View all "Media" ready papers, essays and assignments
Monopoly platforms Introduction The article referred to by the work to be presented is about several companies use their platforms to create a monopoly and as the same threat to......
Mohandas Gandhi and his contribution to the independence of India of British domain Introduction The present monograph is main to analyze and answer the central research question...
Words: 3402
Pages: 12
Michael Focault and his thinking of penitentiary law The prison has not been deprivation of liberty from the beginning with a technical correction function; Initially it was consid...
Words: 945
Pages: 3
Mental illness disorders and their prejudice It is known by all of us the amount of prejudices that exist in past and contemporary society when referring to people who suffer......
Words: 1021
Pages: 4
Memories of Ecuador and the Cuacery of Men Introduction. Hunters - collectors come from the north. The pre -Inca time villages lived in clans, which formed exogenous groups. Valdiv...
Words: 896
Pages: 3
Memes as communicative satire through the Internet Introduction The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in 1976, within the field of communicative evolutionary theory. Other au...
Words: 688
Pages: 3
Media in Venezuela Introduction. The media in Venezuela began, in September 1808, with the arrival of the printing press. Brought from the island of Trinidad by artisans Matthew Ga...
Words: 540
Pages: 2
Media: Influence in the masses Introduction. In the mid -1990s, a new media phenomenon emerged in the journalistic landscape: free newspapers, which in a short time have managed to...
Words: 563
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Media educational values Introduction. People along a single day receive an immense amount of messages of all kinds through the media. These communicative means, more specifically ...
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Media and New Technologies The media are exerting great influence on the young people of society. They are characterized because it is not limited to an amount of information to......
Words: 555
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Media, access information with a click The media from their appearance are very useful in our fastest interpersonal communication society. From its emergence, until today the me...
Words: 1189
Pages: 4
Master Mediator and Pedagogical Mediation Throughout the history of great pedagogues and scholars of the event of education, they have reflected on the vast universe of factors tha...
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Mass control of the media in the history of the world Introduction. You have ever been watching television or listening to a song and you feel attracted beyond the psychological,.....
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Marketing in young people Introduction If there is something that today's young people dominate better than anyone, are technological tools. This aptitude is made most suitable for...
Words: 837
Pages: 3
Marketing, Digital Media campaigns In the head of all consumers are the digital revolution processes. Now they have them, because now, even, the opportunities to generate new bu...
Words: 794
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Marketing definition Introduction Marketing is a strategic process of organizations that goes beyond advertising, since they use all the tools to promote a product and service gene...
Words: 715
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Marijuana according to society Introduction How many has not happened to them anywhere, they tell him the bad of marijuana or just for being friends with consumers to one treat......
Manifestation of the Orwell problem Introduction The Orwell problem mentioned by Chomsky in his book is based on: How do we know so little considering that we have such wide......
Words: 1092
Pages: 4
Main structural characteristics of the Great Keops pyramid Introduction The name by which the ancient Egyptians knew the great pyramid was: the bright horizon of Jufu. The great py...
Words: 521
Pages: 2
Main Sacred Sanctuary of Islam Before the Islamic State will be declared, you can talk about a pre -yslamic Arabian that sought a consolidation in its formation as a......
Words: 1907
Pages: 7
Magic vs Reality Delivery Advertising Why do brands deceive us? Advertising has always been in our lives over the years from radio wedges to an advertising fence that we can......
Words: 1181
Pages: 4
Machismo and its effects on women Machismo is a term that covers many aspects;Therefore, it has many definitions. Some define it as the way of thinking or the attitude that......
Lovely places to visit in Dubai Introduction Dubai Marina is located in the heart of the "New Dubai", a pleasant and enjoyable site located around an artificial channel o...
Words: 1101
Pages: 4
Loss of cultural identity, case of study in the Ecuadorian Educational Unit of Ecuador Introduction The great questions about today's cultural identity is the loss of culture in th...
Words: 2837
Pages: 10
Los Beatles in Spain in 1965, memorable event In July 1965, the Beatles spent three days in Spain, gave two concerts, one in Madrid and another in Barcelona, in total......
Words: 812
Pages: 3
Los Beatles in Spain 1965 The Beatles had fans in Spain, so, in the first days of July, they offered their only concerts in Madrid and Barcelona. The Beatles defend......
Literature in the contemporary period Introduction Characterizing contemporary literature, that is, from Franco's death to today, it is a rather complicated process, since current ...
Words: 2065
Pages: 8
Literary language and similarities in the cinematographic world Literary language works similar to cinematographic: reproduces mental creations through images whose relationship gi...
Words: 773
Pages: 3
Literary criticism in scientific terms Introduction Literary criticism, in philological humanistic terms is a discipline of the science of literature that refers to the use of prin...
Words: 1900
Pages: 7
Light study, properties and characteristics Optics is the part of physics that deals with the study of light and its phenomena. We can find several authors who define the......
Words: 2857
Pages: 10
Leninist conceptions about the party press Introduction The media or fourth power have always been a mechanism for disseminating ideologies and social control, in addition to infor...
Words: 937
Pages: 3
Legal Framework of Electronic Commerce in Mexico Introduction The main purpose of this work is to analyze in detail the legal framework of electronic commerce in our country, as we...
Words: 2375
Pages: 9
Learning Evidence Life Project Introduction The present activity named Evidence of Learning. Life project, aims to reflect, as we want to raise our goals in the short, medium and l...
Words: 1880
Pages: 7
Learning arithmetic operations in students with Down Syndrome According to Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, for the improvement of Acneae educational quality: it is students with...
Language in English in Ecuador Introduction Ecuador is a country located in South America, the city of Quito is its capital. It has a population of approximately more than 16.000.0...
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Labor Law and Discrimination of Women who work Labor discrimination against women is one of the most recurring social problems in our nation, however, it is not a recent......
Words: 824
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Kubrick's cinematographic art Introduction Cinematographic discourse, that is, audiovisual exhibition before an audience, can produce an exhibition of the terrifying feelings that ...
Words: 1202
Pages: 4
Knowing music therapy: Therapy and fun Introduction. Music therapy is defined as the use of music and musical activities as a primary or medium response stimulus for a therapeutic ...
King Carlomagno, Carlos El Grande The Middle Ages is a historical period that extends from the fall of Rome 476 to the fall of Constantinople in 1453. The fall......
Words: 1149
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Jury: Fundamental right to defense and presumption of innocence Currently, the importance and great role occupied by the media in our lives are evident. So these are the main techn...
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