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Parenting Style Matter
Parenting is an essential act practised by parents on their children to assist the children in their psychological development, general child happiness, self-esteem and success in academics. In the growth of children parents often are obligated to play an important role in ensuring the child they are bringing up is well behaved with attractive personalities. In the world today, parents often tend to use different parenting styles on their kids and the effect for sure has had consequences in terms of adult behaviour as well as personalities. Notably, in normal life, different parenting styles often have various effects on the kids or children. The surprising fact is that if parents are not keen enough their kids may tend to carry over the effects into the behaviour of the adults. Parenting often is tricky and surprising in a way because children raised in absolutely the same kind of environment can grow up into adulthood with different personalities while children raised in seemingly different kind of environment may grow up to develop the same personalities.
One of the most famous parenting styles is authoritarian parenting where kids are often expected to abide by very strict rules set by their respective parents. Punishment is always the result of a child in failing to abide by or follow the strict set rules by latter. Often the reason behind such kind of strict rules never exists especially when parents get faced with a question based on authoritarian parenting.

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Authoritarian parenting style is often used by parents who are status-oriented as well as obedient. Parents who use this kind of parenting style are often known to be dictatorial or domineering in character. Authoritarian parents often believe in the child getting spoilt should they spare the rod by disciplining their children with severe punishments (Carolan et al., 2015).
Permissive parenting is another style of parenting is where the parents often have little or no demands on their children in terms of behaviour or conduct. The parents in this style of parenting are often known to be indulgent in nature. Due to low expectation based on self-control and maturity of the children expected by the parents, the parents tend to discipline their respective children on rare occasions. The permissive parents have been identified to be in a way responsive in character than demanding in the long run. The parents are often viewed to be lenient as well as non-traditional in nature. The parents often avoid open confrontation with their children, require less of maturity in their kids and often allow self-regulation in a considerable manner. Permissive parents are often viewed to be friendly since they tend to be communicative as well as nurturing in nature and character.
Authoritative parenting is another parenting style there are rules as well as set guidelines which are expected to be followed by the children. The parents seem to be more responsive and democratic in nature and are often ready to listen to the questions raised by their children. The parents often provide support as well as feedback by monitoring standards for the conduct of their children. Parents are often assertive and not intrusive or restrictive in nature where they tend to be supportive than punitive in nature. The parents often expect their kids to embrace assertiveness and social responsibility in terms of cooperation. In the end authoritative parenting help kids to be independent, practise self-control and embrace self-regulation.
Uninvolved parenting also known as neglectful parenting is a parenting style where there exists low responsiveness, low communication as well as few demands. The uninvolved parents often tend to provide basic needs to their children but are detached from the lives of their children. The parents often run away from the responsibilities of guiding, supporting their kids by failing to set rules or structure for their kids. In serious cases, parents tend to neglect the basic needs needed for existence by their respective children like shelter and food.
In conclusion, parenting often has their effects in the long run where children who have obedience, low happiness levels, low self-esteem, proficiency as well as low social competence often originate from authoritarian parenting style. An absence of self-control, low levels of self-esteem, less competence in children are attributed to uninvolved parenting. Poor academic performance in schools, low happiness levels as well as low regulation is often attributed to children from a permissive style of parenting. Finally, happy, successful as well as capable children often come from authoritative parenting. Parents need to use appropriate parenting style which in the long run will tend to be beneficial to their children in terms of psychological as well as personality development.
Work Cited
Carolan, Brian V., and Sara J. Wasserman. “Does parenting style matter? Concerted cultivation, educational expectations, and the transmission of educational advantage.” Sociological Perspectives 58.2 (2015): 168-186.

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