Kehinde Wiley
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Pages: 1
Kehinde Wiley ArtKehinde Wiley art entails several components necessary for the art to relay the message for which it is intended. The color as an element is used in the art to impact meaning as bright colors are used in the background to attract the eye of viewers to the action in the art. The colors also convey the mood of the art. Energy and intensity are made by the use of varying colors in the painting. The texture of the art is depicted as soft to enable the viewer to feel the delicate situation conveyed.
The art depicts violence and racism as the black woman in the picture holds the head of a white woman who she has apparently killed with the knife in her hand. The work is relevant in the contemporary world since the issues shown in the picture; racism and violence do exist, and therefore it is of importance to relay to people the effects of the problems in the society. Personally, I feel that it is essential for people to be sensitized on matters affecting the community and the results of such negative issues if not properly tackled.
The artist confronts the invisibility of marginalized people in art history by depicting the black race as superior and dominant in the art as opposed to the early art where the black race was shown to be inferior to the white race. Furthermore, women are also depicted as strong and capable as opposed to the notion of women as the weak in society. The history of art relates to how people perceives themselves since art is a reflection of the society that produces it.
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Art is used as a media of expression of ideas, and therefore, as the society changes, the ideas also change which in turn changes the art (McNiff, 67). This means that art can be used to monitor the changes that different societies undergoes through the examination of achievements of their artists.
Works Cited
McNiff, Shaun. Art-based Research. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1998. Internet
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