View all "Organization" ready papers, essays and assignments
History of female suffrage after World War I First World War In 1914, the First World War occur, this fact was a fundamental cause in the course for the emancipation......
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History of Environmental Accounting: Advantages and Disadvantages According to author Pahlen Acuña there are 3 great periods in which we can divide the evolution of accounting: th...
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Heavy metal concentration variability Introduction In September 2015, one of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations Organization, I grant water a priority for all m...
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Health system in Colombia Introduction Health is a state of physical, mental and social well -being and not just the presence of evil or disease. Therefore, contemplates the heal...
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Hawthorne studies, Elton Mayo The relationship that may exist between a group of collaborators who work in the same place is of the utmost importance since this depends on producti...
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Harry Potter birthday options Introduction There are several themes that can be selected in the decoration of a birthday Harry Potter to give our celebration a more cheerful sense,...
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Group dynamics for adolescents To understand how group dynamics work for adolescents, we must first clarify the concepts of puberty and adolescents, and their differences. Puberty ...
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Graphic design and communication between customers Introduction Design professional attributes The designer has many ways to be used by companies, in the same way that there are ma...
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Generalities of indigenous peoples Introduction To conceptualize the indigenous term, the second article, third paragraph of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States...
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Food care to prevent cancer Introduction At the base of essential care to have to prevent cancer there are a varied and balanced diet, together with the practice of physical......
Financial crisis and the imbalance of the demands Introduction The financial crisis is the monetary loss that governs in a country, region or whole world, causes the imbalance of t...
Fight against drugs and the educational field The fight against drugs is not something new, this can be corroborated in the international anti -drug regulations, led by the UN and....
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Favoring the Silk Route to China Introduction In the old and legendary China the silk worm was cultivated and subsequently the product of this crop industrialized the silkworm. Thu...
Explaining Business Sales Management Sales management is an important part of the company's commercial cycle. Regardless of whether selling a service or a product, sales managers a...
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EVOLUTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE THOUGHT The human being by nature is a sociable being, from the caverns the human being has had to delegate and organize how the tasks were distributed,...
Words: 954
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Evaluation techniques for learning Over the years, the evaluation theme has achieved an unquestionable prominence becoming the concentrated aspects of pedagogical discussions. In s...
Essay on the social progress of the Modern Age One of the most outstanding results of those social transformations that gave rise to modern society was the appearance of the......
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Essay on digital transformation Do you know what the term of the digital transformation refers to? Digital transformation is the key tool that organizations are implementing to ach...
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Equality in educational centers It is really worrying that a monitoring of the proposals and objectives set out in the Coexistence Plan, of fundamental importance for the proper fu...
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Employee motivation methods for better customer service Introduction Today companies worldwide that have work teams for customer service converge in the search for new methods t...
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Emotional salary and their relationship with employee job satisfaction Currently, companies, regardless of the branch to which they are directed, must accept both scientific and te...
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Efficient management approach Many years ago the structural design of the companies evolved, at the beginning of this century the performance has been improved thanks to modernizat...
Words: 701
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Effect of animal therapy and communication Introduction The inclusion of horses within therapy can produce an increase in commitment and improve the link with the therapist. By ada...
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Education as a social science What are the difficulties in considering that social sciences use the scientific method? The difficulties in considering that social sciences use the ...
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Educational Leadership and Distributed Leadership Educational leadership Leithwood (2009) Defines educational leadership as a task of activating and influencing others to link and ...
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Eating habits in childhood Eating habits are not simple to explain since there are a variety of meanings, they also conclude that it is a recurring manifestation of individual beha...
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Document Analysis: The Communist Manifesto The 1848 communist manifesto is a prologue of two great thinkers, Karl Marx and Engels, where it was published in various languages, sinc...
Words: 1019
Pages: 4
Disputes between China and Japan Introduction We are facing a book that includes a series of essays on the territorial dispute between Japan and China due to the islands of......
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Disagos of the Mercado Objective: Competition analysis Introduction. Globalization has led to the emergence of new markets, but also, innumerable competences;That is why companies ...
Diabetes and the consequences of Soda's abuse (Coca Cola) Diabetes appears when the organism cannot produce insulin, produces it in insufficient amounts or does not use it properly...
Dengue disease Currently, dengue disease is considered an epidemiological emergency, since an increase in endemic areas has been appreciated and alterations in the pattern of the d...
Words: 339
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Democratic leadership and coaching Introduction Through this work it will be announced that it is coaching leadership, its functions, theories, differences with other types of orga...
Democracy: Opinion Law Introduction Democracy is a form of organization, through which people announce their opinions of what they think about what is discussed. Likewise, democrac...
Words: 404
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Democracy in Mexico: Construction of an uncertain future Democracy can be seen in different ways from the moment and the place where it is required or wisheshistorical processes...
Words: 626
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Democracy: form of state organization Introduction The "concept of democracy has evolved over time from ancient Greece until now" (Mossé), nourishing various meanings an...
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Decision making in the business ecosystem The business ecosystem where thousands of companies that seek on a day -to -day basis that result in their sustainability and profitabilit...
Day -to -day pollution in the cities of the world Contamination is very common in day to day, but you knew that air is so contaminated that in several cities......
Words: 429
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Cyberinteligence to face threats and challenges Introduction There is no doubt that cyberinteligence is key to face threats within any organization, especially when it is more diff...
Critical Reflection and Reading Introduction In our current society, we are in need of advocating a plural notion of diverse modes of critical literacy that help people to be able....
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Cost accounting in the development of activities produced and business profitability Summary The objective of this article is to determine the fundamental and essential role that c...
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