the citizenship, the Juan Eljuri group has been constituted and established as one of the few Ecuadorian economic entities more vigorous and powerful than through marketing cause the accumulation of goods and services, subjugating, subjecting and dominating the society of Quito.

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The forms of the economy under which men produce, consume and change, are transitory and historical. By acquiring new productive forces, men change their mode of production, and with the mode of production, economic relations change, which were nothing more than the necessary relationships in that specific way of production. Thus, Mr. Proudhon is forced to resort to a fiction to explain development. You imagine that the division of labor, credit, machines, etc., They have been invented to serve their fixed idea, to the idea of ​​equality. His explanation is sublime naivety.

The Juan Eljuri group when trying to monopolize the market and establish itself as one of the few economic groups that dominate several spheres such as sociocultural; During the last two consecutive years in the city of Cuenca, the Juan Eljuri Carol Festival has been held for Christmas times by rescuing the traditions and virtues that are part of the city, economic; By managing many manufactures and owning large companies, the GJE generates places or sources of work helping economic consolidation, forming commercial movement and industrial competitiveness; and politics; And well as one of the most vigorous groups industrially and economically, the GJE has accumulated a large part of the market nationwide, founding an imperative route and significant lucrative progress; Within the Ecuadorian state, in Pacific Quito. 

However, at first sight and frivolously, within this strategy of positive aspects that we can interpret, there are connotative connotative issues with a depth or thickness that erases the troops; They will be studied in depth in the following section; Creating an orthodox, exploiting and social inequality, fetishist, capital, archaic and conservative dissertation represented by an ideology that has to do with the justification of the power and division of capital social class. They will study in depth in the following section;  

Personificado como un grupo tan violento, manifiesto y controlador ha generado cierta dialéctica en la sociedad capitalina en contra de este modo de producción desigual que forja resistencia a través de la generación de opinión pública, una sociedad soberana y anarquista que con la ayuda de la acción política digital; cuestionamiento de la verdad capitalista por medio de internet y redes sociales; puede desalinearse y ver como en realidad forjó su riqueza y poder el GJE. Este tema de la monopolización porque bloqueó otras oportunidades a nuevos empresarios, a nuevos emprendimientos y también no se ve bien el tema de financiamiento e involucramiento en temas políticos. 

El enfoque o perspectiva que el GJE trata de manifestar y reproducir en las personas de Quito es la de un grupo empresarial sólido y perfectamente cimentado donde los individuos socializan armoniosamente para cumplir funciones sociales y laborales. A pesar de ello, con la influencia de los medios tradicionales, digitales y la socialización entre personas ha engendrado cierto juicio y discusión crítica; simbolizado por medio de una ideología que da sentido a las disímiles problemáticas coyunturales con respecto a este grupo corporativo; en la capital del ecuador. 


Es contradictorio pensar que el GJE al imponer mercantiles de funcionamiento concentrado y normas reducidas en el poder oligopólico, favoreciéndose solo ellos, se pueda cierto crear progreso en la ciudadanía proletarizada de Quito, esto va en contra de su razón legal empresarial. En el ámbito Social / Cultural se considera el esfuerzo e involucramiento con la sociedad en general para promover el deporte, la salud y la cultura bajo una óptica incluyente e igualitario en género y capacidades. 

Inclusive, este modelo promueve la inequidad social y económica tapada dentro de la igualdad de riqueza formando una regresión y promoviendo un subdesarrollo en la acumulación del capital de la mayoría de familias quiteñas. It is necessary, to be up to date and unravel some economic groups conformation in Ecuador and the participation with respect to the total income of GE recognized by SRI (Internal Revenue Service).

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