Organisational Structure/Role of the Receptionist/Health & Safety
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Organizational Structure
Newhamilton Health Centre is a health unit which can be accessed from three major towns that surround it including; Newry and Armagh, which is located 12 miles away from the center as well as Markethill 5 miles to the north of the health center. This article explores the health center and its organization but narrows down to explore its receptionists and the eligibility for an employment opportunity at the facility (Newtownhamilton Health Centre, 2016).
Newhamilton health center was established in 1974 under the management of Southern Health and Social Care Trust. The unit operates as a business registered as a proprietorship, due to its small scale of operations. Despite that, the facility provides family accommodation for doctors, nurses as well as professionals who are working hand in hand with the practitioners in the medical field so that they can swiftly meet the healthcare needs of the locals. (Newtownhamilton Health Centre, 2016).
The leadership of the health unit is organized coherently so that each professional and departments work collectively to meet their goals. According to the business administrative arrangements, the company is controlled by a practice manager (PM) under whom are three receptionists. The three receptionists are involved in different active roles which are all crucial at the facility. For instance, they make schedules for the patients to meet with the doctors as well as other specialists for critical medical cases.
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In other instances, the receptionists may offer to be in charge of conducting laboratory tests and giving results as well as arranging for the transportation of the patients with emergencies cases for prompt medical attention, either within the facility or a referral to a better-equipped facility (Newtownhamilton Health Centre, 2016).
The medical center is a concentrates its operations in the medical field. The physicians provide a broad range of health needs including maternity, minor surgery, contraceptive child health. All the patients including the new clients who are seeking the services offered by the health unit usually have their health checked to ensure that the facility’s hygiene and public health is promoted above the set standard. It hence assures the staff as well as the visiting patients an environment free from harm expedited by unhealthy practices. The large population that is targeted by this facility are the people leaving as far as the surrounding towns of Armagh among others, as well as the community living around the facility.
The medical practitioners, the nurses, as well as the Allied Health Professionals at the health unit, ensure that the services they are offered are safe and which ensure that their patients are provided with an environment conducive to recovery. It also includes safety measure to prevent or limit chances of the nurses or doctors getting infected as they handle the clients especially contagious diseases. Secondly, the facility provides the need for any patient to have a chaperone who may be present at the time of consultation as well as the time for examination. The chaperone may be a family member or can be a friend. Another great policy is to regularly hire the top professionals who may assist the patients at their time of need for someone whom they can trust. With that, it ensures that their priority is fully on giving the best health care services. All the work for the benefit of the business (Newtownhamilton Health Centre, 2016).
Newtownhamilton prides in outstanding employees and friendly receptionist with high skilled training. The work of the receptionists may differ from organization to organization. However, in Newtownhamilton health unit the receptionist performs duties such as arranging for the transportation of the sick, especially those in critical conditions. The responsibilities of the receptionist also revolve around booking appointment for the patients to meet the doctors. He or she schedules the scans, tests as well as appointments that can be considered to come from outside. At the same time, the receptionists are responsible for obtaining the health records of the patients as provided from other health units to give the medical history of the patient, which is necessary for the doctors to examine and administer treatment. At the same time, it is the receptionist who registers the new clients, and it is, therefore, his or her duty to ensure that the records of the patients are accurate and are kept safely for future reference (, 2016).
For one to become a top medical receptionist, he or she needs to have some skills that are outstanding. Every client must be received and directed appropriately, and hence the receptionist must have estimable customer care skill. At the desk where the receptionist first interacts with the patients, he or she will need to know how to maneuver and get sufficient information out of the clients professionally. Second, interpersonal skills must be fostered. The receptionist must possess the ability to relate to customers on a one on one basis. That connects closely with having communication skills, whereby the receptionist has to receive and relay the correct information between the patients and the doctors. At the same time, this officer must have the ability to multitask and can swing into action to handle multiple issues to ease the congestion. Prioritizing is another skill that should be possessed by a kind receptionist. He or she must learn to do the right thing at the right time. Technical as well as computer skills are also necessary skills that a receptionist must possess (Team, 2015).
Some of the top qualities that a receptionist needs to possess are: having a positive attitude as well as dependability so that he or she will always be available at any time when the calls come ringing. The receptionist must also portray organization in their place of work so that nothing is left undone or done incorrectly. Another quality of a receptionist is the ability to appreciate and use technology appropriately and change with the variations in the technology. Finally, the receptionist must possess good listening skills that will enable him or her to win the hearts of the clients.
In Newtownhamilton health unit, the nurse, the workers and any other person who gets into the facility are scanned for diseases, which enables the facility to maintain a healthy environment. The receptionist is always given order depending on the situations presented. They check for the available doctors before setting for the emergency response unit. For instance, the doctors are informed before the arrival of the patient in an emergency. The kind of assessments done by the reception officer ensures that no one gets to the facility armed, which boosts the security of the employees too.
Health services need the kind of cleanliness and protection for reinfection as much as possible. Newtownhamilton offers high-quality medical care that puts all the effects in their right place hence creating harmony within the facility. The receptionists in the installation also form the standard healthcare center.
BIBLIOGRAPHY (2016, November). Medical Receptionist Job Description. Retrieved from Best-Job-Interview:
Newtownhamilton Health Centre. (2016, November 10). Newtownhamilton Health Centre. Retrieved from Newtownhamilton Health Centre:
Team. (2015, October 1). Medical Receptionist Skills for Resume: 15 Qualities to Succeed on the Job. Retrieved from Job Descriptions:
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