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Online Resources For Studies


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Online resources for studies


In this trial it will be evidenced as a digital resource can be any element that is in digital format and that can be displayed and stored on an electronic device and consulted directly or by access to the network, among digital resources are videos, podcastAudio, PDFS, presentations, digital books, remote response systems, process and models animations, simulations, games, information on web pages, social networks, such as elements that reinforce the understanding and motivation of students at the service of their learning their learning.

At present, the health emergency situation, and the difficulty of connectivity of the students allow digital resources that serve as a lot of benefit for autonomous learning, through these can review the tutorials and have a clear and precise explanation, thus facilitating the understanding of the understanding of the understanding ofThe contents and easily accessible to these information channels that facilitate understanding.


Digital resources are a tool of education that today, has had multiple changes to improve the educational process, each of these transformations positively indicates the participation of teachers and students as a means of learning necessary to carry out ateaching process in a correct and efficient way, which allows to achieve the previously established learning objectives.

It is important to highlight with what we are living, because we believe that technological advances is to have all the resources and tools these are created for our knowledge and that they serve a lot of use in the development of our academic activities and not misuse them, thank youTo this tool we pass from the traditional to the present method that is now necessary giving it due use, these digital resources are very useful and necessary because not only students learn but also teachers.

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According to (Garcia, 2010), digital materials are called digital educational resources when their design has an educational intent, when they point to the achievement of a learning objective and when their design responds to appropriate didactic characteristics for learning. They are made to: inform about a topic, help in the acquisition of knowledge, reinforce learning, remedy an unfavorable situation, favor the development of a certain competition and evaluate knowledge

Digital educational resources are materials composed of digital means and produced in order to facilitate the development of learning activities;A didactic material is suitable for learning if it helps learning conceptual content, acquiring procedural skills and helps improve the person in attitudes or values.

Unlike the media that have tangible support such as books, printed documents, cinema and TV, digital media constitute new forms of multimedial representation (enriched with image, sound and digital video), for whose reading is requiredA computer, a mobile device and internet connection.

With all this technology available to teachers and students and with all the information available on the network you could think that learning and study with these materials is a simple task;However, not all resources are suitable for all students, each student has a learning rate and therefore should have a different personal learning environment with the virtual environment in the transmission and creation of knowledge.

In this information revolution students have ceased to be mere consumers of data and facts to become active creators of resources and knowledge.

In short, as the authors say, the student becomes a passive entity to become a true protagonist of their learning through these technological resources thus strengthening their knowledge, based on a training process oriented to the continuous accumulation of knowledge.

The rise of mobile technologies has been linked to the development of mobile learning (M-learning) and the concept of ubiquitous education (U-learning), that is, the possibility of learning in any situation or context through devices that alwaysWe have at our disposal and the role of students as creative and communicative participants in the generation of knowledge. There is talks of users who develop for the real world with mobile devices that make it possible to have the virtual world with.

According to the author, it indicates that with technological advancement today it is necessary that students have autonomous learning through this type of digital resources can develop their skills and skills in the educational field and also these resources allow them to function in learningInteractive in this way they allow the teacher to facilitate learning through the tools and resources that contribute to it and constitute an ideal help for the development of their tasks.

Among the advantages regarding the benefit of digital resources, they can be mentioned:

Motivation: students find greater affinity for the subjects that are distributed if attractive means are used. Through the use of the various digital resources it allows themobjectives.


  • Interaction, students can increase their learning through interaction with other people, this makes digital resources an intermediary in training action.
  • More information between teachers and students, with the help of the Internet in this case facilitates rapid communication between educational agents.
  • Access to globalization and that thanks to digital resources can be found very close.
  • The created information is not lost or destroyed, it only circulates



  • Unreliable information, not always everything that is found is entirely correct.
  • A good part of digital resources, informs, teaches and helps;But entertainment, leisure, and non -verified content are also present, which will depend in large part of the user the valuation it gives to this content, and on the use of it gives it to it.
  • These technologies tools are considered of importance for the development of capacities and the construction of knowledge, which facilitates work by making decisions in academic activities, which will influence the critical and creative attitude, motivating the integral trainingof students, these tools help teaching performance, in order to know their relationship and can be useful to raise awareness among efforts, tools that are directed towards achieving a goal or compliance with objectives.



  • Cameron & Tanti, 2011. (2014). Ried. Ibero -American Education Magazine A. Obtained from https: // www.Redalyc.org/pdf/3314/331431248012.PDF
  • GARCIA, J. (2010). Digital materials. Madrid.
  • Rodriguez. (2009). Digital resources for the improvement of teaching and learning. Obtained from https: // gredos.usal.ES/BITSTREAM/HANDLE/10366/131421/RESOURCES%20DIGITALES.PDF?sequence = 1

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