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Performance-Based Evaluation


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Staffing plays an instrumental role in providing firms with the relevant task force to facilitate the attainment of organizational objectives. The task of matching employees to the mentioned job description and available position entails a rigorous analysis in which the skills and competencies of every employee are assessed. The ideal candidate must meet the requirements of the firm in terms of academic, ability and personality attributes. The assessment helps the company make informed decisions as to who is the ideal candidate for the job. The paper assesses possible candidates based on the interview, curriculum vitae and cover letters sent for placement at the firm. It identifies Anna and Mohammed as the candidates to consider for employability. It evaluates their experiences, knowledge of their work, and leadership acumen. It assesses their abilities to work with groups and motivation strategies, which would enable them to work in the organization. It recommends Anne because of her experience at the firm and thus the knowledge of its operations. The paper suggests that working with an employee who understands the company, diminishes the costs associated with training and orienting a stranger who would have to learn from scratch about its operations.
Keywords: employee, motivation, leadership, group dynamics, skills,

Performance-Based Evaluation
One of the functions of the human resource department is to ensure that the ideal candidate is selected for a particular position: commonly referred to as staffing.

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The selection process is dependent on a variety of factors depending on the budgetary needs of the firm, if the personality and credentials of the applicant match with those of the company and finally, how their values support those of the organization (Bol, 2011; p. 1555). The paper evaluates two candidates who stood out during the interview process. The analysis provides a feasible mechanism upon which the interview panel and the company can make informed decisions to ensure that the ideal candidate is selected.

Analysis of Anna’s Credentials
The team leader position at Chameleon Ventures demands that the employed people have to have hands-on skills that would enable them to oversee the critical operations of the organization. Besides, the applicants have to have comprehensive knowledge of the company’s service products and service areas. As the job demands a high degree of responsibility, it will be ideal to ensure that the chosen candidate can help enhance the operations of the organization to be more efficient by empowering and engaging the personnel more efficiently. The ideal candidate should demonstrate relevant competency to coordinate, lead, and attend team meetings by maintaining open channels of communication. Besides, the team leader must delegate responsibility when ascertaining the quality, outcomes, and progress of tasks through the provision of healthy and empowered leadership.
The first area of analysis was based on the ability to describe herself. Anna has the advantage that she has worked for the company for the past six years as an office manager. Thus, it implies that she is knowledgeable about the working environment. She is more conversant with the company’s policies and principles of operations and would most likely adopt in her new role easily. Regarding leadership, her traits come out as that of a transformational leader, who portrays the relevant interest to realize a shared vision with their teams (Carsten, Uhl-Bien & Huang, 2017; p. 27). Her experience as an office manager is also an evidence that Anna is likely to
Group Dynamics
Anna’s position in the past prompted her to work with other people in various positions at her workplace. She had to interact with employees in various departments, as she was the office manager. The description of her letter and CV indicates that Anna can make an ideal candidate as she already has the relevant experience of interaction with her former employees. She describes how she has previously worked with teams and thus has the requisite skills to enable her to realize the vision of the company. She already has the required information and experience on the company’s group dynamics. Thus, Anna can make an ideal candidate to enhance the performance of the firm.
Motivation CV
Motivation plays an instrumental role in determining how well an employee can deliver on their responsibilities. Accordingly, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation offers a reliable method to assess a candidate’s commitment to work (Wu and Parker, 2017; p. 1027). Ann mentions that she is highly motivated, committed, and dedicated. The same effects can also be realized in her commitment to supporting training programs, which aim at promoting her employees to work autonomously in the pursuit of the goals of the company. Her cover letter fails to give accurate details on the motivation strategies and activities. However, her background on achievements on her CV is evidence of the efforts that Anna put in pace while at her position to ensure the motivation of the employees.
Analysis of Mohammed’s Credentials
Leadership plays an instrumental in steering the success of an organization. The success of many successful firms is often attributed to their leadership structures. The leader is responsible for drawing up the direction that ought to be followed to ensure that companies realize their goals and objectives (Johansen and Voto, 2014; p. 4). Accordingly, Mohammed’s leadership skills were found to be impressive. He has previously worked as a manager in the organization that he severed. It is evident that he is a visionary leader able to realize opportunities that may be of benefit for the firm. He explains how he used creativity to enhance the quality of services offered by the business thus bringing in more revenue. Moreover, Mohammed is innovative. As a company owner, he was able to grow his firm and later sold it due to commitments. It is likely that Mohammed can make an excellent leader given his experience in the sports arena and general work.
Group Dynamics
Having worked in a gym setting implies that Mohammed is conversant with the need to work in teams. Teamwork has emerged to be a critical component in defining the success of an organization (Forsyth, 2018; p. 5). Groups provide an amicable mechanism upon which organizational targets can be realized and ensure the success of the firm (Renzulli & D’Souza 2014; p. 354). Some of the qualifications also indicate that Mohammed has previously been awarded a leadership award for the community. Thus, it is evident that he can work with groups to realize the objective of the firm.
Mohammed explains that he is a highly motivated employee who also can motivate others. He uses his experience to train others and empower them to be better employees. Mohammed derives intrinsic motivation from his passion for the job. Intrinsic motivation is a critical component as it implies that he also derives satisfaction out of the meaningfulness of his work and not necessarily because of the earnings that he stands to gain from his position.
Performance-Based Analysis
Score out of 10
Anna Mohammed
Leadership CV 9 8
Group Dynamics CV 6.5 8.5
Motivation CV 7 7.5
Interviews 8.5 8
Totals =SUM(ABOVE) 31 =SUM(ABOVE) 32
The above performance analysis is based on the specific attributes and traits that each of the candidates presented. It is evident that both candidates scored well out of the possible score of 10 for every category. Mohammed scored better than Anna in Group dynamics and motivation because of the background and nature of his work. Otherwise, the rest of the points indicate that both candidates should be considered for the position.
The employability of a candidate is dependent on a variety of factors. The above attributes indicate that Ally’s is the best candidate. Despite scoring a point, lower than her main competitor, her experience at the company is a bonus. It will be much easier to promote another candidate to her position and give her the chance to be a team leader. Her experience at the company implies that it will be much easier to orient her into her new position compared to a new candidate. If the company finds it tasking to replace her, then it can settle for Mohammed. However, it must take into consideration other costs including training and time to spend in acquainting him in his new position.
Justification for selecting Mohammed
Among all the applicants, Mohammed stands out at the ideal candidate to be chosen as the group leader. The candidate is intelligent, experience and offers a unique contribution to the group owing to his diversity. According to Scientific Management Theory by Taylor, the organization should employ strategies that improve efficiency and productivity (Draft, 2018). Therefore, giving a candidate with new approaches will enhance the welfare of the entire team. The appointment will also motivate other members of the group as promotion and selection are based on values, performance, and leadership. It proves all the members have an opportunity to serve in the team regardless of their diversity.
Structure and Organization Culture
There is a cause-effect relationship between the organizational structure and the culture adopted in the firm. For instance, the hierarchical structure is based on the chain of command, and each level of management is answerable to one above. The hierarchical structure necessitates a role culture where ever tier of management has its roles and laws are guiding different ranks in the organization (Frater, 2003). Some of the benefits of the hierarchical structure and role culture include employees’ motivation due to promotion opportunities and proper reporting (Tomalin, 2007). Nonetheless, a role culture lowers open innovation and curtails effort to collaborate on a project at each level of management has specific roles in the firm.
On the other hand, an egalitarian structure is defined by share power and responsibilities in the organization (Hickman, 2010). In such a working environment task culture is prevalent as workers focus on specific projects. Therefore, egalitarian structure and task culture are crucial in building teamwork and collaboration as the teams work on projects. The tendency to brainstorm when working on projects promote creativity and innovation that sustain organization growth. However, the inefficient reporting structure and undefined communication networks lead to disorganization and low productivity in an egalitarian organization.

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Frater, G. (2003). GCSE business and communication systems. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd.
Johansen, B. and Voto, A., 2014. Leadership skills to thrive in the future. People and Strategy, 36(4), p.4.
Renzulli, J. S., & D’Souza, S. 2014, Intelligences outside the normal curve: Co-cognitive factors that contribute to the creation of social capital and leadership skills in young people. Critical issues and practices in gifted education: What the research says, 343-362.
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